
Jeses was right

Benson's POV

I walk to the table with Julius by myself.

"Hi, please sit".he pointed the chairs to us, 

I sat opposite him while staring at him with curiosity.

"Nice meeting you Benson Whitwell".he muttered out firmly

I stared at him and tried to recognize his face, but I couldn't.

“Sorry, do I know you ?". I asked 

He chuckled softly before speaking up

"You should know me because I believe you've been talking about me for the pass twelve years ".he muttered out those words while locking eyes with me, 

I stayed at him confused by his words before speaking up.

"I don't understand your words ". I stared at him with curiosity, 

He smiled at me and signaled the waitress, 

"Let's order for something, we can't leave our table empty".

"Get me the dish in number seven ".he gave back the menu to the waitress 

"What will you have sir".the waitress asked 

"Nothing, we are fine ". Julius spoke up, 

She smiled at us before leaving.

I stared back at the man who was sitting in front of me.

Taking a better look at him, I noticed he was indeed a handsome man and was smartly dress with a black suit like he was coming from the office.

He has a black tick hair, two sets of blue eyes and should be in his early thirties.

"You should stop staring at me". His voice brought me back from my thought.

"Can you say what you have to say". I spoke impatiently, 

"Calm down, man ".

I stared at him but did not say a word until his food was brought to him.

"Thank you ".he smiled at the waitress before he picks up the spoon and started eating.

Julius and I stared at him with curiosity, but none of us said a word until he took a sip of his water and spoke up.

"I'm Jay ".he smiled at me and took in a deep breath before speaking up, 

"You seem not to remember me ".he took a full spoon in his mouth.

"I don't really remember you". I spoke firmly 

"Yes we only met once twelve years ago".he muttered out 

"Twelve years ago ?". I asked confused

If he was talking about twelve years ago, that should be when I was still in high school, and I was in California.

"Did we attend the same school in California". I asked while taking a better look at him to see if I could recognize his face, but I couldn't.

"No, I was a friend to Jennifer".

"Jennifer?". I asked confused

"Yes, Jesse's sister".he continued, 

I stared at him with curiosity before speaking up 

"You knew me through Jennie?". I asked, 

"No, I don't actually know you ".he spoke firmly.

This is the second time I'm seeing you".he continued, 

I stared at him confused 

"Just go straight to the point why did you call him here ". Julius spoke impatiently.

Jay hissed for a while and took a sip of his water before speaking up 

"Twelve years ago you met me with Jesse at the club dancing, and you imagined we were dating, do you remember?".he asked while staring at me with his two set of blue eyes 

I stared at him and realized he was the guy who I saw with Jesse that night, taking a better look at him, I noticed he looks just like the guy I saw Jesse dancing with. 

"I believe you remember now ".he smiled at me and took a sip of his water.

"It's nice meeting you again ".he brought forth his hand to me, but I did not take it 

I stared at him with no emotion in me, I don't know what to feel seeing the guy Jesse cheated on me with sitting in front of me.

"I met Jennifer few months, and she told me something that really shock me ".he muttered out while locking eyes with me 

"She told me you accused Jesse of cheating on you with me, how ridiculous".he chuckled loudly and continued

"I just met Jesse that night and only asked her for a dance and that's all , nothing more nothing less ".he spoke firmly

Hearing those words from him, I felt my head spin around, and my hands became sweaty, and I noticed I was finding it out to breathe

"Calm down ". I felt Julius hand on my shoulder 

"Take some water ".jay offered me his water which I took and drank all at once.

I took in a deep breath and calm myself before staring at jay.

"Repeat what you just said ". I muttered out those words while seizing my breath 

He hissed softly before speaking up 

"That night she came with her sister to the club and I asked her for a dance, at first, she refused, but I kept on disturbing her, and she finally agreed.

We were dancing when she noticed you and left me saying her boyfriend was there. Since that day, I haven't seen Jesse until last night when she explained everything to me "

"I asked her if I should come and explain things to you, but she refused, but luckily, I got your number from her phone when I asked her for her phone, so I could make a call ".

Hearing those words from him, I became restless and couldn't sit on the chair.

"Calm down Benson". Julius tap me gently on the shoulder

"You know it was funny when I first heard it from Jennie, I couldn't believe you can break up with your girlfriend just because you saw her dancing with a random guy in the club, man that's ridiculous".he muttered out disappointed.

I covered my face in disappointment, I was totally ashamed of myself.

I made Jesse went through all this pain just because of my foolishness. 

"I met Jesse at the nightclub and I could see she was heartbroken, and she was going through lot of pains, and you are responsible for it ".he muttered out those words like he was so sure of it.

And indeed he was right.