
Just a dream

Benson's POV

I kept back Charity's picture and lay down on my bed, 

I can't do this for Charity's sake.

I lay down on the bed and forcefully forced myself to sleep.

 The next morning, my alarm awoke me up.

I stood up from my bed and put on my jogging wears before leaving the apartment,

I left the apartment and started jogging around the town, I met few people I recognize and those who recognize me.

I check the time and saw that it was time to go home.

I turn around and started jogging back home when I saw Jesse also doing some work out.

She saw me but pretended not to know me.

I hissed softly and wanted to jog away,, but I couldn't.

I jog to her direction and jog beside her,, but she did not say a word.

Few minutes we were in front of her apartment.

“Jesse”.  I called out.

She turns around and stares at me, 

“Can you let this go? “. I asked 

“Let what go? ”. she asked in irritation.

I hissed softly and stared at her, 

“This attitude of you not wanting to speak to me “. I uttered softly

She chuckled softly before folding her arms 

“Really? “. she asked in anger 

“Were you not the one who has been pushing me away from you? “.she spoke angrily

I hissed softly and ran fingers through my hair in frustration.

“I know that, I just don't mean it this way “. I begged 

“Really? “. she asked 


“Well, I think I would want it this way “.she spoke in a serious tune 

“Hello Jesse”. a voice behind me caught my attention

I turn around and met the guy I saw dancing with Jesse at the party.

I groaned in irritation and look away 

“Hey, you are here “. she smiled at him, 

He moves close to her and kissed her cheek.

I felt angry and frustrated 

After kissing her, he turns around and stared at me, 

“Meet Benson my neighbor”. she introduced me to him.

I felt anger and frustration run down my blood.

“I have to go now, see you later “.  I said those words and quickly walk away.

I went back to our apartment and groaned in anger, 

“Neighbor”.  I muttered angrily

She fucking called me a neighbor.

I hissed in anger and walk up to my room.

I felt jealous and angry at the same time.

Seeing Jesse with that guy brought a sudden fear and panic in me that I couldn't explain.

I was having strange feelings and I knew it wasn't good for me,

I pull off my clothes and walk into the bathroom.

I hissed in relief when the cold water fell on my body.

I can't wait for Christmas to come so all this could be over, and I could pretend that it was all a dream.

I need to get Jesse out of my head and I need to do it now ,or else it would be too late