

Her body was cold and slimy. Her senses were gradually waking up and she could hear muffled voices as if she were submerged in something.

"Peter, will the experiment work? Are you sure this have no chance of going wrong? "

"Bryan... Why worry so much? After so many years, do you still believe that something can go wrong when it wake up? "

"But as we get more accurate, the guinea pigs are stronger ... What if we can not consume it?"

"Do not worry, we'll test first with others from the Clan. There are always people available for the tasks"

She listened to their voices and couldn't understand their meaning. She decided to wait and see what They were going to do.

Meanwhile, she realized that she felt something beyond the liquid in her body. She perceived energies that were always circling her and present in all things. She thought of seeing her surroundings and realized that even with her eyes closed she could see. And what a vision….

It was a large, clean room, filled with glass capsules with dormant beings inside, as well as two waking beings talking and watching devices in the background. The capsules had past and present energies. The past showed many deaths and reflected scenes of beings in agony, while the new energies demonstrated their and the capsules current vigor.

The two beings in the background exhaled a strong energy from the blood and their souls were chained to their bodies.

She tried to move but found it impossible, so she decide that will have to study these energies for now.

- x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x

She felt like a lot of time ….

And during that time, noticed that the beings had names, were related, had hierarchy, died, suffered, and some were experiments like her.

Seen this, she decided to call herself Kith and thought of ways to break free, for she was sure she would be consumed.

- x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x

Kith thought of a plan and became adept at manipulating all the availables energies. For, as much as she was already able to flee unharmed, was determined to cause pain to these disrespectful scientists.

The scientists took her capsule to another room and emptied the liquid, but when another liquid would enter her vein, Kith stopped the time, ripped out the appliances that were still attached to her, burned all the bad character scientists from the lab until powder, and emptied the liquid from all other capsules, freeing them.

As the beings began to wake up, she disappeared.

- x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x

When she opened her eyes again, she saw that was in an ancient city, for she had already observed the city near the laboratory. The beings here wore clothes like the people of old soap operas and they were all very busy.

Two startled guards approached her.

"Miss, could you please accompany us to the Majesty's Castle?"

And one of them handed over his coat, saying:

"Use this please, even witches are subject to law"

Kith nods positively and when making the move, clothes appear the same as the women on the street in her body.

The guards are amazed but soon they present the way. Forwarding it to a mansion which they call a castle.

The servants of the mansion take her to one of the rooms. They warn that the Majesty will receive her and give her snacks to eat and wait.

Minutes later, enters the room a gray-haired man in elegant robes accompanied by a blond woman in a hooded suit and clearly using local energy.

Kith speaks:

"It seems that other beings also know how to use the energy of this place, even if it is a little different from where I came from. Could I stay with you to learn more of this world?"

The man and the woman were astonished. And he introduced himself:

"Sorry for rudeness, it's a matter of security. My name is Roland, I am the Regent of Graycastle. It would be my pleasure. Be very welcome"

I would like some comments just to know your opinion ^^'

I don't know if I like to write yet...

Thanks :D

Luinilcreators' thoughts