
Don't make friends

Benson's POV

“Papa, miss Jesse stays across “. Lilly spoke happily.

“Oh, you mean Jessica “. Sonia, my mother-in-law, asked.

“Yes, she's my dance teacher”. Lilly exclaims in joy. I wonder why she was so happy after she found out her dance teacher stays across.

“Jesse has been a nice girl since she came back home “. Sonia spoke up, 

“She doesn't stay here “. I asked, 

“Yeah, she is just here rendering community service to the town by teaching the kids how to dance for free “.she spoke with a smile on her face .it was obvious she likes that dance teacher.

“That's a good thing to do “. I replied and left them in the sitting room.

I got to my room and pick up a jacket. I need to be somewhere really fast. I put on my jacket and left my room.

“The temperature is too bad, maybe you should go there tomorrow”. Sonia tried stopping me from going, but what she doesn't know is that this was my favorite weather.

“I'll be fine “. I kissed Lilly on the cheek and left the apartment.

I took in a deep breath and started walking to the cemetery where my late wife Charity was buried. Today was our six years anniversary and I couldn't miss visiting her for anything.

I got to the cemetery and located her grave.it was neat, and a flower was already placed there, probably by her parents or childhood friends.

I hissed softly and sat beside her grave. I felt tears threatening to fall down my cheek and I couldn't hold it.

“I miss you, baby, I fucking do “. I whispered in tears. 

“You know it's been two years since you left, and it's feels like it's yesterday”. I murmured in tears. I let the tears fall before wiping them away. 

“Our little princess misses you every day, even though I know she has been trying her best to hide it from me, but I could still see how much she misses you “. I hissed and ran my fingers in her grave.

“We came here, so we could celebrate Christmas with you, and I know Lilly likes it here, just like you loved this Town”. I chuckled in tears.

I sat there in silence and could feel the cold snow falling on me. I closed my eyes and remembered how charity and I would play with the snow every year, but for the past two years it has been different.

I stood up and kissed her gravestone.

“Don't worry about us, okay, we are doing just fine “. I flashed a fake smile before leaving the cemetery.

I walked around the small town to clear my head before walking back home.

Before I got home, it was already dark. I was almost at the door of the apartment when I heard someone calling out to me, 

“Hey Benson”. I turn around and saw the dance teacher smiling and waving at me .she seems friendly and nice, but I wasn't the type who makes friends, especially now I'm in my darkest time. I stared at her and quickly ignored her. I understand it was unfair of me to do that .but it was better I do it now, so she would know I wasn't interested in having friends.