

Jesse's POV

“Alright kids, miss here will be your dance instructor for today “.

“Okay miss Jesse”. They all chorused in unison.

“Thank you “. I told Sharon

“It's nothing”. She replied

I smiled at the kids and picked up my things and left for the cemetery. Today's was mom's birthday and I wanted to share it with her. I got to the flower shop and brought mom's favorite flower. I inhaled it and smiled just like mom would always do.

The cemetery was a short walk from the flower shop. Within few minutes I was at the cemetery.

“Good day miss Jesse”. The cemetery security guard greeted me 

“Morning sir Dickson”. I replied with a smile and made my way to Mom's grave. Locating her grave was an easy one for me since I normally come here.

I got to her grave and put the flower in her tomb.

“Happy birthday Mom, look what I got you, your favorite hibiscus flowers”. I said those words with a fake smile on my face. I felt tears threatening to fall down my eyes, but I took a deep breath and held them back. 

“I miss you mom”. I whispered in tears.

“Everyone and everything in this town reminds me of you”. I gasped in tears and wipe off the tears already fallen down my Cheek.

“What can I say, everything is going as you wanted. I'm trying to fulfill all your wishes. I hope you are happy wherever you are “. I smiled and ran my fingers on the tomb.

I was about to say something when I heard footsteps behind me. Normally, I would have ignored it since different people come here to see their loved ones every day, but this person walked and stood behind me .out of curiosity I turn around and met eyes with Benson.

“Benson”. I spoke in surprised. He was staring at me with no emotions on his face.

“Hey”. I greeted 

He ignored me and moved closer to me and stood beside me .he stared at the tomb and I could guess he was reading what was written on it. After reading what was in the tomb he stared at me but this time I could see care and concern on his face just like the way the old Benson stares at me .we stood there, and we stared at each other until he took in a deep breath and walked away.

Out of curiosity I followed him, and we ended up in a clean tomb decorated with flowers. I read what was written and realized it was his late wife Charity's. He  released an heavy sign of pain and dropped the flower on the tomb.

“Hey “. He spoke up in a shaking voice.

“I just came to say hi and to let you know I miss you “. I stared at him and noticed how fragile he looks. He must have really loved his wife. She was gone two years ago, and it felt like he just lost her months ago. I did not know what came over me, I moved closer to him and placed my hand on his shoulder .he stared at me but did not say a word.

“Hi”. I greeted charity. Even if I didn't know her that much, people around said she was a nice girl. 

Benson stared at me, but there was no emotion on his face.

He took in a deep breath and started walking away. I followed him behind until we were out of the cemetery.

“Do you want to grab a cup of coffee or something”. I said those words hoping he would agree.

“No, I'm fine”. He replied quickly.

I walked and stood in font of him.

“Come on it's just coffee and nothing else “. I did not let him say a word before I took his hand and dragged him to the coffee shop. We got to the coffee shop and I asked him to sit and wait while I take our orders.

“Two cup of hot coffee, a cream in one and the other just coffee”. I told the Waiter and waited for the coffee.

Few minutes the coffee was given to me and I took it to our table. I place the black coffee on his side while I took the coffee with a cream.

He stared at the coffee for a while before staring at me with a questioning look.

“How did you know I don't take cream in my coffee”. He asked while staring at me. I laughed nervously and took a sip of my drink. How do I tell him that I knew this twelve years ago.

“I just guess that a man with your type of personalty doesn't have cream in their coffee”. I smiled and took another sip of my coffee. He stares at me, but I knew he wasn't convinced with what I said. He hissed and took a sip of the drink.

We sat there in silence and I thought of bringing up a topic.

“So how long do you plan on staying here “. I asked 

“A month I guess “.he replied firmly.

I murmured softly and took another sip of my coffee. How can I make him remember me within a month. I took a sip of my coffee and out of curiosity I asked him a question that I needed to know.

“Where did you grow up “? I asked 

“And why do you ask”

“I just wanted to know that's all”.

He took a sip of his coffee before speaking up

“I grew up in Australia”. He spoke firmly.

“That's a lie”. I did not know when that left my mouth.

“What do you mean “? . He asked confused. Realizing what I just did I laugh nervously and took a sip of my coffee

“What I meant to say is that you don't look like those kids who grew up in Australia”. I chuckled nervously.

“Yeah most people say that “. He replied and took a sip of his coffee

I stared at him and realized he wasn't lying or pretending. How could he think he grew up in Australia while we both grew up here in California. This is a mystery and I need to solve it. I brought out my phone and click on Juliet's picture.

“Look “. I showed him my phone containing Juliet picture.

“That's my sis”. He stared at her for a moment and looked at me 

“Why are you showing me this “. He asked confused.

“Oh nothing, just showing you “. I spoke nervously. I stared at him and realized he doesn't even remember my sister Juliet.

“I'm leaving”. He stood up and walked to the door. I finished my coffee and ran after him .we walked side to side without saying a word until we got to our street.

“I'll go this way “. I smiled and pointed at my apartment. He stared at me before moving closer to me.

“I don't know what your deal is, but I just want to let you know that you are a nice person, but I'm still in love with my late wife. I hope you understand and leave me alone “.he kissed my cheek and walked away.

All what he said did not matter to me the only thing that matters was that he kissed my cheek. And like always I felt a familiar feeling in my heart.