
Release That Witch Fanfic《Roland's defeated harem becomes Prostitutes》

Warning: This fanfic contains NTR (Netorare). Title: Release that Witch Fanfic: After Roland's defeat, the palace became a brothel.【放開那個女巫同人篇之羅蘭戰敗後宮淪為妓女】 Author: Li Xuan 【李轩】 Synopsis: Roland, are you okay?" Due to a nightmare, Roland woke up from his sleep. In the dream, he was defeated by the Pure Witches of the Church, Zero. Although he survived by chance, it resulted in a threat to all witches and they were captured by nobles and sent to brothels for customers. "I'm fine. Just had a bad dream." Roland was sweating profusely as he glanced at Anna. Her deep blue pupils were full of calmness and concern while her scent made him feel warm. Donate here if you like: https://ko-fi.com/akamashi Cover: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/106376814

Akamashi · その他
9 Chs

Chapter 3

However, her own body was just as sensitive and eager. It seemed like she could accommodate any man and become a bitch for anyone to vent their desires on.

Her eyes dimmed slightly, but Anna continued to look at Roland in the room. As long as she could protect Roland, even if she fell into depravity, it would be worth it.

Yorko still wanted to comfort her after climaxing, but he didn't expect Anna to remain calm. She put on obscene underwear and changed into Roland's favorite maid outfit without any reaction. It was as if she had become numb and walked out.

In the bathroom, Anna looked at herself in the mirror with a flush of satisfaction on her face that was almost unbearable.

Yorko didn't disturb Anna's cleaning process; it was better this way since she enYorkoyed herself. Besides, there were still so many witches he could enYorkoy with. Seeing how Anna forced herself to remain calm while trembling slightly between her legs made him realize that Anna also had feelings despite pretending otherwise when being taken roughly by him.

Anyway, they still had a long time ahead of them; Roland would be left hanging by the church with half his life remaining.

As time passed by and Yorko managed prostitutes-witches more gently than other brutal clients did - he became quite popular among them.

Thinking about which witch he should go find tonight to relieve himself of stress made Yorko feel much better. He approached the front door where his former friend Roland stood guard thinking that although freeing those witches from their predicament might not be possible for him anymore - helping soothe them through comforting words or actions is something within his power.

Anna hadn't been fed yet today; instead playing sweet love games with Nightingale who possessed big breasts like an elder sister type witch Wendy who'd been left aside feeling unappreciated- truly lacking charm indeed!

While Yorko planned out his next move with Roland in mind, he didn't realize that Anna was still in the bathroom washing herself. Her mind wandered back to the good old days she spent with Roland, but those images seemed fragmented and broken now - replaced by ones of her being lewd while having sex with Yorko.

At first, Anna used hot water to wash away love marks left on her body by Yorko's rough handling. As the hot water and magic flowed through her skin, those marks gradually disappeared.

The entire brothel had been surrounded by a building made of divine punishment stones; witches who were specially designed could only breathe a sigh of relief when they swallowed men's semen or were penetrated by them. If they took advantage of this opportunity to resist their clients' advances, it would mean certain death for Roland.

It seems using Roland as leverage to threaten witches into servicing clients is indeed an excellent method.

Yorko sat in the living room looking at portraits of witches; his desire for Nightingale grew stronger.

He couldn't wait any longer and returned to the brothel without paying attention to how long Anna had stayed in the bathroom. When she washed her private parts under warm showerhead spray again, a somewhat stimulating sensation began brewing inside her.

As most of Yorko's semen was flushed out from within her body, Anna bit down on her lip feeling embarrassed before extending one finger towards herself- exploring around until she felt small contractions deep inside which made it seem like she wanted both bite down harder yet not let go so that none more drops would leak out from where Yorko had deposited them earlier.

She moaned louder as time passed while trying hard not be overwhelmed by these feelings since doing so might make it easier for Yorko's seed stain everything else too much!

Sitting on a chair with white porcelain-like skin glowing radiantly under warm water streams pouring over every inch- Anna looked like a sculpture of jade, both holy and seductive. However, this angelic figure was doing such shameful things- trying to dig out Yorko's semen from deep inside her body while masturbating more and more vigorously.

How could it be that under the lubrication of Yorko's semen, self-stimulation became so comfortable yet so embarrassing?

If Roland could recover and satisfy Anna, she would definitely become normal again. However, Roland did not come. He only had half a life left and relied on the meager salary earned by them as prostitutes to sustain his life.

