

Benson's POV

I wandered around my room, thinking if I had made the right decision.

I hissed and sat on my bed, I checked the time and saw that it was past 6pm, I hissed softly and left my room, maybe a distraction will help.

I left my room and went to the sitting room, where the brothers were busy playing a game.

"Hey Benson, we thought you wouldn't come out from your hole ". Smith smiled playfully at me.

The three brothers chuckled and went back to their games.

I took a free seat and watch what they were doing.

"Do you care to join?, there is a space for one more “. Samuel spoke up, 

I hissed softly and moved my chair closer, maybe this will be the distraction I will need.

"Here is how the game is being played., we will ask a question and if you can't answer, then you will have to drink a shot ". Derick pointed at the bottle of beer on the floor.

"Got it ".  I replied.

"Alright, it's Smith's turn". Derick spoke up, 

"I'm the one to ask". Samuel spoke up, 

"Ask, I'm not scared of you, ". Smith said those words confidently.

We all laughed and waited for Samuel, 

"When was the last time you had sex? ". Samuel asked with a big grin on his face.

"Seriously". Smith asked while rolling his eyes.

"You can just drink, if you don't want to answer". Derick spoke up 

"I'm answering, don't worry, ". Smith spoke confidently.

"Last week ". Smith replied

Everyone laugh including Smith.

"Hope you don't get someone pregnant".Samuel spoke up with a big grin on his face. 

"At least I can get someone pregnant, what about you? ". Smith asked while rolling his eyes.

"When I get married, I will make children". Samuel replied,

 "That will be in ages ". Derick said those words while rolling his eyes at Samuel.

Samuel chuckled and went back to the game.

"It's your turn, Benson". Smith spoke up, 

"Bring it on ". I replied.

Derick thought for a while before I noticed a big grin on his face and I realized I was in serious trouble.

"Have you stared at another woman sexually,and wish to have sex with her".he asked with a big grin on his face.

I looked at him and everyone, I knew the answer,, but I felt it would be better not to talk about it. 

"I'll take the shot, ".  I replied and went for the drink.

"This is not fun". Smith rolls his eyes and looks away.

Everyone chuckled softly and went for the game.

The game continued with laugh and mischievous questions,, but my thought was somewhere else.

I check the wall clock and saw that it was past 8pm.

I hissed in relief ,at least she would have been done with the dinner.

I sign softly and stood up from the chair.

"I'm going out to take some fresh air ".

I left the sitting room and went outside the apartment.

I stood in front of the apartment and stared at Jesse's flat.

I tried getting my eyes off her apartment,, but I couldn't, I was curious and restless.

I wondered if she was still waiting for me like she said.

That can't be possible., she won't be waiting this long for me.

I hissed softly and tried going back to the apartment,, but I couldn't.

I took in a deep breath and walk to Jesse's apartment.

I knew what I was doing was risky,, but I just couldn't get myself off the dinner.

I walk slowly to her apartment even when everything in me was screaming for me to stop and go home,, but I did not until I made it to Jesse's apartment.

I got to her door and took in a deep breath before knocking on it.

I heard noise and footsteps coming from the apartment, before she open the door.

"You made it, ". she spoke happily.

I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

"Please come in. ". she moved aside and allowed me in.

"Come in ". she walk before and led me to the dining table.

I got to the dining table and saw different dishes displayed on the table, not just dishes but my favorite foods.

I stared at the dish before staring at Jesse with wild eyes.

"Come seat ". she showed the chair to me.

I glared at her one more time before sitting down. She smiled at me and took the chair opposite me.

"How did you know these are my favorite ". I asked with wild eyes

"Your favorite?". she asked 

"Yeah "

She chuckled softly and drank some water 

"It's just coincidence, I also love these foods ". She replied firmly.

I stared at her,, but she didn't meet my gaze.

"Let's eat ". she arranged the plate for me, 

I stared at her for a moment before putting some food on my plate.

"You cooked these? ". I asked 

"Yeah, taste it and see if you will like it, ".she spoke up, 

I nod my head and took a spoon of it.

I chewed a little and noticed the food was properly cooked, 

"How is it? ". she inquired with curious eyes.

"Good ".  I murmured and too another spoon in my mouth.

She smiled at me before taking a spoon of food in her mouth.

"I knew you would show up". she spoke confidently.

"You knew I would come ?". I asked 


"How did you know I would come?". I asked, 

"Because my guts don't fail me ". She replied and took a spoon of her food.

I stared at her eating, and for strange reasons, I love the sight of it.

"Stop staring and eat ". she chuckled softly and went back to her food.

I stared at her one more time before going back to the food.

We ate in a comfortable silence until we were through with the meal.