
Rethink your decision

Jesse's POV

I blink my eyes twice, so I could adjust the light coming from the window 

I hissed softly and stood up from the bed, I stared at the other side of the bed, but there was no Benson, but I knew he came home last night. 

I knelled and said a silent prayer before going to the bathroom, I took a quick bath and put on a simple clothes before arranging the bed and cleaning the room. 

I went downstairs and saw Lilly in Benson's laps giggling happily, she noticed me and came down from Benson's laps 

“Good morning miss Jesse".she stood before me with a smile 

"Morning dear ". I smiled at her and raffle her hair, 

“So what are we having for breakfast ?". I directed those questions to Linda 

"Pancakes". Linda replied from the kitchen, 

"Alright". I let go of Lilly's hair and went straight to the kitchen 

I helped in preparing the breakfast with Linda and kept them on the table. 

Benson and Lilly joined us in the table, and we eat silently, but I could notice Benson's constant gaze on me as we kept on eating. 

I met eyes with him, and he did not bother looking away, rather he stared back at me like he was trying to Pierce through my soul. 

I swallowed nervously and look elsewhere apart from him. 

"I should go dress up ". Lilly stood up from the chair, 

"Where are you going?" I asked, 

"I'm going to spend the day with grandaunt". Lilly declared happily 

I stared at Benson before staring at happy Lilly 

"That's nice, have fun okay ". I smiled at her before she left the table with Linda. 

I and Benson ate silently and none of us said a word until we were through. 

I stood up, arranged the plate and took them back to the kitchen and washed them before keeping them properly in the rank. 

I came out and noticed Lilly was already dressed up and was about leaving with Benson 

"Have fun" 

"Don't you want to come with us ?".she asked 

" no dear". I smiled at her and raffles her hair, 

"See you later ". She waved her hands at me and left with Benson. 

I waved back at her before going back to the room . 

I went back to the room and saw the divorce paper on the reading table, I took it and realized he hasn't signed on it yet. 

I kept it back on the table and waited for his return. 

I brought out my clothes and started arranging them for tomorrow. 

I pick up my phone and called Jeannie, it rang few times before it was picked 

"Hey Jeannie". I called out 

"What's up " 

"I'm fine, I'm actually preparing my things for tomorrow". I muttered out those words and sat on the bed, 

"Are you sure about this ?". Jennie asked, 

I Hissed softly and stared around the room for a while before I spoke up 

"I think this is the best decision". I murmured 

Jennie kept quiet over the phone before speaking up  

"You know I'm always right behind you in whatever decision you may take " 

"Thanks ". I murmured 

"So when is your flight?" 

"1pm tomorrow afternoon ". 

"Alright I'll wait for you at the airport ". 

"Alright thanks ,bye ". I muttered out those words and kept back the phone. 

I stood up from the bed and went for my remaining clothes in the closet. 

I open my bag and starts folding it neatly as I put them in the bag, I was still folding my cloths when I noticed a knock-on my door 

"Come in " 

The door open and Linda came walking in 

"I'm going out with my siblings I was thinking if you will like me to do anything for you ?".she asked 

"No dear I'm fine ". I smiled at her, 

She smiled back at me before staring at my bag of clothes 

"Are you going somewhere?".she asked 

I smiled at her but didn't know what to say to her, 

She stood there and stared at me with curiosity, it was obvious she was expecting answers from me, but I didn't know what to reply her with. 

"Are you leaving".she murmured 

I nod my head but didn't say a word 

"Why ?".she asked while staring at me, 

I hissed but didn't say a word 

"Did you and sir have a fight".she asked 

I shake my head and sat on the bed before speaking 

"It's a long story ". I murmured 

We kept quiet and none of us said a word until she spoke up 

"What about Lilly, she had grown to love you, will you just leave her and go just like that ". 

I took a deep breath but didn't know what to say. 

She was right Lilly as grown to love me so do I, but I can't keep staying with Benson when I know he sees me as a cheat and all he wanted was revenge for something I never did.

"Miss Jesse".she called out my name

I turn and stared at her 

"Can you at least rethink your decision ".she begged 

I shake my head at her, if only she knew it wasn't my decision to make, if only she knew I didn't have a choice in this.

I just can't keep clinging to Benson, I have to live my life and forget everything about Benson, I knew it will be hard, but I have to do it.

"You won't understand, Linda, you just won't understand". I spoke in half tears, 

Linda noticed my mood and moved closer to me and sat on the bed beside me with her hand on my shoulder 

"You can talk about it, I'm listening ".she whispered in a caring voice 

I stared at her and saw the sincerity in her voice.

I took in a deep breath and wipe off the tears drops from my cheek and thought of a way to start my story.

"It's okay if you want sometime alone ".she suggested, 

I shake my head and stared at her before speaking up.