
Meeting Daniel's family.

Jesse's POV

I look myself in the mirror one more time to be sure I was okay and ready to go.

I pick up the hairbrush and gently comb my hair before letting it fall on my shoulders.

My hair was the best thing I love in my body because of its gold color and how its shines whenever I'm under the light, bringing so much attention and attraction to me.

Benson also loved my hair, I remember how he will sit beside me and gently stroke my hair saying they were too soft and attractive to him.

I hissed softly and kept back the comb, I touch a little powder on my face and stared at myself one more time before picking up my purse.

A knock on my door caught my attention.

I left my room and walk up to the door, I opened it and saw Daniel smartly dressed in a black fitted suit, and he looks incredibly handsome.

"You look amazing".he took my right hand and place kisses on it.

I flash in a big smile and move aside for him to come in

"My family is waiting for you "

I raised my eyebrows and stared at him, 

"And who did you tell them was coming". I asked in curiosity, 

He chuckled softly before speaking up 

"Someone special".he muttered out those words like he meant every bit of it.

I blush at his words and look away.

"Shall we ".

"We shall". I nod my head at him and walked in front of him.

We left my apartment and walk over to his car, he opens the door for me and I went in, he smiled at me before closing the door.

He got into the car and drove off.

"So how many people am I meeting tonight?" I asked, 

"Not much, are you anxious?" He asked 

"Of course not". I chuckled softly 

"I'm just curious, not anxious". I spoke firmly.

"Alright, you are meeting five people in the dinner, mom dad, my two sisters and a family friend"


He flash me a big smile before he focused on the road.

"We are here "he announced to me

"Woah, not far from my apartment ".

"Yeah ".he replied, 

I went for the car handle and was about opening the door, but he stopped me.

He came out of the car and opened the door for me.

"You shouldn't have bothered". I smiled at him and came down from the car, 

"Well, I'm not complaining".he murmured happily.

"Let's go in ".he smiled at me and walk side to side with me.

We were almost by the door and I could hear voices, music and laughter coming from inside the house.

"Come in, my family don't bite, you would love them ".he smiled at me and took my hand in his.

I stared at our both hands together and didn't know what to say or do,so I allowed it.

The moment we got into the house I could see everyone staring at us with curiosity also with a big smile on their faces.

"You must be Jesse ".one of the girls I assume was his sister walk up to me a gave me a tight hug 

"We've been hearing a lot about you, but we never knew you were this beautiful, oh my God is this the real color of your hair ".she asked while she gently Stokes my hair.

"Yeah ". I smiled at her, 

"Woah, this is beautiful".she exclaims happily.

"Can you at least let her take a seat".the other sister asked while staring at her sister with an angry look.

"It's okay ". I assured her with a smile.

"Please have a seat ,dear ".a woman in her early fifties directed me to the couch.

"That's ma'am". I murmured and sat on the couch.

Daniel smiled at me before sitting beside me.

"Are you okay " he asked those questions while whispering in my ear, 

I smiled at him and nod my head.

He flashed me a big smile before speaking up 

"Everyone, please meet Jesse, Jesse this is my family.the beautiful lady over there is my mom, while the girl putting on the white dress is my younger sister Angela and the one with the black dress is my youngest sister Katherine ".he introduced them to me 

"Nice meeting you ". I smiled at them which they returned.

"We heard you are quite popular in this town, but we stay in the city and only comes here when it's Christmas ". Daniel mom spoke up 

"You danced at the Carol music and dance festival, right ?" Angela asked 


“I knew it, I knew it was you the moment you walked in, you are an incredible dancer" Katherine exclaim happily.

I chuckled softly at her behavior, 

"Thank you ". I muttered out. 

"Where is your dad ". I whispered in Daniel's ear 

"Where is dad? ".he asked

"He went to get something from the store with faith, he will be back soon ". Daniel's mom replied.

I nod my head and smiled at them, 

"So tell us what do you do for a living ". Daniel mom asked 

"I'm an artist, but I stopped working three years ago, and I'm so a professional dancer and will go back dancing by next week ". I spoke firmly.

"Wow, so you are an artist". Katherine exclaims happily 


"That's nice ". Angela replied.

"Thank you ".

"So you are going back to professional dancing ?" Daniel mom asked 

"Yes, I'm with the royal academy dance crew now"

"You mean the same Royal dance academy that travels round the country ". Katherine asked in shock and wild eyes, "

"Yeah ". I replied firmly

"Wow, you must be really talented to be in that crew".she exclaims happily

I chuckled softly but did not say a word.

"Welcome, Jesse, I believe dad will also like you". Katherine said those words like she was so sure of it.

"I hope so ". I said those words while flashing her a big smile.

"Dad is here ". Angela announced to everyone.

Author's note

Hey guys you can chat me up on my WhatsApp number 08094504121

Tell me what you think and what you think I should improve on 

If we are much I might open a group for all my readers 

please no calls, Thanks.