Recently, Anna's pressure has also been increasing. When in endless despair, that little desire belonging to her body becomes particularly intense. She becomes especially eager for pleasure and climax.

Because that little bit of happiness seems to be the only light for this group of witches with original sin.

The lust gradually ignited every witch in the brothel. If it weren't for Anna having been happy with Roland before, she probably wouldn't have been able to hold on either.

As Anna's finger movements became bigger and her body sensations became stronger, although the satisfaction brought by those fingers was not comparable to what Roland gave her or even Yorko's superb skills, it still somewhat satisfied her strong desires.

As the last drop of semen was squeezed out, Anna seemed unable to bear it anymore. Her body trembled slightly as hot water invaded her body until she reached orgasm.

During orgasm, Anna felt a bit confused and didn't know whose name she was calling out; it must have been Roland's.

How could it be Yorko? Even if there wasn't any witch who could resist Yorko's skills.

When everything was done and dusted for Anna, she realized that Yorko had already disappeared so she hurriedly went back to the brothel.

On the way there were many men turning their heads frequently because Anna was too beautiful - due to being nourished by magic power and love from Roland - half of her face covered by blonde hair but still showing infinite charm; let alone now when just after experiencing an extreme appearance after being drenched in climax.

However people despised the collar around her neck which read "witch prostitute" whenever they saw it on street corners where Ana needed to wear it. Even many witch companions would rather hide in the brothel than go out because they couldn't accept such a contrast.

Under Roland's leadership, ordinary people and witches got along so harmoniously.

However, everything was destroyed. Brainwashed by the church, even those who had once fallen in love with witches felt that they were being bewitched.

Especially when witches appeared to be so pure and beautiful yet powerful, jealousy and hatred became stronger and stronger.

Then a child threw a stone at Anna; fortunately she dodged it but looking into the child's eyes made her feel extremely sad.

If there wasn't Roland, they were destined to live forever in shadows.

But this kind of Roland - now trapped in such dire straits - is he still the same Prince Roland whom she sacrificed countless witches to save?

Anna also began to waver. If she hadn't met Prince Roland or become his wife, perhaps she would have died early.

Unfortunately she did meet him: that Prince Roland who touched her heart and for whom she was willing to give up everything. Everything seemed so beautiful then; the world also seemed particularly gentle but unfortunately fell into despair again.

So Anna came to the brothel feeling somewhat sad where all her witch companions were waiting for her.

Today is Nightingale's debut day which made Anna feel even sadder while Yorko was incredibly excited.

"If you dare touch me I'll kill you."

Even though he already slept with Anna, Yorko's gaze towards Nightingale remained greedy as if admiring how beautiful of a witch she was.

Her golden curly hair appeared countless times in Yorko's mind but unfortunately Nightingale belonged to Prince Roland back then.

Even if Prince Roland didn't understand romance... oh right! It's about time we stop calling him "Prince" since he doesn't deserve it anymore.

It's really envy-inducing. Even such a beautiful Nightingale likes Roland, and doesn't even mind that he has a wife. But now, not only did Roland sleep with his own wife multiple times, but he can also have his way with the Nightingale.

Although it's frustrating to use so many positions, definitely more than what Roland unlocked, Anna's first time was still with him. However, the Nightingale looks like a young bird and he wants to take her virginity.

There is no expression on the Nightingale's face, but her mature appearance gives off a fatal temptation. For Yorko who is familiar with the Nightingale, she used to be so radiant especially when looking at Roland as if she wanted to melt into his body.

But now the Nightingale points a knife at Yorko without any hurry from him until Anna arrives.

"This is your last warning or else you'll wait for Roland's corpse." Hearing "corpse," Nightingale who never trembles in fear becomes scared and drops her knife making a crisp sound on the ground.

Then Yorko leans over and grabs Nightingales' chin starting an aggressive kiss. She struggles hard but seeing Anna in pain she closes her eyes shedding tears.

Nightingales' despair grows as she feels Yorko's magical hands rubbing all over her body despite thinking of Roland; there are some slight wetnesses and softnesses in response which makes her feel hopeless.

Yorko breaks through Nightgales' lips turning it into French kissing while she tries not to react like a puppet; however his tongue seems like conquering territory by curling up inside every corner of her mouth.

"As a prostitute you should have their mindset too. How can you earn money to support poor half-dead Roland?"

Nightgales wakes up suddenly with cold light shining in her eyes making Yorko not dare to provoke her anymore. But Nightgales thinks that if she is really violated, then it's better to use her body to earn money for Roland so he can live.