
Seduce him

Jesse's POV

A knock on my door got me out from my bed. I left my room and went for the door, I opened it and saw that it was Jacob standing in front of me.

“, Hi, come in “. I open the door wide open and allowed him in 

“Hey Jesse how are you”,

“I'm fine, please sit”. I pointed at the couch

“Thank you “,

What should I get you "

“Water would be okay "

I smiled at him and went for the water, I brought the water and place it on the side table.

He took a sip of the water and kept staring at me.

“Is something wrong “. I asked when I noticed his constant stares at me.

“Guess who I met today “.he asked while giving me a curious look.

“Who “. I asked 

“Benson”.he said those words while staring at me to see my reaction.

“Ohh that “. I murmured reluctantly.

“So you've met him “.he asked surprised

“Yeah, few weeks ago "

“Wow”.he exclaims

“And you didn't bother to tell us “.he spoke disappointed.

I released an heavy sigh in frustration and stared at him 

“When you saw him did he remember you “. I asked 

“He also did not remember you “.he asked with shock 

“Yeah, and that is why I couldn't inform you guys”. I spoke softly.

He shakes his head and took a sip of the water 

“We met today, and he sees me as a total stranger, I even called the name of our peers, and he couldn't remember any of them, not even me”.

“I understand, I've been there “. I murmured 

He stared at me with a pity look and I knew he was having pity for me

“Are you okay “.he asked 

“Yeah”. He stared at me for a while and took a sip of the water.

“I heard from my wife that he was married to late charity even has a daughter”.

I nod my head in agreement and look away.

“Have you try to explain things to him, like make him remember you or something”.he asked 

“I can't, I can't tell him anything about us, what if he doesn't want to remember me”. I asked 

“That's not possible, everyone knows how Benson loves you so much, something is fishy, and we need to find out.

“I'm tired, I can't anymore”. I murmured 

“You can give up “.he encouraged me

I close my eyes and thought for a while before opening them.

“What should I do “. I asked slowly 

“Make him remember you, do things you knew both of you do together, talk to him, and he might understand.

“You think so “. I asked 


“I will think about it "

He smiled at me before getting off from the couch.

“Take care of yourself Jesse” he kissed my cheek before leaving my apartment.

I released a soft sign and sat on the couch while thinking of a way to solve the puzzle.

I pick up my phone and dialed Simon number, it rang few times before it was


“Hey girlfriend”.

“Hey, what's up "

“I'm. Fine, you don't sound good is everything okay “.he asked 

I grumbled softly and lean on the table.

“Jacob met Benson at the mall today "

“Really, did he remember him “.he asked 

“No, he did not remember him like he did to me, Jacob even tried to help him remember some things, but it didn't work “. I ran my hand in my hair and hissed softly.

“This is bad, this is really bad “.

“I know, but don't you think I need to do something”. I asked

“Something like what “.he asked 

“I don't know, anything”. I stood up and walk aimlessly in the sitting room.

Tony took a deep breath and kept silent for a while before he spoke up 

“I think you should seduce him and try to have sex with him maybe he can gain his memory or remember you “. 

“What sort of idea is that “. 

“What will he think of me “. I spoke in anger 

“Listen Jesse, think of the brighter picture, if doing that will make him remember you, then why not take the risk and do it “. Tony tried to convince me.

I hissed and thought of the plan and realized it wasn't that bad, the worst that could happen is him pushing me away.

“So how do I do it “. I asked 

“Very good, this is the plan. You will go to his house and invite him for your birthday party”

“Birthday party?”. I asked confused

“Yeah "

“But it's not my birthday”

He grumbled before speaking up 

“I know Jesse, we will just have to do it that way”

“Okay, so what next “. I asked 

“Then you will have to seduce him “. I could hear his soft chuckles on the phone.

“This is not funny Simon. I spoke in annoyance 

He chuckled softly over the phone and I just kept rolling my eyes, this is one bad thing about Simon he always jokes on every serious matter.

“I'm going to end this call”. I spoke in annoyance

“Sorry, you know this is funny. I can't believe Benson can't remember you and you have to go through all this stress just for it, it's indeed funny”. He kept on laughing loudly, I got irritated and ended the call.

“Fuck you “. I spoke in annoyance.

I will have to do it myself, but how do I seduce Benson .can I even do it, what if he doesn't come for the party and decided to just send a gift instead then my plan will be drained.

“Seduce him “. I whispered to myself

How do I seduce this new Benson without him pushing me away .if it were to be the old Benson, then it wouldn't have been a problem to me. But this Benson is different and sees me differently.

I grumbled tiredly and sat on the couch.

If he is indeed the Benson I knew twelve years ago then my seduction will definitely work on him because I knew his weak spot.

“Come on Jesse, you can do it " I encouraged myself.