
Next door neighbor

Benson's POV 

It's three weeks to Christmas and I could see how Lilly running around saying how Christmas would be fun to celebrate here .she has already listed all the things she would do, and I couldn't get the courage to tell her that we should leave, so I decided to allow her spend the Christmas here.

“Papa we need to buy more Christmas lights”. I was in my room when Lilly ran to me saying those words.

“Okay dear, we will get it later “. I said those words still typing on my computer.

“No daddy, we have to go now, if not, we won't see a better one “.she dragged my hand and stopped me from working.

I hissed in frustration and wanted to shout at her but the moment I met eyes with her, I found myself getting weak, and I couldn't do a thing.

“Let's go “.she dragged my hand and pull me out from the chair.

“Okay fine, but at least let me change “. I begged 

She stared at me for a moment before speaking up 

“Fine, but you have five minutes”

“Yes ma'am”. I replied while rolling my eyes at her.

She left my room and I changed to a more comfortable clothes before leaving my room.

“Let's go papa”.she took hold of my hand and dragged me out of the house.

There was no need talking a car, so we have to walk to the mall.

Few minutes we were at the mall searching for Christmas lights and decorations.

“Over there “. Lilly pointed at a shop filled with Christmas lights and decorations.

I hissed softly while she dragged me to the direction of the shop, I look around the mall and noticed almost everyone knew each other as they call each other by their names except for I and Lilly.

“I love this “. Lilly pointed at some Christmas lights 

“We would like to take two of those”. I pointed at the lights Lilly wanted to the shop owner.

“And that one “. Lilly pointed at another sets of Christmas lights.

“Please add those”. I pointed the lights to the shop owner.

He packed everything, and I was about to pay when someone calls out to Lilly.

I turn around and saw that it was a new friend she made.

“I'm coming papa”. She ran off and left me at the shop.I hissed softly and brought out some cash and paid for the items.

“Give me two of those “. Someone said those words from behind.

I turn around and met eyes with a guy who was about my age, he met eyes with me and I could see shock written all over his face.

“Benson”. He screams in excitement and hugged me tightly like I was so kind of lost friend.

“Jesus, look at you bro, where have you been “.he spoke with so much excitement in his voice.

I stared at him and crack my memory to see if we have met before, but I couldn't get any memory of him.

“Sorry do I know you “. I asked politely

He stared at me for a moment before he playfully hits my shoulder

“You think I will fall for this trick “.he asked with a big grin on his face 

“What trick”. I asked confused.

He chuckled softly and playfully taps my shoulder

“You still haven't changed, still playing those old games huh”.

I stared at him confused and moved away from him 

“Sorry, I think you got the wrong guy “. I spoke in a serious tune.

I stared at him and watch as his facial expression changed.

“Benson, are you not Benson”.he asked 

“Yes I am, but I can't remember meeting you “. He stared at me and I could see shock written on his face.

“You don't remember me ?”.he asked

“Yeah, I can't remember meeting you before “. I replied, "Tell me you are joking”. He spoke seriously 

“No am not, and who the hell are you “. I asked in anger 

He looked around the mall for a while before looking at me 

“It's me Jacob your next door neighbor, how can you not remember me buddy”.he asked surprised.

“Next door neighbor”. I asked confused


“I don't remember having a next door neighbor in Australia”. I spoke slowly

“And who is talking about Australia, I'm talking about here, in California”. He spoke seriously.

“Tell me you are joking buddy “. He spoke seriously.

“California?”. I asked confused

“Yes, here in California, do you remember”.he said those words while staring directly at me

“I can't remember, all my life I have lived in Australia, I can't remember living in California and having a neighbor like you”.

He ran his fingers in his head and was about saying something when a lady's voice interrupted us.

“Hey baby, so you are here, and I've been looking for you “.a young lady came and stood before us 

“Sorry, I just met an old friend who doesn't seem to remember me”.he said those words while staring at me with so much curiosity.

“Do you remember Desmond”.he asked 


“Do you remember Kelvin”


“What about Chris, do you remember him “. He asked 


He stared at me before shaking his head 

“You are definitely not the Benson I know “.he said those words and left with the lady.

I signed in relief and watch him as he walked away with the lady, I was about looking away when a memory flash in my head, but it wasn't clear.

“What was that “. I whispered to myself

I close my eyes and try to remember what I saw, but I couldn't remember a thing.

“Papa, over there “. Lilly's voice brought me out from my thought.

She took my hand and pulled me to the direction she wanted us to go.

We stayed in the mall and brought few things before we went back home.

I got home but couldn't stop thinking of the guy I met at the mall, l who claimed to be my next door neighbor.

“Next door neighbor”. I murmured to myself

How can I have a next door neighbor when I remembered I stayed in an estate with just my aunt, who is this guy and why are his words ringing in my head