
Back home

Benson's POV

"We are landing in ten minutes".the air hostess announced to us.

I hissed in relief and sat properly on the chair, I stared at Lilly and noticed she was peacefully sleeping.

I relaxed on the chair and my thought went to Jesse and the kiss that happened in her apartment few hours ago.

The kiss was so different from any kiss I have had before. There was something different and unique from that kiss, and I just couldn't place it.

I was in love with this girl and I knew I wanted her just the way she wanted me, but I will have to unravel the mysteries in my life before going into a relationship with her.

"We are landing".the hostess announced.

"Baby ". I gently tap Lilly on her arms, 

She murmured for a while before opening her eyes.

"We are home ". I smiled at her, 

She flash me a weak smile before sitting properly on the chair, 

"Let's go". I took hold of her hand and left the plane with her.

The moment we came out of the airport I saw my only friend waving his hand at us 

"Uncle Julius ". Lilly waved happily and let go of my hand while she rush to hug him.

"Look at you, you look big".he spoke happily while turning Jesse around who giggled happily and jumps around.

"Where is your car ". I asked with tiredness

"Is that how to say hello to your friend after not seeing him for a month ". Julius asked while raising his eyebrows at me.

I chuckled softly and moved away from them and began searching his car until I located it.

I hissed softly and walked over to the car while him and Lilly stroll behind.

I got to the car and open the boot of the car and put our luggage in ,and closed it.

I got into the passenger's seat while Lilly sat at the back seat.

Julius got into the car and drove off.

"How have you been man ?".he asked 

"Fine ". I replied

He stares at me with curiosity before looking away.

"You don't look fine to me, you look stressed, what's the problem ".he asked 

"Nothing ". I replied quickly, this is why I don't like Julius, he always knew if something was wrong with me.

"You don't want to talk about it ?" He asked with his gaze still at the road. 

I did not say a word, rather I looked away.

He nods his head to the music playing in his music player and kept on driving.

He drove for a while before he got to my house and park in my garage.

Linda, our housekeeper, rushed out of the apartment with a smile on her face, 

"Aunt Linda". Lilly exclaims happily and open the car door and rush to Linda.

I smiled at both of them before getting out of the car.

I went to the boot and brought out our things, while Linda greeted me and took the bags from me.

"Thanks man ". I spoke up 

"It's nothing, I have a meeting to catch up with a client, but I will be back soon ".he spoke up 

I nod my head at him before going into the house.

I got home and noticed everything was just the way I left it, and I was great full to Linda for that.

"I'll be in my room ". I said those words to Linda and climbs the stairs.

I climbed the stairs and got to my room. I open the door and hissed in relief before entering into the room.

My room was the master bedroom in which I and charity shared, but now that she was gone it was too big for me.

I lay on the bed with my back and so many thoughts came in my head, but I have to do the most important thing,which is calling aunt.

I pick up my phone and called aunt, it rang a few time before it was picked 

"You are back ".she said those words not as a question.

"Yes, are you home ". I asked impatiently

"No, but I will be going home soon"

"When should I start coming?" I ask 

"Calm down Benson, you just returned from a journey, relax and take some rest then we can see by tomorrow".she spoke up 

I groan in anger before speaking up 

"I've been waiting for this for the past few weeks, and now you are asking me to have some rest" I spoke in frustration.

Relax Benson, I will tell you all that you need to know, but firstly, you have to rest ".she spoke firmly.

Listening to her, I knew she has made her decision and there was no need exchanging words with her.

"Fine, I'll be coming to your place by tomorrow"I murmured in irritation.

"Sure, I will see you then, bye".she spoke those words and ended the call.

I hissed in frustration before keeping back the phone.

I just can't wait for tomorrow to come.

I stood up from the bed and pull off my clothes before stepping into the shower.

I took a quick bath and came back to the room, I put on a simple clothes of a tight blue jeans and a white T-shirt before leaving my room.

I got downstairs and noticed dinner was already served.

I sat on the chair and ate a little before getting up from the chair, 

"Goodnight princess". I kissed Lilly on her forehead, 

"Goodnight Dad ".she smiled at me before I left for my room.

I got to my room, hissed in relief before laying on my bed and drifted to sleep.

I opened my eyes and realized it was morning already, I checked the time and saw that it was pass 7am.

I took in a deep breath and stood up from the bed, I went to the bathroom and washed my face before leaving for the sitting room.

I got to the sitting room and saw only Linda in the kitchen.

"Good morning sir".she greeted and kept my usual morning coffee on my table.

I took a sip of it and went for my phone, I dialed aunt's number, and it rang a few time before she picked 

"Good morning aunt". I greeted

"Oh Benson you are calling this early".she spoke in a sleeping voice.

"Listen aunt". I tried to speak up, but she cut me off, 

"You can start coming, I will be waiting for you ".