
New beginning


"Jesse". Jennie exclaims happily at the airport 

I roll my eyes playfully at her.

She pulled me to herself and gave me a tight hug 

"I miss you so much".she murmured

"I miss you too".

She moved away from me and flash me a big smile 

"Where is your husband?" I asked 

"He is at work, something urgent came up, so he couldn't come with me "

"That's all right ". I replied her and followed her to the car.

We got into the car and she drove off.

"Your flight is by 9am tomorrow morning, I've already arranged everything you will be needing".she said those words while driving

"Thanks ". I murmured tiredly and relaxed on the chair 

"Are you okay ?" She asked while glimpsing at me, 

I hissed softly before speaking up 

"Benson has gone back to Australia". I murmured

"And?" Jennie asked confused 

"He is going you ask his Aunt questions and I wondered what she will tell him". I murmured

"And so ?"

I hissed and stared at her 

"You don't get it, Benson confessed his love for me ". I murmured


"And I don't know if he will still love when he finds out the truth". I murmured

"What truth are you talking about Jesse". Jennie asked in anger 

"You never cheated on him, it was just a misunderstanding, and you will have to clear it up when he starts asking questions".she spoke firmly.

I hissed and look away

"It's not that easy ". I whisper

"You always seem to amaze me Jesse, seriously you amaze me".she shakes her head disappointed.

"If he doesn't believe you then he should go to hell and burn for all I care, he is not the only man on Earth and I don't know why you are still clinging all over him ".she spoke in anger 

I took in a deep breath and relaxed on the chair while Jennie kept on blabbering words that I wasn't paying attention to.

"We are here ". I open the door and got out of the car 

I went for my things in the back of the car and brought them out, I carried some while Jennie carried the remaining bags.

"Your home is beautiful". I murmured and fell on the couch.

"I'll go get some food for you ".she muttered out those words and walked away.

Few minutes she came back and set the food on the dinning table.

"Let me show you your room ". I followed her upstairs and walked into a room with her 

"You can stay here since you will be only spending the night here ".

"Thanks". I murmured

"Aren't you tired of saying that ".she rolls her eyes and walk away.

I lay on the bed with my back for a while before changing my clothes.

I left the room and went downstairs where I saw Jennie already seated on the dining table waiting for me.

I walk to dinning table and sat opposite her.

"Let's eat ". She muttered out those words, and we ate in silence.

After eating, I help in cleaning and arranging the table, after that, I was on my way back to the room, so I could start arranging my things when Jennie called me.

"I saw Jay few days ago, and he asked for you ".

"Who is Jay ?" I asked confused 

"Oh you wouldn't remember him, he was the guy you were dancing with when Benson Walked in and thought you were cheating on it ".she explained to me

"You mean the guy are the party ?" I asked 


"How come does he still remember me ". I murmured

"I posted a picture of you in my Instagram, and he saw it and asked after you"

I hissed and started walking away with anger, if only he didn't ask for a dance that night Benson and I would probably be living a happy life.

I got to the room and noticed Jennie had already arranged most of my things for me including my ticket.

I smiled and lay on the bed.

By tomorrow a new chapter of my life will begin, and I can't wait.

I woke up very early the next morning and started packing my things.

I took my bath and dressed up before going downstairs.

When I got downstairs, I saw Jennie and her husband already in the dinning table having breakfast.

"Good morning". I greeted and took the empty chair 

"I was thinking of calling you ". Jennie spoke up 

I took a plate and put some food in my plate.

"Have you told the academy that you are coming today ".she asked 

"Yeah, I will be going to the academy by tomorrow". I replied

"Alright ".we eat silently until we were through with the food.

"I need to start going". I stood up from the chair and pick up my plate.

I took them to the kitchen and washed them before leaving the kitchen 

"I need to start going ".

"I'll go bring my things downstairs ". I went upstairs and brought down my bags

"Let me help you ". Jennie husband took some bags from me and took them out.

We got to his car, I py the bags in the boot while I sat in the back seat, and he drove off.

"Someone will be waiting for you in the airport to pick you up, his name is Joshua .he will show you around and give you the keys to the house ". Jennie husband explained

"Thanks". I murmured

"Are you okay ?" Jennie asked 

"Yeah ". I replied and relaxed in the chair with so many thoughts in my head.

Something was definitely wrong, and I could feel it in my bones.

In few minutes we were at the airport.

"Call me when you've landed ". Jennie spoke almost like a plead

"I will ". I flash her a big smile and hugged her tightly before moving away from her 

"Bye Jennie". I whispered to her before walking away.

I got into the plane and we took off.

In 16 hours we landed in Sydney Kingsford Smith International Airport.

I hissed in relief and came down with my bags

I walk out of the airport and stared around only to see my name boldly written on a paper, I waved at him before walking to him.