
Knowing Jacob

Benson's POV

I groaned angrily and stood up from the bed, 

It was all a dream, I dreamt of a memory I never knew I had.

I left the bed and walk up to my bathroom, I wash my face and stare at myself in the mirror.

"This is getting more interesting". I whispered to myself.

I left the bathroom and walk back to my room, 

I put on my cloths and left the house to take some fresh air.

I walked around the Street of the town aimlessly without no certain direction in mind

“Benson”. I heard my name from behind.

I turn and saw a familiar face.

"Jacob right ?" I asked, 

"Yeah, you remember ".he asked with excitement in his voice.

"Not really ". I murmured

He hissed and roughly ran his fingers in his hair.

"It's okay ".he murmured 

"Do you wanna come in ". He asked 

I thought for a while and realized it would be a great idea to know him better, maybe that way I can know few things from him.

"Yeah, sure".

He smiled at me and led the way.

We walked a few miles before he stopped in front of a house, 

"Come in ".he asked 

I walk into the house with him.

"Honey, I'm home ". He shouted 

A lady came out from a Conner in the house, 

“Welcome”. She smiled at both of us, 

I stare at her and noticed she was the lady who I saw with him at the mall.

"Welcome, have a seat ".she spoke those words with smiles on her face.

I sat on the couch and stared at both of them, 

"What should I get you ".she asked 

"Anything will be fine "

"Alright".she muttered out those words and left.

"How have you been, man ". Jacob asked while staring at me with curiosity.

"I'm fine". I murmured 

"That's nice ".

I stare at him and wondered how I would have to get words from him.

"Here ".his wife kept some drinks on the table.


"You are welcome".

She smiled at me and left.

"It seems your wife knows me ". I spoke up

"Yeah, she has seen pictures of you ".he replied

Hearing those words from him, I became excited.

"You have pictures of us".

"Yeah, do you wanna see them"

"Sure, maybe it will help ". 

"Wait, I'll be back ". He stood up from the couch and went away.

In few minutes he was back with a photo book.

"Have it " I took the book from him.

"You can watch through "

I nod my head and opened the book.

The first picture that came to my sight was a picture of Jacob and I standing in front of a building that looks familiar with a big childish smile on our faces.

"Where is this ". I asked, 

He moved closer to me to take a look at the picture.

"Oh here is our neighborhood, we both grew up there". Hearing those words from him, I felt shocked and surprised.

All my life I thought I grew up in Australia, never knew I grew up in California.

I shake my head in disbelief and open another page of the picture.

The picture was a group picture of ten boys in a basketball court ".

"This was your favorite picture, I had to stea it from your room the day you were bathing ". Jacob chuckled softly.

I took a good look at the picture and noticed I was in the picture alongside Jacob with a trophy in our hands.

"That's the first trophy we won together ". Jacob spoke with so much excitement on his face, like he was remembering the good times.

This is strange, I never knew I did play basketball in high school.

I shake my head in disbelief and turn over to the next page.

I saw a picture of I and Jacob and a girl who looks so familiar.

Could this be the jeez I see in my dream. I thought to myself.

"Who is this ". I asked while pointing at the picture of the girl.

Jacob stared at the picture and hesitated for a while.

"That's Jennifer, your ex twin sister".he spoke firmly.

"Twins ". I spoke in disbelief.

I stared at the girl and noticed she looks a bit different from the girl I see in my dream.

"Do they look alike". I asked, 

"No ,they look different from each other ". He replied.

I nod my head and turn to the next page.

"This was the last picture we took together before you left ".he expressed those words with sadness.

I and Jacob were sitting in a hall that looks like a canteen and looks very familiar, I knew I have seen this place in my dream.

"The school canteen" I murmured

"Yeah, you remember?". He asked, 

"No, I saw this place in my dreams". I replied.

He nods his head and stared at me.

"Where is the picture of her ". I asked 

"Who ".he asked confused.

"My ex".

He ran his fingers in his hair and hesitated for a while.

"Her pictures are in the other photo book, but I left it in the city, I only came with this ".

I hissed in frustration and closed back the photo book.

"Thanks ". I handed the photo book back to him.

"You are welcome".he took the photo book from me.

I took the drink from the table and took a sip of it.

We drank in silence and none of us said a word.

I thought of a way to bring up my questions, so it won't look weird.

"What do you do "? I asked, 

"I'm an artist".

"That's nice "

"We use to drawn so many things together, you were pretty good back then. What do you do".he asked 

"I own a building company"

“Wow”.he chuckled softly 

"You kept to your words ".he explained happily.

"What do you mean "? I asked confused, 

"You said you would like to own a building company, and you did ".he expressed those words happily.

"Oh ".was all I could say.

"Is your company in Australia".he asked, 


"That's impressive, you are doing really well, I'm happy for you ".he expressed those words sincerely.

I smiled at him and took a sip of my drink.

I thought for a while before bringing up the next question.

"What the name of my ex-girlfriend ". I asked while seizing my breath.