
Fulfilling promise

Jesse's POV.

I stood up from the couch and followed everyone to the tree.

We all sat on the floor round the tree.

"I should give out my gift first ". I spoke up and handed a gift to Samuel.

He smiled at me before taking the gift from me.

"Open it "

He unwrapped the gift and I could see a big smile on his face.

"Thank God he likes it ". I murmured to myself.

"This is beautiful Jesse, where did you get this “.he asked while staring at me with wild eyes.

"From the mall, I'm glad you like it "

"I don't like it, I love it ".he chuckled softly.

“Thank you ".he murmured

"You are welcome ". I smiled at him and went for the next gift.

"Merry Christmas Smith". I handed the next gift to Smith.

"What is in here ".he asked in curiosity while he unwraps the gift.

"Woah, these are my favorite brand of perfume, how did you know ".he asked in disbelief while inhaling the fragrance.

I chuckled softly before speaking up, 

"I saw it in your room the last time I came here for Mrs Sonia's birthday party ".

"Oh, thanks a lot Jesse, I really love it "

"You are welcome ". I flash him a big smile Before going for the next gift.

"This is for you, Derick". I handed the gift to Derick.

He smiled at me and took the gift from me.

He opened it and exclaims in shock.

"This is a ticket to Francisco CA show happening here in California ".he exclaims in shock.

"Yes "

"I wanted to get a ticket, but it was out of sale"

"I have a friend who works there, so it was easy for me to get one ". I replied, 

"Wow, thanks so much Jesse, I love this ".

"You are welcome ". I smiled at him and pick up the next gift.

"This is for you, Mrs Sonia". I hand over the small box to her.

She smiled at me and took the box from me.

"This is beautiful".she brought out the necklace and stared at it with a smile on her face.

"I'm glad you like it".

"Thank you ".she murmured, 

"You are welcome ". I took another gift and gave it to Benson.

"This is for you ". I nervously gave the gift to him.

He stared at me for a while before unwrapping the gift.

He unwrapped the gift and brought out a wristwatch while he stares at it with curiosity.

"This is cool, thanks ".he muttered out those words while he stares at the wristwatch, but I knew he couldn't remember the brand of the wristwatch.

When we were in school he always dreams of wearing a longiness brand wristwatch in his hand 

He always talks about it and I told him I will get him the wristwatch on his 20th birthday, but then he disappeared from my life with no clue.

"I'm glad you like it". I flash him a weak smile before taking out the last gift.

"Last but not the least, this is for you, my dear Lilly".she giggled happily and took the gift from me.

She quickly opens the box and exclaims happily the moment she met eyes with the blue long dress I gifted her.

"This is beautiful, I will look like a princess in it ".she exclaims happily and put the dress on her body 

"It's beautiful ".she murmured happily and stood up from the floor, walk up to me and gave me a big hug

“Thank you miss Jesse I love you".she expressed those words like she meant, and I felt my heart beep in her words.

"I love you too, Lilly". I murmured those words and gently kissed her cheek.

She giggled happily and went back to her seat.

"Alright, it's time to give you our gifts ". Mrs Sonia spoke up 

"All these six gifts are all yours, you can start picking from anyone "

"Thank you ". I smiled at her and pick a gift which has Benson's name on it.

"That's from Papa". Lilly giggled happily.

I stared at Benson who has no expression on his face, he met my gaze and looked away.

I try to feel what's inside, but I couldn't 

"Open it ". Lilly demanded happily

I smiled at her before unwrapping the gift.

I opened the gift and to my greatest surprise, Benson brought me a pointe shoes that had the exact color and brand he promised to get me once we are done with high school.

"What are you looking at". Benson came from behind and kissed my cheek.

"Look at these pointe shoes". I murmured, 

He removes his gaze from me and stared at my laptop.

"There are beautiful, are they ballet shoes ?" He asked, 

"Yeah, and it's from the best brand here in California ". I murmured.

"You like them, then why don't you get it?" He asked

"Because they are really expensive". I murmured.

He stares at me for a while and gently caress my cheek.

"You want them ".he asked, 

"Yeah, but they are fucking expensive ". I murmured.

"How much are they "

"400 dollars ". I whispered in regret.

He stared at the pointe shoes in my laptop before staring at me.

"I'll get you for you ".he muttered out these words with a serious voice.

"Stop joking, you and I know you don't have such money ". I murmured and stared at the pointe shoes.

He hissed softly and pulled me to himself.

"I'll get you the pointe shoes once we are done with high school, and it's a promise".he murmured those words into my ear. 

"Jesse". I heard Derrick's voice.

I snap out of my thought and stared at the pointe shoes in my hands.

"How did you, I love these particular brand of pointe shoes". I asked while staring at Benson with curiosity.

If he doesn't remember me, then how come did he remember this was my favorite brand of pointe shoes and the exact color.

"I went to the mall, and it caught my attention , I never knew it's your favorite ".

I stared at him and realized he was indeed saying the truth. 

"Thank you ". I murmured with a smile on my face.

"Thank you for fulfilling your promise". I whispered to myself.