
A big fool

Jesse's POV

"What do you mean by that ?" I asked in anger 

"What don't you understand".he moves closer to me and stared into my eyes with those two sets of greens eyes I always loved staring at me with love and care but today those eyes stares at me with anger, hatred, and pain.

"You are a cheap whore that is what you've ever been ".he muttered out those words while staring directly into my eyes.

Hearing those words from him, I felt my heart pound in pains and I have to control the tears threatening to fall down from my eyes.

I can't let him see me this weak, I just can't 

"You are a fool Benson, you've always been a fool ". I muttered out those words while staring back at him

Indeed he is a fool 

A fool who couldn't see how much I loved and cherished him twelve years ago 

A fool who wouldn't let me explain things, 

A fool who after twelve years still wouldn't listen to me and let me explain 

Indeed he is a fool and I have no regrets saying it.

"What did you say ". Benson yelled in anger 

"You heard me right, you are a fool Benson and a very big one at that". I muttered out those words in anger.

He took hold of me and push me to the bed and climbed on top of me with anger and range in his eyes. 

"How dare you ".he yelled in anger.

I stared at him and realized my words might have anger him so badly that he couldn't control it.

I swallowed nervously and look away.

He stared at me with so much anger, and I knew he was controlling himself not to explode on me.

He went down from me and angrily storm out of the room. 

I stood up from the bed and wondered what was that.

Was Benson now having anger issues, or was it just because he hated me so much.

I changed into a simpler dress, put all I will need for practice in my bag and left the room.

I went downstairs and saw Benson discussing happily with Lilly like nothing happened between us few minutes ago. 

"Miss Jesse, are you going for practice". Lilly asked with her curious eyes on me.

"Yes dear ". I smiled and moved closer to her 

"I wish I can see you practice".she murmured sadly

I chuckled softly and walk up to her and gently stroke her hair before placing kisses on her face.

"Don't worry, dear, I'll talk to my dance Instructor about it ". I promised, 

"Really ?" She asked sounding excited with her two puppy eyes on me 

"Yes princess"

"Thanks miss Jesse".she murmured happily and gave me a tight hug.

I caught Benson's gaze on us, which has no emotion on his face.

"I have to go ". I muttered out those words and was about walking away when Lilly called me back.

"Dad is also going back to work, why don't you join him ".she suggested while staring at Benson

"Yes, let's go “. Benson stood up from the couch, and kissed Lilly goodbye before walking away.

"Come home early dad, tomorrow is new year ".

"I will, princess ". Benson smiled at her and left the sitting room 

"Bye Lilly " 

"Bye miss Jesse".she smiled and waved her hands at me before I left the sitting room

Such a sweet girl. 

I walk toward Benson's car and got into the front seat, put on my belt and stayed as far as possible from him.

He put on the car and drove out of the house.

The drive was silent until I spoke up

"You can drop me in the next BUS TOP, I'll take a bus there "

He ignored me and drove pass the BUS TOP.

"I told you to drop me at that BUS TOP". I muttered out those words and stared at him with anger, it was obvious he was trying to piss me off.

I stared at him with anger before I noticed he was taking the direction to the rehearsal hall.

I stared at him, shocked and confused, 

"How did you know the way to our rehearsal hall ". I asked, 

He ignored me and kept on driving proudly.

In a few minutes, we were in front of the rehearsal hall, 

"Thanks". I murmured and came out of the car.

I walk up to the hall and could notice Benson's gaze on me.

Out of curiosity, I turn around and met eyes with him.

He stared back at me with anger before driving away.

I got into the hall and noticed a few people were already there, but luckily for me, the dance Instructor wasn't here yet.

I went in and changed my clothes, tied my hair before going to the hall.

"I heard you are taking the lead solo "one of the old dancer muttered out those words while staring at me, 

"It's not certain yet ". I replied to her, not minding the tune she used on me.

"Oh come on, you've already been told by him what else?" She asked in anger, 

I stared at her and realized she was looking for trouble, and I was ready to give it to her.

"He can change me at any given minutes, so it is not certain"

She chuckled softly and slightly claps her hand 

"Glad to know you realized you are not good enough " 

I felt anger run through my blood, and I was about to reply her when the dance Instructor came in 

"Everyone form a single line".he spoke up

Quickly we all stood in a straight line.

"One two, three go " he shouted 

We all move to our position 

"Shit ". I whisper to myself.

"What was that ".he shouted angrily at me, 

I was supposed to move with my right leg first but because of the anger in me, I lost control.

"Go to the back ". He muttered out, 

I hissed in Frustration and went to the last line and stood there.

Today was going to be a long day because I was actually not in the mood to dance.

The anger in me was boiling, and I knew it will affect my practice.