

Jesse's POV

I ended the call and stared at the phone.

For the past three days, I've been expecting Benson's call. I've been expecting him to call me and tell he knows everything now, but he did not, rather he called and sounded totally different from what I expected.

The way he sounded over the phone I knew he hasn't been told anything about me from his aunt, or he hasn't met her yet.

I became restless and trouble thinking of what he wanted to talk to me about.

"Jesse". I heard my name 

"Our break is over, let go back to practice".my dance partner said those words to me, 

I nod my head and stood up from the chair and went to the rehearsal hall.

We practice for some hours before we call it a day 

"Remember everyone, we all meet at the druids Hall by 4pm, no late coming is allowed".our dance instructor muttered out those words to us.

"Yes sir". We all chorused and went for our things.

I checked the time and saw that it was pass 1pm, I pick up my bag and was about to leave the hall when the dance Instructor called me back.

"Yes sir ". I answered

"You will be taking the lead solo we will be doing in cloud land".he spoke firmly

"I'm honored sir". I murmured in thanks 

"Taking a lead solo and dancing it perfectly, adds another four thousand dollars extra to your weekly payments I hope you produce an astounding performance ".he muttered out those words in a serious tune.

"I will try my best "

"I hope your best will be good enough ".he muttered out those words like he meant it and walked away from the room.

"Don't take his words to heart, he knows you are good that's why he is giving you such an important Solo". I heard a voice behind me .

I turn and realized it was a dance mate of me 

"Thanks you ". I smiled at her 

"You are welcome ".she replied with a smile and left.

I've just been here only for three days, and I'm having a dance solo by next week, this was indeed unbelievable.

Few hours I was home in Jennie's husband family home, the house was too big for me and I wondered how I will be able to stay here for the next four months.

I hissed tiredly and pull off my shoes before laying on the bed and drifted to sleep.

I open my eyes and check the time on my phone and realized it was pass 2pm.

I hissed tiredly from the pains I was feeling in my back and waist.

I stood up from the bed and walked into the kitchen, I eat a light lunch before going back to my bedroom.

I step into the shower took a quick bath and walk back into my room.

I dressed in a simple blue dress and pack my hair into two before applying a light makeup on my face, although it will be cleaned and changed before we go on stage.

I put my ballet cloths and the pointe shoes Benson gave to me in my bag

This was my first dance in a big stage for the past seven years and I don't wanna mess it up.

I made sure all I needed was in the bag before leaving the house.

I took a taxi and went to the location of the show.

In few minutes I was in front of a massive building, I paid the taxi man and came out of the car.

"This is beautiful". I whispered to myself 

I check the time and saw that it was few minutes to 4pm.

I rush into the building and asked questions before I was directed to where my other dance mates were. 

I open the door of the room and noticed few people were already seated both male and female.

"Go into the other room and changed your clothes".our costume manager spoke to me.

I followed her direction and realized there was another door in the room. I took my bag and went into the room, I got in and saw other dance mates changing into their costume.

I pull off clothes and changed into my costume before putting on the pointe shoes Benson gifted me.

I smiled at my legs before leaving the changing room, I got into the makeup room and waited for my turn.

In few minutes I was seated in front of the Mirror and my make up was done.

I stood up from the chair and stared at myself in the mirror and Indeed I was beautiful.

I left the makeup stand and sat on the hairdressing stand where my hair was properly packed, so it won't go off, no matter how hard I swing or dance.

I stood up from the hairdressing stand and went into the room where the other dancer were practicing their moves and dance steps.

"You look incredible".my dance partner Lee smile at me with a cute smile

Lee was a half Chinese and a half Japanese, but he was really fluent in English and Japanese.

"Thanks, and you look good yourself".

He chuckled softly and moved closer to me 

"I heard the audience we are dancing in front of are four thousand people "Lee spoke up.

"Wow". I exclaim.

"And I heard it's the smallest, that the biggest stage here in Australia is the stage we will be dancing and will accommodate up to twelve thousand people ".

"Wow".that was all I could say

He was about to say something when our dance Instructor came in.

We all stood in line and waited for his speech 

"If you know you are scared, and you will probably make a mistake get out of the line this minute” he spoke up in a serious tune 

We all stood there and nobody said a word.

He took in a deep breath and stared at us 

"I believe I picked one of the best dancers in the world, so I will be expecting noting than perfection".he muttered out those words in a serious tune 

"Remember no mistakes, anyone who makes even an atom of mistake will be replaced by a far better talent out there who are waiting for an opportunity like this".he expressed those words as a threat.