
Find happiness again

Benson's POV

I was awoken up by my alarm.my head hurt from the drink I had last night. I groaned in pain and frustration before getting up from the bed. I checked the time and saw that it was pass 9 am and Lilly was supposed to be in her dance lesson by now. Thinking about the dance lesson remind me of what happened last night. I hissed and was on my way to the bathroom when I heard Lilly's voice.

“ Good morning, Papa”. I turn around and saw that she was already dressed, 

“Morning my princess”. I moved close to her and kissed her.

“Are you ready for practice, just give me some minutes”.

“Don't worry about it, miss Jesse is here already, we are going to class together”. She kissed my cheek and happily ran out of my room. I hissed in relief and went to take a shower. While bathing, I wondered what her deal was .why was she getting to me so easily. Since Charity's death, I wasn't attracted to any lady, but with Jesse, it was different. it felt as if everything I did with her was right and familiar.

I got out from the bathroom and put on my clothes. I went to the sitting room and saw Charity's mother in the sitting room.

“Good morning”. She greeted when she saw me

“Morning”. I kissed her on the cheek and sat opposite her.

“Had a rough night, huh”. She asked when she noticed me constantly yawing.

“Yeah”. I replied

She stares at me with a questioning look before looking away.

“When do you plan on going back “.she asked, 

“I don't know, Lilly said she wanted to spend the Christmas celebration and new year celebration here “.

“That's good, but what about your company “.she asked 

“That isn't an issue, I can work from here “. She nods her head and stared at me .her stares was becoming uncomfortable, and I need to stop it.

“You've been staring”.

“Is it that obvious”. She asked 


“I want to say something to you “. She spoke up, 

“I'm listening”. I replied

She hissed and hesitated for a while before speaking.

“How are you planning your life with Lilly”. She asked.

I knew where she was going to and what she meant, but I wasn't ready for such discussion.

“Can we not talk about this “. I pleaded.

“No, Benson, you keep saying this .you have to plan your life and that of your daughter. I hissed and ran my fingers in my hair.

“ Charity won't be happy seeing you live your life like this “.

"Please, let's not go there “. I was getting irritated with the discussion.

“We need to talk about this Benson, my daughter your wife is gone, and you have to accept it and move on with your life, if not for yourself at least for your daughter “. She spoke firmly.

“We are doing just fine”. I spoke irritated

“No you are not “. She replied

“You are not doing find like this, you look like a shadow of yourself, when was the last time you even smile. Charity was your wife and also my daughter, but she is gone, and you have to accept it “.

“Let's not talk about this “. I was getting irritated with the topic.

“No Benson, we need to talk about this, you need to go out there and try to mingle with people, at least move around, and you might find happiness again “.

“No “. I shouted in anger, 

“Charity was my happiness and now is Lilly, I don't need anyone else in my life “. I stood up and angrily left the sitting room.

How could she suggest I take in another woman after I just lost Charity two-years ago. I went to my room and open my computer to see if I could distract myself with work. I pick some documents and started working on it, but my mind wasn't at work .what Charity's mom said to me was still ringing in my head. I hissed and shut down the computer. Maybe a walk will clear my head. I left the house and made my way to the street of the town. I hissed in relief when I felt the cold breeze on my skin. This would have been a perfect weather if only charity was here with me.

I took a u turn and made my way to the cemetery. I walked a few miters before getting to the cemetery. As I walk into the cemetery, I saw a familiar figure standing beside a grave tomb. I walk closer and saw that it was Jesse. What the hell was she doing here.