

Jesse's POV


He wants me to be his fucking friend, I hissed in anger. I was once his lover, and now he is asking if we could be friend like we were strangers. I chuckled softly and let go of his hand while I walk inside my apartment.

I got to my apartment and walked straight to my room, I check the time and saw that it was pass 7pm. I took a quick bath and changed into my night wear. I lay on the bed and what Benson said at the coffee shop rang in my head.

He told me he can't be with me even if I try, those words brought a sharp pain to me, and it took everything in me not to break down there.

I closed my eyes and memories of thirteen years back flash in my head.

“Class, that will be all for now “. Mrs Williams, our form mistress, said those words and left the class.

I hissed and closed my books.

“Hey “. Benson kissed me from behind

“Hey “. I whispered.

He stood in font of me and stared at me with a curious look.

“You don't look sound, are you okay”. He asked while caressing my cheek.

“I'm fine”. I murmured. He stared at me but did not say a word.

“Jesse”. I heard my sister's voice from behind.

“What is she doing here “. I murmured

“You are done with class, come on, we have a show to catch up with “. Jennifer spoke happily.

“I'm not in the mood to party”. I murmured.

“Sorry, dear sis, you have no choice “. She pulled me out of the chair, and I was too light for her.

“What are you girls up to, “. Benson asked while walking alongside with us.

“There is the live band playing at the wild bar and the singers are really good “. Jennifer spoke with so much excitement.

“Just say you have been having a crush on the lead singer, that's why you are dragging me along with you “. I spoke while rolling my eyes at her.

“Come on sis, it not that bad, they play good music”. She spoke happily. I hissed and kept walking until we got home.

When we got home, Benson was staring at me with a curious look.

“Are you okay “.he asked, 

I chuckled softly and kissed him softly on the lips

“I'm fine you worry too much “. I walk to my room and changed my clothes. I got downstairs and met Jennifer and Benson already waiting for me.

“Wow, sis, you rock “. She giggled happily. I hissed and roll my eyes at her.

“You look good, babe “. Benson moved close to me and kissed me softly on the lips.

“Gosh I'm jealous”. Jennifer roll her eyes at us and walk out of the house .we chuckled softly and followed her out.

We got into Jennifer's car, and she drove out.

“What do you say is wrong with your car “? She asked Benson.

“The break was having issues, but it's in the mechanic, I'll go get it later ".he spoke up.

I hissed and place my head on his shoulder since we were sitting in the back seat.

Few minutes we were in front of the bar.

“We are here “. Jennifer giggle happily. I hissed and came out of the car .we showed our ID and were allowed in.

The moment we got in, I could hear Loud music playing, and it felt like we were in another world.

“This place is fucking noisy”. I spoke loudly.

“That's the fun, look they are about to come up on stage “. She shouted happily. Benson and I chuckled softly at her behavior and found a comfortable spot to stand.

“What will you drink “. Benson asked 

“Nothing”. I replied, “Why “.he asked with concerned

“Nothing Benson, you should stop worrying yourself”. I spoke up, 

“He wanted to say something, but the singers were already in stage.

They started playing, and I could see Jennifer shouting and screaming in joy alongside other teens. I shake my head and wondered what was so special with this guy. Maybe just maybe I would have also be tripping for him if I didn't have Benson.

After the show, Benson left to get a drink for us, while Jennifer was nowhere to be found. I hissed and sat on a chair when I noticed the guitarist smiling at me .in order not to be rude, I smiled back at him and look away.

Within few seconds, the guy was standing in front of me with a big smile on his face.

“Hello, I'm Dickson“. He smiled and brought forth his hand.

“I'm Jesse”. I took his hand for a handshake, but he took my hand and place kisses on it.

“You are indeed beautiful”. He smiled at me and was about saying something when I noticed Benson standing behind him.

I stared at Benson and could see how angry and jealous he was.

And before I knew what was happening, Benson Walk up to me and tightly held my waist while kissing me roughly on the lips .the kiss was so rough and irtating that I did not know when I pushed him and slap him hard on the face.

“Excuse me “. I told Dickson and left the bar, while I walk outside and waited for Jennifer.

Within some minutes, Jennifer came outside with Benson.

“It seems you guys had a fight “. She spoke with a big grin on her face.

“Well, as for me, I was able to talk to him”. She spoke happily and opened the car. I open the car door and sat in the front seat with Jennifer, She stares at me but did not say a word.

Jennifer kept on blabbering how cute the lead singer was how she thinks he likes her too, but Benson and I did not say a word until we got home.

Jennifer parked the car, and we got out from the car.

“Goodnight Benson “.she stared at me before going inside.

“Jesse”. Benson called out, 

“What is it”. I spoke angrily.

“Don't use that tune on me “.he spoke angrily.

“And if I do “. I replied in anger.

He hissed and walk around in anger for a while before standing in front of me.

“What was the meaning of that “. I asked, 

“Meaning of what, can I kiss my girlfriend in public”.he asked angrily.

“You and I know that wasn't the case, I was having a friendly conversation with someone, and you just came out of nowhere and started kissing me so roughly in front of a guy, what were you trying to prove”. I asked in anger.

“I was just passing a message to him, I was telling him that you are mine and no one can take you away from me, not even him “.he spoke in a serious voice.

“Really “. I asked 


“Then am angry at myself, I should have done worse than I did over there “. I said those words and began walking towards the door.

“Jesse”. He called out. But I did not turn back, neither did I answer him.

That was our last fight before I lost him.