

Benson's POV

“Good morning, Miss Jesse". Lilly ran and gave jesse a big hug, 

"Morning Lilly, how are you ". Jesse asked while staring at Lilly with a smile on her face.

"I'm fine, thank you for the earrings, they are beautiful".

"It's okay, am glad you like them, now go in and change, okay?".

"Yes, bye papa".she waved her hand at me before going inside the hall.

"Hey Benson". Jesse awkwardly waved at me, 

"Hey ". I murmured 

"Thanks again for yesterday".

"It's nothing". I replied and was about walking away when she stopped me 

"I'm inviting you for a dinner in my house, to show you my appreciation, can you make it". She asked while staring at me.

Dinner with just the both of us, I can't take that.

"I'm sorry, I will be busy ". I spoke up 

"Okay, when will you be through".she asked 

"I don't know, my work doesn't move with time ". I replied firmly.

"Okay, I will just make the food and prepare the table in case you will be able to join ".she said those words while staring at me.

I stared at her confused, I just told her I wouldn't make it but here she is, still arguing about it.

"I can't promise you I will be able to make it ". I said those words hoping it will make her back down and forget about me coming to the dinner,but it didn't.

"That's not a problem, I'll just keep your plate in case you can make it ".she smiled at me and went inside the hall, 

"What the fuck ". I whisper in shock.

I left the hall and walk back home, I got home and noticed none of the brothers were home. I was on my way to my room when I heard Mrs Sonia voice from behind me.

I turn around and met her staring at me.

"Can I have a word with you".she asked.

I hissed softly before walking towards her direction.

I sat on the couch while avoiding her gaze.

"Samuel told me all that happened this morning and am sorry if they put a lot of pressure on you ".she said those words sincerely.

I stared at her but did not say a word.

"They are just trying to look after you and Lilly"

"I don't want anyone to look after us". I replied in annoyance.

"I and Lilly are doing just fine, we don't want a stranger in our life ". I spoke angrily.

“Benson”. Mrs Sonia called out my name, 

"We are not forcing you, we just want you to consider Lilly's future ". She spoke calmly.

"Lilly's future". I asked angrily, 

"What does this have to do with Lilly's future". I asked in anger.

Mrs Sonia hissed softly while staring at me, 

"Benson, you know what I meant ".she spoke in a serious tune ".

"You can't take care of Lilly alone ".she said those word like she was so sure of it.

"I have been taking care of my daughter for the past two years, why do you guys think I can't do it anymore ". I asked in anger.

"You did not take care of her, your housekeeper did".she spoke firmly

"And I can't have a housekeeper taking care of Lilly, when you can get a wife who would do that ".she spoke seriously.

I groaned in anger but did not say a word.

"Listen Benson, you might not know why we are doing this, but with time you will get to understand".

"Just think about it ".she begged, 

I hissed softly and stood up from the couch.

"I'll think about it ".

I said those words and walk out of the sitting room.

I got to my room and open my laptop to work, my mind wasn't at work, but I couldn't let it distract me.

I work for hours before I realized it has passed the time I was supposed to get Lilly from practice.

I quickly stood up from my bed and rush out from my room and walk out of the apartment only to see Jesse and Lilly walking towards the house.

I hissed in relief and stood by the door.

"Papa, were you busy, or you didn't keep up with the time ". Lilly asked, 

"Both ". I took her in my arms and kissed her cheek, 

"How was your day ".

"It was fine, our dance is by next week ".she spoke happily.

"Really ".

"Yes, you will have to come ".

"Of course, I can't miss it for anything in the world".

She giggled happily before leaving my arms.

"Goodbye miss Jesse".

She waved at miss Jesse, who waved back.

I turn and stared at Jesse.

"Hey ".she waved at me, 

"Hey ".

"My offer still stands ".she spoke happily.

I hissed softly and stared at her.

"And I told you I won't make it ". I spoke firmly.

"No problem, I'll just keep a plate in case ".she smiled at me before walking away.

“Stubborn". I murmured and walked inside the apartment.

I got inside the apartment and saw that Lilly was already eating lunch given to her by Mrs Sonia.

I left them and walk back to my room, I pick up my laptop and tried to work, but I couldn't.

Jesse words keep ringing in my head and I tried my best to take those thoughts away from me.

I can't allow myself to have dinner with her, not when I know the feelings I have for her.

A feeling I wanted dead by all means, a feeling I hope disappears each passing day. I just can't let myself go to that dinner, and who knows what she was planning.

I went back to work but noticed I wasn't concentrating. My thought was on the dinner and what she was planning, I was curious on which dish and drink she must have prepared.

I groaned in anger and closed my computer.

"Fine". I muttered out.