

Jesse's POV

I picked up my things and left the hall.

How could he possibly forget me so easily. I thought about this, as I walk back home .the town was a small town, and we could easily know everyone here.

I got to my apartment and was about opening my door, when I heard my name 

“Miss Jesse”.the little voice exclaimed,

I turn around and met a smiling Lilly.

“What are you doing here “. I asked, searching around, if I could see Ben.

“What are you doing here “. I asked, while moving close to her.

“We live across”.she pointed at Mr and Mrs Edwin's apartment.

“Are they your grandparents”. I asked shocked

“Yes, they are mom's parents”.the moment she said those words' realization hits me .she is the daughter of late Sophia, that's mean Benson was a widower.

Shit”. I whisper,

I composed myself and smiled at her.

“Where is your dad”.

“He should be somewhere around “.she replied while looking around.

“Lilly”. I heard Benson's voice from behind. I turn around and met a surprised-looking Ben.

“Hello Ben “. I wave my hand at him .he stared at me coldly before looking away.

“Why are you outside'.he spoke so softly to her.

“I saw miss Jesse from the window and decided to say hi “.he stared at me for a while before looking back at her.

“Go in okay, I'll be right back “.she nods her head and wave at me before she cross the road and went to their apartment.

He ran his fingers in his head and hissed softly.

“You live here “.he asked while staring at my apartment.


He stared at me for a moment before speaking up, 

“Then you must have known my late wife “.he spoke in a calm voice, but I could see he was hurt. I wished I could comfort him and tell him all will be well, but I couldn't do that, not when he sees me as a total stranger.

“Yes, I knew her, but we weren't that much of a friend”.he nods his head and stared at me.

Whenever I feel those green eyes on me, I found myself getting uncomfortable. I swallowed nervously and looked away.

“I'll be going in “.he said those words and left me standing in front of my apartment. I hissed softly and open my apartment door.

Despite the cold outside, the room was still warm and empty.

I hissed and left my bag on the couch before going to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. I was in the kitchen when I heard my phone ringing. I left the kitchen and went for my phone. I checked the caller and saw that it was from Jennifer, my sister,

“Hey sis”. I spoke up when I picked the call 

“What's up”.she replied

“I'm fine, you”. I asked 

“I'm doing great, just calling to check on you”

“I'm doing okay and dancing classes have been fine, and the kids here are amazing”. I spoke cheerfully.

“Seems you are enjoying that town”.she spoke, annoyed.

I chuckled at her behavior. I remembered how she discouraged me about coming to this town. She did everything possible, so I would change my mind in coming here, but I had strong will to come here for a strange reason I couldn't understand.

“When are you coming back “.she begged, 

“We've discussed this, and I've told you I still have about a year here “.

“I can't wait, I really miss you Jesse, you've been there for three years now, and it's not fair “.she sounded like a child.

I chuckled softly at her behavior and took a sip of my coffee.

“How will you be celebrating this Christmas”. I asked, since it just a month to Christmas, and she hasn't made any mention of Christmas.

“I don't know, you know, Christmas without you is just too weird”.

“Then you can come here, let's celebrate it together”.she made a soft sign before speaking up

“Why can't you be the one coming here “.she asked 

I hissed and ran my fingers in my hair 

“You know I can't, I am preparing the kids for a carol dance competition here “. I spoke calmly, hoping she would understand. Jennifer was the type of person who finds it hard to understand things.

“No, Jesse, no, sometimes I wonder what you are doing in that small town, when they are so many better jobs here "she yelled.

I hissed and took a sip of my coffee.

“Let's talk about this some other time “. I quickly ended the call and switch off my phone. I wasn't ready for her blabbering.

I sat on the couch besides the window and could see how it was snowing heavily outside. I look across and found Benson leaving their apartment despite it was snowing heavily .how can someone be going out in such weather .but then I remembered it was Benson who loves snow like no one else.