
The Introduction

Hello, my dear readers, thank you for giving a time to click the title of the story. Maybe it is luck that you ended up here, or maybe, you accidentally clicked on the link. Although, I'm just glad you took interest in reading my story.

My writing can be quite sloppy and awful at some point, hope you bear with me through my journey as I write about a feeble boy from an old town, who is rather introverted, but finds a way to tackle milestones by luck. yet, dull-witted.

I came up with the idea that, this journey might hatch a plot as I go on, developing the character/ Characters over time.

I feel fortunate that I came across this website and, I'm willing to share whatever my mind contains.

*As the writing progresses, the introduction will be edited and, contents will be gradually featured*

Since English is my second language, I will be very glad to recieve feedbacks and, errors in the story.

It is entirely a work of fictions and, I do not take responsibility for copyright infringement, stealing content or familiarities in the story, and completely for entertainment purpose only.

Thank you :)

tselokromicreators' thoughts