
One More Day

"Are there many here suffering from the same problem?" she took a deep breath and asked. But her face still looked as if she was the one suffering.

She swept her gaze past the couple and saw many more sick people in the crowd. When the couple nodded for her, she sighed and stood up properly. Clearing her throat, she looked at Abraham. He nodded softly and encouraged her to make a decision.

"I will help you. I will help all of you by buying a well in your lands. And I will dig another one in the vicinity. I will appoint two guards too to make sure that water will be provided to everyone without any kind of discrimination and no one could misuse it." The wide smile on Abraham's face stiffened and he looked at her as if she was speaking the language he could not understand. He walked to her and held her wrist. But she ignored him and smiled at the crowd as if they were the only one that mattered.