

Benson's POV

I walked out of the dance class and wondered what was going on with me. Since I spent time with Jesse in her house, I have been getting this strange feelings in me.I felt attracted to her and I hated myself for it.

I walk back home and started working on some documents, but I couldn't concentrate on work .the drawing I saw in Jesse's apartment keeps flashing in memory, and it was tormenting me .why do I feel attached to That drawing even when I knew I don't know a thing about the drawing.

I was still in thought when my phone started ringing, I checked the caller and saw that it was aunt.

“Hello aunt”

“Hey Benson, how are you "

“I'm great and Lilly is doing fine “.

“That's good to hear”.

“Hope you are not having any difficulties over there “. She asked 

“Not at all aunt "

She hissed and kept quiet for a while before she spoke up 

“Are you finding anything over there strange”. She asked 

“No aunt, is there something I should worry about”. I asked. Aunt has been acting strange ever since I told her I was coming to California, it feels like she was hiding something from me and I need to find out what was it.

“Of course there is nothing to worry about, I was just worried about you”. She spoke nervously.

I knew aunt was lying to me, but I decided to let it be.

“If you say so, aunt”

“Alright, Benson, I'll call you back “. She said those words and ended the call in a hurry. This was strange, and I need to get to the bottom of this.

I kept back my phone and kept working until it was time to pick up Lilly from school. I left the house and walk back to the dance hall. I got there and found Lilly playing with some kids .she noticed me and waved at me before she started picking up her things. I look around and met Jesse having a discussion with a young man. I took a better look and noticed Jesse was blushing to whatever the young man was saying. I felt angry and jealous. I was angry that another man was having such an effect on her. She met eyes with me and stared at me for a while before she looks away. I felt heartbroken and jealous. How can Jesse act like she didn't see me.

“Can we go, I've packed my things “. Lilly's voice brought me out from my thought.I hissed in frustration and took hold of her hand and walk out of the dancing hall.

“Papa, today's practice was really fun “. Lilly's spoke with so much happiness in her voice.

“Really, what did you guys do “. I asked, 

“We did ballet dancing today and Charity almost broke her legs”. Lilly giggle happily and kept swinging her legs as we walk.

“Really, and did you also break your legs “. I asked, 

“Of course not, I'm a good dancer”. She chuckled softly and kept saying words I couldn't understand because my thoughts was somewhere else.

We got home, and she took her bath while we ate lunch together before I put her to sleep.

I check the time and saw that it was few minutes pass 5pm.

“Shit”. I shouted and rushed to my bathroom. I took a quick bath and put on a casual wear before I quickly left the apartment.

I rushed to Jesse's apartment and knock on the door few times before the door was opened by her.

“You are really on time “. She said those words as a mockery.

I hissed and ran my fingers in my hair.

“Sorry, I did not keep track of time”. I spoke softly.

She nods her head and stared at me for a while before leaving the apartment with me.

I took a better look at her and noticed she was wearing a white tight jean that fits her so perfectly and a white to shirt with a black jacket on it .she looks incredibly beautiful even without a makeup on.

“Shall we “. She said those words when she noticed I wasn't moving along with me. I hissed softly and started walking besides her. I hated myself for allowing her have such effect on me.

The good thing about this small town was that there was no need for cars except you want to leave the town. We walk for a while until we got to the coffee shop. We found a comfortable spot and sat on the table.

“I'll go make the orders”. I said those words and left her at the table.

I got to the Waiter and ordered for two cups of coffee, one will cream and the other was just black coffee. I stared around the room and noticed a young man was chatting happily with Jesse. This man was different from the one I saw her with at the dance hall. I stared at them and wondered why she was so popular with men. I hissed in annoyance and look away. I took the coffee and went back to our table, but the man was still there. They noticed my presence and Jesse was the first to speak up, 

“Benson meet Chris and Chris I want you to meet Benson”. Chris brought forth his hand for a handshake, and I reluctantly took it.

“Nice to meet you, Benson”.he smiled at me before he let go of my hand.

“I'll see you around, Jesse ”. He kissed her softly on the cheek before he walked away.

I felt angry and noticed I have a new feeling of possession toward her.