
Cheating on me

Benson's POV

"Hey baby, where are you? ". I asked, 

"I'm at home, ". she answered in a shattering voice.

"Are you okay? “.  I asked over the phone 


"Alright I am going for a party, see you later ".


"Love you ". I ended the call and kept back the phone.

I pick up my car keys and left the house, I drove over to Jason's place and called him 

"Am outside your apartment".

"I'll be right out".

I waited for few minutes before he came out of his apartment and entered the car.

"Where's she". he asked while putting on his seat belt, 

"At home ". I replied 

"Why?, I thought she was coming with us "

I hissed and put on the engine and drove off.

"I was supposed to ask her to come with us, but she sounded tired and sick, so I decided to let her rest ".

"Oh, I see, ". he replied and went for my music player.

"Man, you have a lot of Westlife music in here "

I chuckled and shake my head 

"Those are not mine ". I explained 

"No wonder ". 

He searched for a different song and played it while we hum together with the beat.

"This is it ". he spoke happily the moment we got out of the car.

"Hope they don't do drugs here, ". I asked firmly.

Jason chuckled and taps my shoulder, 

"You should at least have a taste of it ".

"Not me ". I shake my head and walked to the entrance of the club.

We brought out our IDs and showed it to the bouncer before he let us in.

"This music is so loud".  I murmured when we entered inside the club.

"Clubs are not meant to be like a graveyard". He explained while rolling his eyes at me.

I sighed and followed him to a corner of the bar and sat down, 

"What will you have?". he asked 

"Anything, not too strong ". I replied

"You are no fun". he murmured those words and left for our drinks.

I brought out my phone and waited to call her, but I decided to let her be.

Few minutes, Jason came in with our drinks.

"Hope this isn't too strong". I asked while staring at him with suspicious eyes.

"Oh,please taste it and stop acting like a baby ". he Chuckled softly and took a sip of his drink.

I murmured and took a sip of the drink.

"You like it?". Jason asked with a big grin on his face.

"Don't tell me you added drugs to this ". I asked.

"Just a little ". He gave me a devilish grin and took a sip of his drink.

I groaned and push the drink away.

I was about saying something when a girl walk up to us and sat beside us.

"I like you, ". she muttered out those words confidently at me

"Thank you ". I murmured and glance away.

She smiled at me and place her hand on my leg, but I took it away.

She chuckled and took a sip of my drink, 

"That's rude ". I muttered out those words in irritation.

"Sorry about that ". she blew me a kiss.

I stared at her in disgust and look away.

Can I have a dance with you"? . She asked, 

"No".  I replied quickly

"Why?". She asked while trying to touch me,but I move away 

"Because I have a girlfriend who I love so much, ". I replied firmly.

She laughed softly and shakes her head before speaking up, 

"Everyone cheats, including your supposed girlfriend".she muttered out those words confidently.

"Not my girlfriend". I spoke angrily, 

"You think so ?". she asked 

"Yes, please leave". I spoke in anger 

"Fine, you don't need to shout". She stood up from the chair and walked away.

“Rubbish”.  I muttered out.

"You shouldn't have done that ". Jason spoke up, disappointed.

I stared at him but did not say a word.

"You should have just danced with her and have fun". 

"Well, I have a girlfriend, I can't been seen in a club dancing romantically with a girl “. I said those words in a serious tune.

"But your girlfriend can ". he muttered out those words, staring at a direction.

"What are you saying?".  I asked, confused.

"Look over there ".

I followed the directions of his eyes and to my surprise I saw her dancing with a guy and his hands were on her waist, and again I couldn't clearly see her face.

"What is she doing here? ". I asked in anger .

Jason chuckled softly and took a sip of his drink

"I thought she was sick and sleeping at home ". Jason expressed those words as mockery.

"Just shut up "

I took a better look and noticed how she was  relaxed and comfortable with him like he was her boyfriend.

"She is cheating on you ". Jason muttered out those words confidently.

"That's not true". I murmured

"What's not true?". he asked 

"The fact that she acted she was sick or the fact that she lied to you that she was home". Jason asked, in irritation.

I hissed in anger and roughly ran my fingers through my hair in pain and frustration, 

"She is cheating on you ". Jason's words keeps ringing in my head and I couldn't take it anymore.

I stood up from the chair and walked over to the dance floor and stood in a corner where I know she would see me.

Watching them dance, then I realized Jason was right., she was really cheating on me.

She turns around and met eyes with me and I could see how scared and worried she looks when she realized I must have caught her.

I left the club and stood outside while she rushed and stood in font of me

"Let me explain". She pleaded.

"Explain what? ".  I scream on top of my voice in anger, 

"It's not the way you see it ". She begged 

"Really?". I asked in anger 

"I called you, and you deliberately lied to me. You fucking played me,"

She hissed and move closer to me, but I moved back 

"Who is he? ".  I asked 

"Who is who". She asked, confused.

“Don't fucking act dumb with me “. I shouted in anger.

"Listen Benson, it's not how you see it ". She tried explaining things to me, but I knew she was lying.

"Are you fucking him? ".  I asked with so much disgust and anger on my face.