

Benson's POV

“Excuse me “.  I told an elderly lady who was blocking my way.

She moved aside,, but then I have already lost Jesse in the crowd.

I hissed softly and walk into the crowd, the noise, and sound coming from the crowd brought a sharp pain to my head and I couldn't move any longer.

Luckily, I saw an empty bench and sat on it.

I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes in pains.

“Come to the market with me, please”. the strange girl who I couldn't see her face clearly, begged 

“You don't have to beg. You know I will gladly come with you "

“That's why you are the best “. she kissed me softly on the lips.

“When do we go “. I asked 

“Now”. She replied.

I stood up from the chair and walk side way with her until we go to my car.

“Let me drive, “.she begged, 

“No girlfriend ,until you are done with your drive lessons, I can't let you drive”. I pecked her cheek and open the passenger seat for her.

She rolls her eyes playfully at me before getting in the car.

I chuckled softly and got inside the car and drove off.

“Westlife music are the best “. she turns on my music player and started selecting different Westlife songs.

“I can't find any of their songs, “.she expressed in frustration.

I laughed softly and kept my eyes on the road.

“Benson, she calls out”.  I turn around and stared at her with a big grin on my face.

“What did you do? “.she asked, 

“Let's say I hid them in a file only I can access”. I spoke with a victory smile on my face.

“And why would you do that? “? She asked, confused.

“It seems you forget too much “. I said those words with my eyes on the road.

“Forget what”. she asked, confused.

I smiled at her with a big grin on my face, which I knew she hated.

“Benson”. She calls out, frustrated.

“Yes darling”.  I replied with a devilish smile on my face.

“What did you do? "

I hissed softly before speaking

“Remember you lost a bet to me and had refused to fulfill your side of the agreement”? I spoke firmly.

She stared at me with wide eyes and thought for a while before speaking.

“So all this is about the bet “. she spoke in a fake angry tune.

“Yes baby “.  I muttered out with a big grin on my face.

She hits me playfully and looks away.

“So are you fulfilling your promise? ”. I asked 

“No”. She murmured 

“Okay then, no Westlife playlist for you “,

I went for my music player and put an old school music, while noding my head to the beat of the music

“I hate you “. she murmured and looked away.

“And I love you, baby “. I said those words and smile at her.

We got to the market and I search for a comfortable place to park my car.

“Don't follow me “. She murmured and left the car 

I chuckled and left the car, I walk side by side with her until someone bumped into me 

“Sorry he apologized”

“It's okay "

I turn around but couldn't find her, I hissed in frustration when I noticed the crowd of  people in the market

I was about taking a step when I heard a gun shot, everyone started screaming and running aimlessly.

“Jeez”. I called out in fear 

I ran around the market but could find her., people were running and shouting for help as the gun shot became rapid.

“A young girl is dead “. a woman cried bitterly.

Hearing those words from her, I felt my heart clenched and my legs and hands were shaking in fear.

“The robbers are gone, they came for a rich jewelry shop “. Someone beside me spoke up, 

“Jewelries, Jeez loves jewelries”. I muttered out in fear, 

“Another girl got shot”. a lady scream in fear.

I felt my heart pounding in fear and pain as I walk to the direction where the lifeless body of the girl was laying down.

“It can't be her “. I murmured to myself.

Just when I was about taking another step, I felt a hand on my shoulder, I knew who it was even without looking.

“Baby “.  I muttered those words and turn around only to be welcomed by a hug

“You got me scared “. She murmured in tears.

“Benson, are you okay “.

I blink my eyes and saw Jesse staring at me with a disturbed look.

I took in a deep breath and stood up from the bench.

“Yeah, I was just waiting for you “. I lied.

She stared at me with curiosity and wanted to say something,, but I cut her off.

“So where to? “. I asked 

She stared at me one more time 

“Are you sure you are okay? “. she asked with a worried look

“You look lost, and you are sweating despite the cold weather”.

I touch my forehead and realized she was right, I was really sweating.

“Maybe it's the crowd and change of environment”. I lied.

She looked at me one more time before taking a deep breath.

“To the jewelry shop “. she muttered those and walked beside me.

Review and tell me what you think.