
Act like a father

Jesse's POV

I opened my apartment door and went inside; I walk straight to my room and pull off my clothes and took a warm bath.

I finished bathing and walk back to my room, I was about to lay on my bed when my phone started ringing.

I reached for the phone and check the caller 

“Shit”. I murmured

“Hey "

“Jesse I've been waiting for you, aren't you coming”.

“Sorry, am on my way "

“Alright”. She ended the call

I stood up from my bed be started searching for dresses in my drawer.

The first person I consider a friend when I first came here was celebrating her birthday, and I totally forgot because of the incident that happened earlier today.

I pick up a blue tight jean and a crop top. I changed my clothes, did a light makeup and left my apartment.

I walk for a while before I made it to Cecilia's apartment. I could hear loud music and chattering coming from her backyard.

I move to the direction of the music and saw how the place was crowded with people, it looks like the whole town was here.

I step into the crowd, waving at people I recognized, and those who recognized me.

I step inside the house and found Cecilia in the kitchen bringing out some cakes

“You finally came. I thought you won't make it “. she rolls her eyes at me and started cutting the cakes 

“I'm so sorry Cecilia, something happened”

“What could be so important than my birthday?, you didn't even wish me a happy birthday”.she frows her face at me walk out of the kitchen 

I followed her back to the backyard and helped in arranging things.

“Jesse”.  I heard a familiar voice called out my name 

I turn around and saw that it was Jacob, I wave my hands at him while he walks up to me 

“Hey, I've been looking for you 

“I just arrived”. I replied


“My wife is here "

“Really, I'll go say hello to her “.

“She would love that “. He smiled at me and was about to say something when he taps me 

“See who is here "

I turn at the direction he was looking at and saw Benson walking in with Charity's brother 

“Never knew he was coming”. I murmured to myself, 

“Should I go say hello to him? “. Jacob asked

I shake my head at him

“That won't be a good idea, since he doesn't remember us I think it is better we let it stay that way “. I said those words and took a sip of my drink 

“Really, Jesse, are you going to just let him go? ”.he asked in disbelief

“I have to, I don't a choice. I can't force him to remember me when it seems like he doesn't want to “. I took a sip of my drink and look in Benson's direction.

He was chanting happily with few people and was lost in the discussion that he couldn't notice me.

I took a drink and walk up to him., the Moment he saw me I could see how shock he was.

“Hi”. I brought forth my hand and gave him the drink, 

“You are here “. He took the drink from me 


“You should be in bed resting”. he spoke like an angry father 

I chuckled softly and took a sip of my drink

“The celebrant is my very good friend, and she would kill me if I didn't attend "

“That's not a good reason, you should have just explain things to her, “.he argued angrily

“Well, I'm here now”.  I roll my eyes at him, 

He stared at me for a while before speaking

“Is that alcohol you are drinking”he took the drink from my hand and sipped it

“This has alcohol in it. You shouldn't be taking an alcoholic drink when you are on drugs, “.he uttered in annoyance

I stared at him and chuckled at his behavior 

“You think this is funny? “. He asked in annoyance.

I roll my eyes and took back my drink from him

“See you later “. I blew him a kiss and walk away.