
Just a neighbor

Jesse's POV

“Then make it short “.he requested

I grumbled and slowly relaxed on the couch.

“It all happened when we were twenty-two, mom asked us to travel with her to her hometown.at first, Jennifer was very excited and look forward to the journey, more that I did.

I signed softly and lay on the couch 

“What happened next “.he asked 

“The day of the journey came, and we all came to this place with high hopes and expectations, more especially Jennifer.

“We came here, and the town was just as perfect as we all imagined it to be.

I hissed softly when I remembered what I was about to say.

“Are you okay?”. He asked, 

“Yeah “. I nod my head and continued the story.

“One day, Jennifer and I went to take a bath in the nearest river, the one at the back of the mall.

“We got there and started having fun enjoying ourselves when suddenly Jennifer decided to take a pee”.

“She left the river and went to the nearest bush to take a pee, when suddenly I heard screams and shouts of Jennifer.

“I rushed out of the water and ran to the direction of her shout when I noticed a guy on her trying to force his way with her “.

“I shouted and scream for recuse, when he noticed we were two he left her and ran away "

“That guy is a bastard”. Benson spoke in anger, 

“Yes, he is “. I replied, “We came back home and Jennifer started packing her things in anger, saying the people in this town were all rapists, and she can't stay here “.

“I and mom understood her pain and fear, so we left the Town with her and went back home. since that day Jennifer never set her foot in this town, she hated this town and the people in it “. I hissed softly and took a sip of the coffee.

“That's not right, she shouldn't blame everyone for someone else's mistake “.

“That's true, but it's Jennifer and you know she could be very stubborn when she wants to “.

“I see”.he took a sip of his coffee while staring at me, 

I felt uncomfortable by his gaze and wondered why he was staring at me that way, but then I remembered what happened few hours ago, and I feel it was right to apologize since he can't remember me why force him.

“I'm sorry “. I murmured

He stared coldly at me and check the wall clock, 

“I shouldn't have done what I did, am truly sorry ”. I apologized 

“If you know you shouldn't have done it then why did you do it “.he asked in anger 

I hissed softly and stared at him

“It's very complicated “.

He stared at me confused but did not say a word.

Me bringing back the topic change the atmosphere between us and I blame myself for doing it.

“It pass 5 am, we should start going”.he stood up from the couch and brought forth his hand for me to hold. I took hold of his and could feel a familiar feeling in my heart, a feeling I knew I have me nursing for years.

I stood up from the couch and went to my room to change my clothes and came back to the sitting room.

“Let's go “.he open the door for me, and we left my apartment.

“This is fucking Cold”. I shiver in cold when the cold Snow fell on me.

“Just stay here I'll go get the car "

“No, no “. I stopped him, 

“There is no need for a car, I can walk”.

He stared at me and I knew he wanted to disagree with me, but then he let it be.

“Lead the way”.he said those words and started walking besides me.

“I know this is your favorite weather”. I said out those words unknowingly

He turns around and stared at me with shock written in his face.

“How did you know “.he asked with so much curiosity

“Shit”. I whispered to myself

I chuckled nervously and think of an excuse to come up with 

“Lilly, Lilly told me about it "

“Oh”.he said those words and removes his gaze from me.

I hissed in relief and continued walking.

We got to the hospital, and I was admitted immediately. I lay on the bed while series of test was done on me with Benson by side.

Even though I was in pain, I loved this moment and never wanted it to end.

“Your wife is okay, it was nice of you to have such substance at home “.the doctor spoke up, 

“Oh no she is not my wife “. Benson reply quickly 

“Oh my bad, I thought you guys were married, didn't know you guys were still dating”.the doctor spoke with a big grin on his face 

“We are not dating, she is just my neighbor and needed my help “.he said those words while avoiding my gaze.

“Oh, sorry about that “.the doctor stared at me one more time before leaving.

Hearing those words from him, I felt bad and heartbroken, but then it was true, I was just a neighbor to him and nothing else.

We sat there in awkward silence and none of us said a word until I couldn't take it any more

“Thanks for everything, I think you should leave now “. I spoke coldly

He stared at me with shock before getting up from the chair 

“Do you need me to bring anything for you “.he asked 

“No "

Why was he acting so loving and caring I thought to myself

“Do you need food, water, or some clothes”.he offered 

“No, thank you, you should just go home "

He stared at me but refused to make move 

“Is everything okay “. I asked when I noticed he wasn't moving.

“I'm fine, I'll see you later “. I nod my head at him and watch him leave the room, 

For strange reasons I noticed that he never wanted to leave.