
Dance and Christmas Carol

5 days before Christmas 

Benson's POV

Today was the day of the Christmas music and dance Carol in the town, and Lilly and the other kids will perform tonight.

I put on my shoes and made sure everything was in place before I left my room and walk into the sitting room where the three brothers, Lilly and Mrs Sonia were all waiting for me.

"Daddy".  Lilly exclaims happily and ran up to me, giving me a big hug

"You look just like a princess".  I kissed her cheek and took her in my arms.

"Shall we? “. Mrs Sonia said those words and lead the way.

We all got into the Samuel's car, and he drove off.

"Papa". Lilly calls out my name, 

"Yes princess".  I smiled at her, 

"Have you seen miss Jesse dance before? ". she asked while staring at me with wide eyes.

"No, dear ".

"Then you will have to see her dance today because she will dance after our performance". She exclaims happily.

"That will be nice".  I gently taps her head and look away. 

I hissed in frustration when I realized I will have to see her again.

I thought I would be able to avoid her until I get back to Australia, but fate wasn't on my side this time. 

"We are here ". Samuel parked in front of the town hall.

"Yeah, I can't wait".  Lilly giggled happily and stood up from my laps. I chuckled softly when I noticed how happy she was about this dance.

We all got out of Samuel's car and made our way to the town hall when suddenly I met eyes with Jesse, I felt my heart beating and my palm became sweaty.

"Miss Jesse". Lilly left my hand and ran to Jesse, giving her a big hug.

"They look good together".  Mrs Sonia said those words while staring directly at me.

I hissed softly and walked away.

I got into the hall and sat in an empty seat, while the three brothers and Mrs Sonia sat beside me.

"Where is Lilly? ". I asked 

"She's with Jesse, she needs to change up because the children's dance is the third performance for the night".

I nod my head and look away.

I stared around the hall and noticed the hall was filled with people, parents, and siblings who were here to watch their kids dance. Everyone seems to know each other because they were all having cheerful and happy conversations.

"Welcome everyone". A man stood on the stage dressed as a Santa Claus.

I hissed softly and lean on my seat, 

"This will definitely be a long night". I murmured to myself.

The Santa Claus keeps saying things I wasn't paying attention to and everybody was just laughing except for me.

"Benson, you should smile, it's the season of Christmas".  Mrs Sonia said those words with a ridiculous smile on her face.

I groaned angrily and look away, 

"More four days ".  I whispered to myself.

"First to come on stage are the midnight singers, they will be singing different Christmas songs to us., please welcome them with a round of applause". Everyone applauded, including I.

The midnight singers were a crew of elderly men who dressed as cowboys, putting on a white and red attire.

Cheers and applauds were heard as they walk up on stage, they smilled at everyone before those who were playing the instrument started playing, and the singers joined along.

The music were Melody to the ears and I couldn't help it but took a video of them.

"That was magnificent". the host spoke up when he came up on stage.

I hissed softly and saw that we have already spent an hour here and Lilly's group hasn't performed yet.

"The next group to come on dance are the fantastic crew as they perform a Christmas play for us".

Everyone cheered and clapped loudly for them as they came on stage.

The fantastic crew were made of teens who weren't above the age of eighteen, I guess.

They bow to us before starting the play.

Everyone enjoyed the play including I,and  are cheered and clapped for them when they left the stage.

I hissed in relief when I realized it was time for Lilly's group to perform.

"And the next performance for the night is our own very little kids, who are here to show us the spirit of ballet. Let's welcome the little birds".he spoke happily.

They were cheers and claps, some parents were on their feet shouting and screaming as the kids walks into the stage. 

I smiled when I saw Lilly walk in and brought out my camera.

The little birds were kids from three to the age of seven, I assumed.

They were dressed in red tutu matches up with a simple white tight and a pointe ballet shoes to match with it.

They were all looking amazing.

Lilly was in front line with three other kids her height.

Jesse came on stage put on on the music before standing in a corner with smiles all over her face.

The music started, and the kids were dancing incredibly good, no mistakes or error where seen and the fact that Jesse didn't give them any direction was impressive.

They spin around comfortably and effortlessly, I stared at Lilly and never knew she could dance this well.

Claps and cheers were loud among the proud parents who watch their kids dancing.

Smith was shouting on top of his voice, yelling Lilly's names and taking videos and pictures.

Everyone was amazed, including me by the impressive performance of the kids.

Watching the kids dance this well, one would know the teacher wasn't an ordinary dancer herself without being told.

They dance to the last beat of the song before bowing to us while giggling happily.

Cheers and applause were loud as the kids walk out of the stage.

"That was incredible". the host exclaimed happily.

"Well I am not surprised at the kid's performance because their teacher is a fabulous dancer herself.

"Talking about the teacher, let's clap our hands, and we bring on stage, miss Jesse.

Shout and applause were loud and from the people in the hall.

I stare around and noticed everyone must have really liked her.

"Hey papa".  I saw Lilly coming toward me.

“You were astounding".  I kissed her forehead and place her in my laps.

I look back on the stage and saw Lilly standing on the stage with a big smile on her face

"Beautiful ".  I muttered out.