

Jesse's POV

Seeing him in so much pain brought so much pain to me.

How can he blame himself for Charity's death when it was never his fault.

I took in a deep breath and move close to home and place my hands on his shoulder to comfort, 

I knew he would push me away, but all that did not matter to me.

I was expecting him to push me away and curse me, but I was surprised when he pulls me closer to himself and deepens the kiss.

This wasn't happened, was I dreaming or something.

He roughly took hold of my hair and deepen the kiss the more.

He moves his hand and place it on my waist while removing his lips from mine and started placing kisses on my neck. 

I moan in pleasure and took hold of his hair.

He stopped the kiss and stared at me, but this time not in anger.

“You have to leave "

“Why “. I murmured

He hissed softly and move away from me 

 “Because I don't want to have anything to do to you “.he spoke coldly

I stared at him, but he removed his gaze from me.

“Why don't you want to have anything to do with me “. I asked in pain 

“Nothing, it not about you but me, please leave " he said those words and walked away.

I hissed in frustration and started walking home.

I got home and lay on my bed, 

“It doesn't want me “. I whispered to myself

I turn around on the bed in thought.

Why doesn't he want me, did I do something wrong or was he still in love with his wife.

The ringing of my phone caught me off from my thoughts.

I check the caller and saw that it was from a strange number.


“Hey Jesse, it's me Daniel, we met at your friend's party” 

“Hey Daniel I have been expecting your call “. I spoke happily

“Sorry, I went out of town "

“That's okay "

So I was wondering if we could grab a cup of coffee together “.he asked 

“Alright, sure”

“Tomorrow then "

“Tomorrow it is “.

“Bye”. I ended the call, 

Maybe a distraction from Benson will mean a lot.

The next morning, Benson dropped off Lilly in practice, none of us said a word to each other.

After practice, he came for her, and we did not say a word to each other.

A few hours, I was at home practicing when my phone started ringing. I saw that the caller was Daniel, and I totally forgot we had a coffee date.

“Hey Daniel”. I greeted 

“Hey Jesse, I called to tell am on my way “,

“Yeah, am almost done”. I lied, 

“Alright, see you soon “.he said those words and ended the call.

I quickly search in my drawer and brought out a causal dress and rushed to the bathroom.

I took a quick bath and rush out of the bathroom. I put on my dress and sandals before dressing my hair and a light makeup.

A knock on the door caught my attention, I hissed in relief and went for the door.

I open the door and saw Daniel handsomely dressed in a black tight jean and a gray shirt.

“Beautiful”. He muttered out, 

I shyly smiled at him and allowed him in.

“Nice place”. He said those words when he entered my apartment.

“Thank you, please sit”.

He sat on the couch and stare around, 

“I'll be right back”. I said those words and walked to my room.

I check myself one more time before picking up my purse.

“Shall we “. 

He stood up from the couch and stared at me with a big grin on his face, 

“You are indeed beautiful”. He moves closer to me and kissed me on the Cheek.

I chuckled softly and lead the way out of my apartment.

We got out of my apartment and saw his car parked in font of my apartment.

“Are we going out of town ?”. I asked 

“Yeah, you would love the place "

I nod my head and follow him to his car.

He open the front seat of the car for me and let me in.

We drove out of my apartment, and we left the Town, 

Few minutes we were in front of a big coffee shop.

“This place is beautiful”. I muttered out when I saw how beautiful the place is, 

“Yeah, I know you would love it “. He smiled at me and opened the door.

I came out of the car and walked into the coffee shop with him.

We took a vacant seat and sat down while we ordered for our coffee and some snacks.

“Thank you “. I muttered out, 

“You are welcome”. He replied

Our orders were brought to us, and we started eating.

“How long have you been in that town “.he asked 

“Two years”

“Wow, it seems like you've been staying there for ages”,

I chuckled at his words and took a sip of my coffee 

“My mom was from here, so it's normal”. I replied

“That's nice “.he stared at me with big grin on his face 

“My dad is from there, but I don't usually come here “.he spoke up 

“Why, this place is a nice town “. I asked 

“yes it is, but I travel a lot, so I don't have time to visit here “he replied

“Oh, I see”

He took a bite of his snack and stared at me 

“I heard you are a dance teacher”

“You heard correct "

“And I heard you are doing it for free “. He asked, 

“Something like that “. I replied, 

“That's outstanding”. He replied with a smile on his face, 

“Thank you “. I whispered

He smiled at me and took a sip of his coffee.

“I like you “.he muttered out 

I drank the coffee and nervously look away 

“You don't have to say anything in a hurry, you can think about it okay ?”.

I nod my head and smiled at him.

Few minutes we left the coffee shop and was in front of my apartment.

He came out of his car and gently stroke my hair

“I'll see you later “.he smiled at me and kissed me softly on the cheek before he entered his car and drove off.

I was about opening my apartment when something in me urge me to turn around, 

Nervously I turn around and saw an angry Benson staring at me in front of their apartment.

“Shit”. I whispered.

Benson's POV. 

I saw how shock she was when she realized I was staring at her.

I stared at her with anger before going back to my room. 

I got to my room and angrily hit my leg on the couch.

I was furious, and I don't know why.

The moment I saw a car driving into Jesse's apartment, I became curious and wanted to know who it was, since Jesse didn't usually have visitors.

I stared at them and noticed it was the guy who I saw at the party dancing with her. I groaned in anger when I saw him kissing her on the cheek.

“Fuck”. I took a bottle of whiskey from the bar and poured out some in the glass cup.

I drank all in anger and hissed in frustration.

“What's wrong “. I heard Mrs Sonia voice behind me, 

“Nothing”. I murmured and took the bottle with me.

I walk back to my room and sat on my bed.

Why was I reacting this way, why was I angry, and why was there so much pain in my heart.

I told her I don't want her, I have been the one driving her away, and yet I am angry when I saw her with someone else.

I was scared of this feeling and knew it wasn't good for me.

The next morning I heard Lilly's voice waking me up, 

“Papa”. She shakes me with her tiny hands.

I groaned before opening my eyes, 

“Good morning, Papa”. She greeted

“Morning sunshine “. I stood up from the bed and kissed her on the cheek 

“I'm almost late, aren't you taking me to practice”.she asked 

I hissed softly before speaking up

“I will, go tell Grandma to bathe you while I take mine

“Okay papa”.she ran out of my room

I hissed and sat on my bed.

I will have to face her, even if I don't want to.