
Remember everything

Benson's POV

"Hey". Jay's girlfriend smiled at me and sat on the bed 

"What's wrong with him ?" She directed those questions to jay.

"He caught his girlfriend cheating on him" jay murmured and sat beside me.

"I'm so sorry ".she taps my shoulder and stares at jay.

"Why don't you give him something that will ease the pain and help him forget the pain for a while".she muttered out those words while staring at me.

"He doesn't take drugs".jay spoke up 

"Common it's just for today, if you allow him stay this way he might hurt himself".she spoke up 

Jay hissed and stared at me 

"Will you like to take something that will help ease the pain ".he asked 

I heard him but did not say a word.

"It will help ease the pains, you are in so much pain man ".he begged 

I still did not say a word.

He stood up and went to his drawer, he brought out the substances and kept them on the floor 

"Try it and see ".he placed it in my hand 

"Try it, it will help ".he assured me 

I hissed and tried it and noticed that it was a bit uncomfortable for me 

"I can't man ". I tried giving it back to him, but he refused taking it 

"Try it again"

I stared at him and took a drag of it and this time it was comfortable.

"You like it ?".he asked.

I did not reply him rather I just took another drag of it.

"Here " he kept another substance in front of me.

"What's this ?" I ask.

"Just take it ".

I stared at the substance before taking all in my mouth.

"You like it ?" He asked 

I did not reply him rather I kept on dragging the substance in my hand.

"Let me join you guys".his girlfriend sat on the floor and took a sip of the substance

"This is too strong, you cannot carry it".he tried stopping her, but she refused and took the drug.

I ignored them and kept on dragging the substance until I felt a strong pain in my head 

"What is it?" Jay asked 

"My head is pounding in pains ". I scream those words and fell on the floor.

I felt a strong headache in my head and I tried to open my eyes.

I opened my eyes and saw aunt and a nurse staring at me 

"Are you okay ?"aunt asked 

I hissed and sat on the bed staring at aunt.

I stared at aunt, and then I remembered everything, I got all my memory back. those that I couldn't remember I remember all now.

I knew who Jacob was, I knew who Victoria was, and I knew I got married to charity, and she is dead I remember everything, everything that went on in my life.

I also remember Jesse, I remembered how much I loved her and I remembered how I found out she was cheating on me, I also remember I met her again after twelve years and she pretended we were strangers.

I remember every fucking thing.

"How are you ?" A doctor walk in smiling at me.

"I'm fine "I murmured

"How long have I been here "? I asked when I noticed Aunt dress was different from the last one I saw her she was putting on.

"Three days ".aunt spoke up 

"The doctor said you were recovering your memories that's why you were in coma".aunt spoke up.

"Do you remember anything?" Aunt asked while staring at me with curiosity.

I took in a deep breath and relax on the bed with my eyes closed.

"I remember everything ". I murmured.

Aunt hissed in relief and came close to me 

"I remember all you went through for me, I remembered the night I caught you shading tears because of me, I remember everything aunt ". I took her hands in mine.

"You went through pains and I will make sure she goes through the pains you went through". I said those words as a promise.

Aunt smiled at me but did not say a word.

"Where is Lilly?" I asked while staring around 

"She isn't here, I lied to her that you travelled for a business trip ".aunt responded

I hissed and took in a deep breath.

"I want to go home doctor".

"Alright, we just have to run few tests on you, and then you are free to go home "

"Thank you ". I murmured and lay on the bed.

I closed my eyes and all I could  feel was the hatred I have for her, I thought I loved her but that love was now replaced with hatred, anger, and vengeance.

She still loves me and I will use the love she has for me as her weakness and deal with her.

"Can I get my phone ". I asked aunt 

She went for her bag and brought out my phone.

I took my phone and search for the number Jesse gave to me .

I took a deep breath before dialing her number, it rang a few time before it was picked.

"Benson?" She calls out 

I groan silently in anger before speaking up 

"Hey Jesse"

"Hey Benson, I've been expecting your call".she murmured in a shattering voice it was obvious she knew I might have heard everything from aunt.

"Sorry I've been busy lately, where are you ?,can we see I want to discuss something important to you ".

"Is something wrong with you ?" She asked in fear 

"No everything is fine I just need to see you". I spoke almost like a pled.

She kept quiet for a while before she spoke up 

"We will be done with the show by 8pm, so we can see after the show ".

"Very well then, I'll see you "

"See you "

"See you ". I replied and ended the call.

"What are you up to ?" Aunt asked while staring at me with curiosity.

"You have no idea what I have in mind ". I chuckled softly.

I went through pains just because of her not just me but my aunt, and she thinks I will let it go just like that.

"Let the game begin". I whispered to myself.