
A familiar drawing

Benson's POV

I noticed how happy Lilly was as we walked towards Jesse's door.

We were about to knock the door when the door was already opened

“Hey I saw you guys through the window”.she flashed a charming smile at us, those smile that always do strange things to me. 

“I ask Dad if we could come see you “.she giggles happily.

“That's very nice of you, please come in “.she smiled at both of us and opened the door to let us in, 

We got in and Lilly happily run around the apartment.

“Please sit”. She spoke to me with a smile on her face.

I released a soft sigh and made my way to the couch.

“What should I get you “. She asked, 

“Anything, and please get Lilly for me “. She nods her head and left me in the sitting room. I look around the sitting room and noticed it was neatly kept, and we'll design.

“Lilly is asleep in my room “. I heard Jesse's voice behind me. I turn around and met Jesse coming out of her room with a drink and two class cups in her hand.

“She is sleeping “. I asked confused.

“Yeah”. Jesse's Chuckled softly, and for strange reasons I love it.

I groaned in frustration and ran my fingers in my hair .she was the one disturbing me of seeing Jesse, and now she is sleeping.

“You should go get her “. I stood up from the couch.

“Please sit, can we at least have a drink together”. She asked, almost like a pled.

“Sorry, I need to put Lilly to bed”. I spoke up. I wasn't comfortable with been alone with her, not after all that happened.

“Lilly is sleeping comfortably in my bed, you don't have to worry about her “.she stood up and stared at me. I hissed in frustration and sat back .she smiled at me before pouring out a drink for us.

“Thank you “. I took the drink from her.

We drank in silence and I caught her staring at me with a curious look and I became uncomfortable.

“Do you want to say something”. I asked when I couldn't take more of her stares.

“Oh no, nothing”. She smiled and took a sip of her drink. I stare at her and knew she was lying, but I decided to let it be.

We sat in silence until she spoke up, 

“What do you do “. She asked, 

“Nothing serious”. I replied nonchalantly. She raised a bow and stared at me.

“That isn't an answer”.she spoke up.

I hissed softly and took a sip of my drink, I wasn't ready for this and Lilly was to be blame for putting me in such dilemma.

“I own a building company “I spoke coldly

“I knew it “. She spoke with so much excitement in her voice.

“You knew what “. I asked confused.

She stares at me with shock before she chuckled nervously.

“Oh, what I mean to say was that you look like one who owns a building company“. She spoke nervously.

I stare at her and knew she was definitely hiding something.

“And you, what do you do “. I asked when I noticed there was a tense silence in the room.

“I'm an architect, but I'm not working for the time been”.she spoke softly.

“Architect”. I asked surprised 

“Yeah, dancing is just my hobby”.she chuckled softly 

“Wow”. I exclaim, surprised .she smiled and looked away.

“Can you show me your drawings”. I asked, 

“That won't be a problem, but I have only pictures of myself and some friends I drew years back “.

“That isn't a problem”. I spoke up. She smiled at me before leaving the sitting room. I hissed in relief the moment she left. I realized she wasn't that hard to make a conversation with.

Few minutes she came back with some papers in her hands .she smiled and handed the book to me.

“You can check them”. I took the book from her and started going through her drawings.

They were neat and properly drew.

“This is good “. I did not know when that left my mouth.

“Thank you “. She giggled happily.

I kept on watching the drawing until I got to a drawing that looks familiar, strange, and beautiful. The drawing was a tree house and a boy and a girl were standing in front of the house .then there was a heart sign with the writing “where we first met”. 

I felt cold run through my body and I started having severe headache. I touched my head and murmured in pain.

“Are you okay “.she asked when she noticed what was going on. I ignored her question and stared at the picture again. I look properly at the drawing and realized it wasn't drawn by one person .this picture was drawned by two people.

“Who drew this picture with you “. I asked, 

She stood up from her seat and walked towards me.

“Which picture”. She asked 

“This”. The Moment she saw the drawing, I saw her shiver in fear, and she nervously bites her lips.

“I and a friend drew this “. She spoke calmly.

“Who is this friend”. I asked out of curiosity.

She hesitated for a while before speaking up, 

“He was a childhood friend”. She spoke softly. I stared one more time at the drawing and for strange reasons the drawing seems familiar to me, like I was the boy in the drawing.

“Are you okay “. She asked nervously.


I kept looking at the pictures and couldn't remove my eyes from it.

“Is he your lover “. I did not know when that left my mouth.

She stares at me with wide eyes before looking away.

“Yes, he was “. She spoke in a low voice.

“Was”. I asked a confused

“Yeah”. I stared at her and noticed the topic was hurting her, and she wasn't comfortable with it, so I decided to let it be.

“The drawing is beautiful”. I spoke up before I could finally flip pass the drawing.

“Thank you “. She murmured, 

I handed the book to her and noticed her swallowed nervously.

“I should go get her “. She did not allow me to speak before she rushed to her room.

I released an heavy sign and stood up from the chair. I wondered why she was acting strange after I showed her that drawing, and I wondered why I have those effect on me when I saw that drawing.

I heard footsteps and turn around only to see Jesse's carrying Lilly in her arms. They both felt relaxed in his other's arms, and for a strange reason, I love the sight of this.

“Here, be careful, so you won't wake her up”.she gently handed Lilly to me and smiled at her.

“Thank you for coming”. She smiled at me and open the door for me.

I walked over to the door and for a strange reason, I did not want to leave her company. I was getting used to her and I hated it.