

Benson's POV

"Thanks for the dinner".  I said those words after we finished eating the dinner.

"It's nothing, I should be the one thanking you ". she flash me a big smile and stood up from the table

"Let me help you clear the table ".

I stood up from the chair and pick up the plate with her.

She smiled at me before leading the way to her kitchen.

We got to her kitchen and put the plate in the sink.

"I'll wash it ". she speaks up, 

"Okay, I will arrange them". I offered 

"No, that will not be necessary".she spoke up 

"I want to, allow me ".

She stared at me for a while before nodding her head in agreement.

She put on the tap and started washing the plate.

I stood beside her and arranged the plate after she finished washing them.

Within some minutes, we were through with the plate.

"Thanks for helping". She said those words as soon as we left the kitchen.

"It's nothing". I replied, 

We stood there in an awkward silence and none of us said a thing.

Everything in me was asking me to tell her goodnight and walk out of the apartment,, but I couldn't, I just stood there awkwardly without saying a word.

"Will you watch a movie with me?". She asked 

"Sure". I did not know when that left my mouth.

She smiled at me and led the way.

We got to her sitting room, and I sat on the couch. She switched on the television and connected her disk. 

She turns and faced me 

"What kind of movie would you like? ".she asked 

"Anything watchable, will be fine by me, “. I responded.

"Alright". She turns back to the television and search for movies, before she stopped at one.

"Let's watch this ".

She left the TV and sat beside me.

"What's the name? ". I asked 

"The notebook".she replied

I nod my head and focused on the movie,

We watch the movie in silence until the movie was over.

"Such love". Jesse said those words and went to the TV.

She off the TV and walk back to me.

"I should start going ".  I stood up from the couch but didn't move an inch.

We stared at each other, but none of us said a word.

"I'll go open the door for you ". she tried to move away,, but I pull her to myself.

"What are you doing? ". She asked nervously.

I did not say a word, rather I stared into her eyes, which look so familiar to me.

"Benson". she calls out 

"Shuuu".  I told her not to say a word.

I brought forth my hand and tenderly caress her cheek. she took in a deep breath and closed her eyes.

Everything in me was telling me to stop what I was doing and get out of Thais place,, but I couldn't.

I left her cheek and lightly stroke her hair, 

"Beautiful".  I muttered out 

She hissed softly and open her eyes, staring at me with shock.

"What are you doing? ". she asked with a shattering voice.

I ignored her and slowly place my fingers on her lips.

"Soft ".  I muttered out 

"Ben". she was about to say something when I pull her to myself and sealed her lips with mine.

I deepen the kiss and lifted her to myself.

I lifted her and made her seat on my laps.

I grip her waist and deepen the kiss, while she roughly took hold of my hair.

We kissed for a while before I broke the kiss.

I stared at her, but notice she was avoiding my gaze.

"You should go ".she murmured

I stared at her in shock.

She has been the one wanting things like this, but here she was asking me to leave.

She stood up from my laps and sat beside me.

"That was a mistake, we shouldn't do that again, “.she spoke firmly.

I stared at her in shock, 

"A mistake?".  I asked, confused.

"Yes, it's late ,Lilly must be looking for you ". she stood up from the couch and stood beside me.

I stood up and stared at her,, but she avoided my gaze.

"Goodnight". she murmured 

I stared at her, but she looks away.

I hissed softly and left the apartment.

I walk to our apartment and saw Lilly in Samuel's leg 

"You are back, she was looking for you ".he spoke up 

I just nod my head and walked to my room.

I hissed angrily and sat on my bed, I pull off my shoes and angrily threw them on the floor like a child.

I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration and annoyance.

I was angry at myself and also at Jesse.

Why would she reject me when she has been the one who had been wanting this.

I stood up from the bed and pull off my clothes before walking to the bathroom. 

I on the shower and allowed the cold water to fall on me.

I closed my eyes and hissed in anger.

With my eyes closed, all I could think of was Jesse and how soft her lips were.

I groan in anger and put off the shower. I tied a towel on my waist and walk into my room.

I cleaned my body and put on my night wear, I sat on the bed and tried to get my mind off from Jesse,, but I couldn't. I was boiling in anger and range. But there was something else.

I was hurt.

I hissed softly and walk to my window, I stared at Jesse's apartment and saw that the light we're already switched off.

I groaned in anger and left my window.

She has gone to bed while I was here, killing myself over her.

I lay on my bed but couldn't get her off my head.

"Two weeks, just two weeks and all this will be over ".