
Pleasant surprise

Benson's POV

Rated 18

“Hey Dad, you are back “. Lilly ran to me and gave me a hug.

“Hey princess, how was your day “. I stroke her before kissing her cheek.

“It was fun, I and grandma had a lot of fun”.she spoke happily again.

“That's nice "

“Daddy can we play hide-and-seek “.she asked

I smiled at her and ran my fingers in her hair 

“No dear, dad had a tough day and need to rest okay ?”.

She nods her head and kissed my cheek before going back to her room.

“Are you okay, Benson”. Mrs Sonia stared at me with curiosity in her face, 


I said those words and went to my room. I removed my cloths and walk to the shower, I turn on the shower and stood in it with my eyes closed.

With my eyes closed I recall all that happened few minutes ago, the things we did and how it felt right, and the hurtful words I said to her. I hissed and roughly wash my hair in anger.

I was angry and full of range, but I did not know the reason for that.

I closed my eyes and all I could see was the pain, AND how hurt she felt when I said those words to her. Why was she having these effects on me, why was I worried about how she felt when it wasn't supposed to bother me this much.

I walk out of the shower and tie a towel around my waist while I walk back to my room. I got to my room and lay on my bed with my towel on and my eyes closed when a memory flash in my eyes.

“Hey baby “.a girl who I couldn't see her face clearly, kissed my cheek.

I chuckled softly and made her sits on my laps.

“How are you, baby “. I gently stroke her hair while I place kisses all over her body. 

She giggled happily and told me to stop.

“Can you come home after class “. She asked with her hands on my shoulder

“Yeah, but why “. I asked out of curiosity, 

She laughed softly, and it feels like have heard someone sound like that, but I couldn't get who it was.

“Just come, and you will see “.she stood up from my laps and kissed me softly on the lips before walking away.

“I won't be late “. I shouted, 

She chuckled softly and left my sight.

I opened my eyes and felt a strong headache.

What was that, and who is this girl who seems to be my girlfriend, and why couldn't I see her face.

“This is strange, really strange”. I whispered to myself

I can't remember having such memory in my entire life, and the environment I saw, was different but looks familiar to me.

I hissed softly and put on my pajamas and hop on the bed, before I drifted to sleep.

“Baby, am here “. I found myself in a strange house.

“Come upstairs " the girl shouted

I chuckled softly and began climbing upstairs, I got to a room and opened it without knocking.

The moment I open the door, I found the strange girl naked with just her panties on.

I moved closer to her and pulled her to myself, 

“You look sexy “. I whispered seductively in her ear.

She giggles shyly and look away.

“So is this the surprise you have me “. I asked while caressing her cheek, 

“Yes, don't you like it “.

“I don't like it, but I love it “. I softly pull her closer to me and took her lower lips in mine before fully taking her full lips. I kissed her gently while she moans in the kiss.

“I want you “.she moans in the kiss.

“Me too “. I let go of her lips and carried her to the bed. 

I lay her on the bed and started placing kisses on her exposed thighs and stomach, before going for her neck 

“Babe”.she moans softly and took hold of my head. 

I left her neck and gently unhoke her bra 

“Beautiful”. I whisper while I took her breast in my mouth.

She moans loudly, and I could feel her body shakes in pleasure.

“I need you please”.she begged, 

“Not yet “. I whisper and left her breast to her flat stomach.

I place kisses on her stomach before slowly tracing my fingers to her thighs, she moans and screams in pleasure when I put a finger in her.

“So tight as always “. I murmured in pleasure before putting a second finger in her.

“Benson”.she screams my name in pleasure.

“Yes, baby, tell me what you want “. I whisper in her ear, 

“I need you to fuck me “.she whispered softly. I chuckled softly and kissed her lips before removing her pant and threw it on the floor.

I removed my cloths while she licks her lips and stares at me with so much lust in her eyes.

“Like what you see ?“. I asked while running a finger in my abs.

She chuckled softly and look away.

I climbed on the bed and knell between her.

I kissed her softly while I put a finger in her again. She moans and took hold of my hair in pleasure.

“Are you ready “. I asked while I gently stroke my already hard dick.

She nods her head and seductively bites her lips. I groaned in pleasure and gently put my dick at the entrance of her pussy. 

“I will go gentle”. I whisper.

I gently push in slowly till I was all inside of her.

She moans in pain and pleasure and roughly took hold of my hair.

The moment I was all inside of her, I stopped and kissed her lips slowly before whispering in her ears.

“I'll go gentle, okay “. I whisper and noticed her body shakes in excitement and pleasure.