
A mother figure

Benson's POV

“She kissed me,”

I rubbed my cheek and grinned like an idiot

“What are you doing, Benson “. I murmured to myself.

I walk back to the house and met Charity's mom in the sitting room staring at me with curiosity

“I saw you and Jesse a while ago. “She beamed at me, 

“It's not what you think “. I spoke in irritation.

“I know it's not what I think, but I would be delighted if it was what I was thinking "

Hearing those words from her made me furious, and I couldn't control it 

“Are you for real? “. I asked in anger.

“You lost your daughter, my wife just two years ago and here you are encouraging me to go out with another woman.” I yelled in anger, 

“Keep your voice down. Lilly is asleep "

She spoke calmly, but that worsened everything

“Don't tell me to calm down. How can you be suggesting I be with another woman when I just lost my wife, your daughter”. I spoke in anger 

“It's two years Benson, it's been a whole two years”.she spoke calmly

“Yes, it been two years and two years isn't enough to mourn my wife who happens to be your daughter”. I spoke angrily

“You are still blaming yourself for her death, right?”. she asked 

I ran my fingers angrily through my hair 

“I don't want to talk about this “. 

“You have to, you just can't keep doing this to yourself”.she spoke seriously

“Listen Benson, I know you love my daughter, but you have to let her go and build a new life with another good woman for Lilly's sake "

“For Lilly?”.  I asked in anger, 

“Does Lilly look like someone who lacks anything? ”. I asked in anger 

“You know what I mean Benson, you know what am trying to say”

"Lilly is a girl and will need a mother figure in her life, and you won't be able to play that role, no matter how hard you try, “. she spoke up.

"I'm not pushing you to Jesse or any other woman because I want you to live your life or have fun with it. the only reason I urging you to get married again is because of Lilly, she is a girl and will definitely need a mother someday “. She stood up from the couch and walk up to me 

“Trust me, I know how it feels, she was also my daughter, but I can't let you ruin my granddaughter's life because you want to be devoted to her “.

I hissed in frustration and sat on the couch 

“Look at the brighter side of things. Jesse is a wonderful lady. Everyone knows that. And she also loves Lilly a lot., why don't you consider her "

“Never, any other person but not she “.i replied quickly

“Why not she? “. she asked confused

I grumbled and leaned on the couch, how do I explain to her that I can't have anything to do with Jesse because she does strange things to me and I feel weird whenever am around her and I don't like it.

“She is just not my type “. I spoke up

“Not your type”. Charity's mum spoke in disbelief.

“What the way I saw you behaved when she kissed you, how can you say she is not your type “.she asked while staring at me with curiosity

“Don't be fooled with what you saw., she doesn't have the qualities I possess in a woman”. I said those words hoping it will end the topic, but it did not 

“But she possesses the quality of a good mother, that's all that matters since you are getting married to her because of Lilly, right?”.

I groaned in irritation and stood up from the couch, 

“Stop stressing yourself, I'm not getting married to her or any lady and that's final “. I said those words and angrily left the sitting room to my room, 

I roughly ran my fingers through my hair in frustration and annoyance while wandering in the room 

I need to leave this town and I need to leave it immediately.

I pick up my phone and called my secretary

“Good evening boss “.she greeted

“Evening Kate, prepare my schedules I will be back shortly after Christmas”. I spoke impatiently

“Yes sir,, but Christmas is three weeks from now “,

“I know, just start preparing them”. I shouted in anger 

“Alright sir”. she replied quickly

I ended the call and threw the phone on the bed with irritation.

Charity's mom words keeps ringing in my head, no matter how hard I tried not to listen.

I can take care of Lilly, why do I need a wife for that" I asked in anger.

I've been taking care of Lilly for the past two years with the help of my housekeeper and can still do it until she turns into a woman, why must I need a wife for something I've been doing.

“Jesse”. I murmured in irritation

I can never have anything to do with that lady.

She makes me do things I knew I would never do to another woman apart from charity, and it scares the shit out of me.  she weakens the bones in me whenever I'm close to her and I didn't like it.

I'm trying to avoid her the best I could, yet something draws me to her and I find it really strange and overwhelming.

I hissed and sat on the bed with my hands on my face.

I just can't wait for Christmas to come so all this could be over.