
Remember me... You were my stalker!

A girl and a boy struggling between finding themselves among their past and present while are all messed up to remember. Will they both find each other? The boy dreams to be an Idol while the girl admires the boy and has a crush on him. But the boy suffers in a crime which involves murder of his family. The girl also gets involved in this mess trying to protect the boy who she loved. But she went missing.... look forward for more twists and story.

Asin13 · 若者
23 Chs


"Yah!! Evan!!! Come down." said the voice from downstairs but I didn't had the intention of listening to whoever was calling out for me. Sleep.. yea. That was what I needed the most.


That was what I heard and before I could see or know what that was I was harshly kicked out of my bed.

"Ouch!" I said rubbing my butt that was stinging in pain due to the sudden contact with the floor. I looked up caressing my now swollen butt to see a fuming Shane. " Hi!" I said sheepishly smiling which he replied with a sign.

" Evan... you know what today is? Don't you?" He said making me confused. Was today something special? And I missed... but what? I gave him a perplexed look to receive a punch on my arm...

"Yah!! Why are you hitting me? What is today? Huh?!" I said glaring at him. He shook his head and signed. " How can you forget that today was your audition?! You IDIOT!!" Ohh.. but anyhow I may not have got a chance to go there.. I sign. Am I gonna tell him the truth? Maybe yes!

" I can't go there anyway." I said getting back on my bed cuddling inside the duvet that I was longing to stay within. "WHY?" He shouted making me laugh. "Yah! Are you laughing? Why can't you? You practiced so hard for this. What happened?" He asked now getting on the bed beside me at the edge. I could see his expression change into sad one.

I smile at him saying " They cancelled the audition since they got enough candidates." He gave me a 'ohh' look which suddenly changed into a grinning one. " No problem bro... you will do better. Next time we will fill the form early for better fortune." He said patting my shoulder. I nod my head getting inside my duvet.

" what are you doing?" He asked me. I raised my head at him giving him ' are you a crazy look' and said " obviously sleeping man! Now leave and let me sleep. I need rest." I said covering my whole body and relaxing in my bed. This is truly the heaven. What would I be if bed didn't exist?

" okay then. See you later. I am going." He left filling my room once again with silence. And I got ready to go back to my slumber. 


Again... I was brought out from my dream. My beautiful dream where I was a famous singer and I had a beautiful girlfriend..... which I had never had. I came back to the reality. I open my eyes to see my mom smiling at me. I smile back and get up stretching my body.

" You know what you have slept too long. See its already 1 pm." Mom said making me groan. " Mom you know I slept late yesterday." She just nod her head yes and said " I am sure you will be hungry soon.. go change and come downstairs. I will prepare lunch." She left saying that. And I got ready for shower.

After a short shower I got dressed and went downstairs grabbing my mobile. I saw mom making something. I went and sat on the chair in the kitchen.

" Mom! Where is dad?" I asked looking around. " oh.. he went for work and are you leaving for studio?" She asked me knowing that I would obviously." Yes mom."

She brought me pancakes and knowing that I love those she often make it for me. I head out to the studio after I finished eating bidding mom goodbye.

"Hey buddy! I thought you would be still in bed." He said laughing and giving me a bro hug. I just laugh at the way he again tried to mess with me. But I forgive him this time. " yea Shane. How long are you here?" I asked seeing no one except him. I wonder why its empty Today? " oh.. I found out that its closed today. They are celebrating somewhere." He said making me frown. " What? Why?" I asked surprised. And why is that I am not informed. " umm.. The four senior trainee that were selected from our studio are now debuting soon. So.. they gave a party." He said shrugging.

I just rolled my eyes. Those were the senior who were more of a bully and me being me. I used to go against them so its surely to be. That we don't have a healthy relation. And that justifies why I am not invited. Shane.. he is my friend.. more of my soulmate. We have been together since our birth. Yea.. we  are neighbours and our parents are friends. So we are almost inseparable and so we are both

going to be Idols together. That's what we think but who knows what future holds?

"So? What should we do? Still we have half of a day? Wanna go somewhere?" Shane points out a suggestion which really sounds good as I have nothing to do. So why not?  "Of course! Buddy. Lead the way."

We are here walking through the streets playing around. I looked around to see an open area. And it was then an idea pops inside my mind. I nudge the shane walking beside me smirking."Wanna have a bet?" I said not removing the smirk curled up on my handsome face. "What?" He said with a brow raised. "Wanna find out who gets more shout for a show we put up?" I asked eyeing between him and the empty area in between. "You mean who got nice moves, right?" He said looking back at me with a smirk dominant over his face.

"Oh.. yea. And that's definitely gonna be me!" I said pointing at me proudly. "Ok let's see then?" He said. Then we headed to the small open area to pull out our stunt. "But what the prize of this?" He said grabbing my attention. I smirk and said "The one to win gets to dominate over the other.... for one day?" "You mean being a slave for the winner?" He asked making sure if it's what the point is? I nod my head yes. "Let's get it!! Be ready to be a good slave to your great master." He said bumping his side of the shoulder with mine. "Same goes for you. Buddy!!" I said getting ready.

I picked up my phone and put up a song. Here we go. I took a deep breath and started dancing. I was dancing on the song I was quiet familiar with and as it was mine own choreography I was having no problem but yea... I was a bit nervous. This is the dance I had never shown in public as we were used to doing this for fun and you know collect a bit of ... umm money? Yea mostly like a pocket money.

As I was going with my moves I could feel the people gathering around more and so was on the Shane's side. We were dancing together just maintaining a bit of distance. I started twirling among the floor with my legs then jolting up spinning around to have a ending position. I could hear people clapping and wooing beside my heavy breath and panting. I glanced at him to see him as exhausted as me. I smiled at him seeing a great chance of winning this bet.

Soon we were collecting the money the people had left for the show. I guess it would go for a week with my lunch. "So?" I heard Shane asking me coming close. "So what? Isn't is obvious that I am gonna win." I say with a cocky smile plastered on my face for my victory.

"It was one of your lucky day. Man! I swear I would have got you but I got distracted by some beauties there watching." He said as an excuse like I would buy it. I roll my eyes at him avoiding his gaze walking back towards home.

We were both walking on the street. Even though it may be my delusion but I felt as if someone was following me. I looked around to see no one. How could I.... I mean tons of people are walking down this street. I shrug this feeling away and went back home.

At least I had fun. I hope I could reach the point I wanna reach maybe even more.I was... I am... I will always be determined on this.

I- Evan has the hope and courage of doing this. Do I? YES!!!

And I am gonna prove it. Just wait and watch ;)

Okay.... so?

How was it? I mean how was the character? What is your opinion on the male lead?

Let me know!!

I have started this series with the hope of giving you all something different that I could create. I hope you will support me.

Thank you!!