

Jesse's POV

I felt pain, anger, and hatred as I stared into his eyes.

How dare him after all these years have the guts to hurt me again.

I left him standing there and walk into the house, I got in and saw Lilly eating lunch, she saw me and flashed me a big smile 

"Come join me"

I chuckled softly and sat on the dinning table with her.

"What are you eating?" I asked while looking at what was on the table 

"I'm eating pancakes".she replied happily 

"That's nice ". I pick up a plate and dish in some food in the plate

"I'm Linda".the housekeeper introduced herself 

"Nice meeting you, I'm Jesse".I smiled at her and went for the food. 

I started eating and noticed Linda curious eyes on me and I find it weird.

I ignored her and kept eating, but she was still staring at me.

"Hey princess ". I heard Benson's voice, 

"Hey Dad ". Lilly giggled happily, 

"You are eating without daddy ". Benson asked while taking a seat beside Lilly.

Lilly smile softly and kept on eating her food.

I met eyes with Benson and quickly look away.

We ate in silence until we were done, I went back to the room and I started arranging the few things I came with when Benson walked into the room.

He stood by the door with folded arms, staring at me.

I stopped what I was doing and stared back at him before speaking up, 

"Do you have anything to say to me". I asked 

He did not say a word rather he stares at me with curiosity and I find it really weird.

I bite my lips nervously thinking of a way to get him to talk, I need to know if his aunt has said anything about me to him because I was sure he hasn't gotten back his memory.

An idea came to my head and I spoke up, 

"When will I see your aunt ?". I asked 

"Why do you want to see her".he asked while staring at me with a quizzical look 

"At least for we to get to know each other". I muttered out 

He stood there and stared at me for a while before he moves into the room and sat on the couch 

"There is no need to know each other, you are here to help me, you are not married to me ".he spoke firmly.

Hearing those words from him, I left what I was doing and walk up to him with anger and pain.

"Why do you hate me this much ". I asked, heartbroken.

If his aunt didn't say anything to him and if he doesn't remember anything, then why is he acting this way towards me.

He did not say a word, rather he stood up from the couch and wanted to walk away, but I held him back, 

"I asked a question". I said those words while staring directly into his eyes.

Unexpectedly he pushes me to the wall and stared at me with so much anger and hatred and I wondered if this was truly Benson.

"You want to know why I hate you this much ?" He yells in anger and frustration.

"You want to know why I despise you this much, huh?" He asked with anger while he tightens his grip on me.

"You are hurting me". I tried speaking up, but he cut me off, 

"I'm hurting you ?" He yelled in anger

"Don't you dare talk to me about being hurt".he yelled in so much anger and hatred that I couldn't recognize if he was indeed Benson.

He stared at me with so much hatred before removing his grips on me and turn his back on me.

I stared at him and realized he was trying to control himself.

"So you lied to me ". I asked in tears

"Your aunt must have told you things right ?" I asked in pain 

He turned and stared at me with anger and hatred that I wondered what his aunt might have said to him 

"My aunt didn't have to tell me anything because I remembered all that happened".he declared angrily 

"You REMEMBER?" I asked while seizing my breath 

He chuckled softly and stared at me furiously 

"I remember everything, every pain you made me went through I remember all of them ".he replied angrily 

"Pain?" I asked confused

He chuckled evilly and stared at me with anger 

"So you don't know what you did, you've forgotten what you did ".he yelled angrily.

Hearing those words from him, I realized he was talking about that night he saw me at the club dancing with Jennie's friend.

"But that was twelve years ago, and I never cheated on you, you just wouldn't listen to me ". I tried explaining, but he cut me off.

"Stop it, just stop it ".he declared in anger, 

I stared at him shocked and confused 

He walks up to me and stood before me so that we were just an inch apart.

"I went through pains because of you, because of what you did I did something I would never have thought of doing and that destroyed my life, I lost good friends and couldn't remember them, and the worst part of it all was that my aunt went through pains just because of you ".he declared in anger 

"Just because of me?" I asked confused 

He chuckled evilly and stared at me with those green eyes I always find fascinating, but today I was scared of those eyes because they hold anger, revenge, and hatred towards me 

"Just that one action of yours ruined my life and that of my aunt ".he muttered out those words in anger 

"What do you mean ?" I asked confused

He moves away from me and stood by the window.

Staring at him, I felt tears drop on my cheek and I couldn't hold it anymore.

I walk up to him and tightly hugged him

"Stop this Benson you are hurting me ". I yelled in tears 

He pulled me roughly away from him and stared at me with anger and hatred, this Benson was different from the Benson I fell in love with .the Benson I fell in love with, will never allow tears drop on my cheek or look at me this way.

"You are hurt?" He asked in anger, 

I stared at him shocked and in pain, 

"I will show you how it feels to get hurt".he declared angrily.