
[9] Meet The Teachers

(Really wanted to do a prodigal son Fan-Fic but seeing as they are only on season two then I will wait and see how it goes first before I decide to do it or not,)


Yawning I woke up with Savannah across my chest holding me tightly, we were up late last night going at it there was also the good thing that Lip didn't come home last night. While I was lost in thought the power suddenly cut out, "CARL!!!" I heard from upstairs followed by people scrambling.

Savannah woke up to the noise but didn't move, "IT WASN'T ME, HECTOR IS AT THE POLE AGAIN." Carl shouted back from the kitchen.

"You know your house is always so lively in the morning." Savannah said while rubbing her eyes.

"Then maybe you should have went back to your place last night." I said moving form under her, I only had a little money left and it was enough to go and get a motel room for a shower or pay Kev. Walking out the room after dressing I told everyone in the kitchen, "I have a little money left someone can go pay Kev and we can use their shower until our power is back on."

Fiona nodded, "Yeah I will make a call to V."

I handed her the money and started to empty the fridge with Ian, "Man you two need to keep it down. She was loud last night." He says with a smile.

"Shut it." I said laughing with him. Savannah walked out fully dressed, she had brought some clothes since she planned on changing here.

"I'm heading out, see you later yeah?" She said slipping some money in my pocket, though I just thought it was wees or something.

"Yeah catch you later." I say kissing her goodbye. She nodded and left I got a look from Ian after she took off, "What?"

"Nothing man, just hope that you know what you are doing she has a dangerous family." He said laughing before heading upstairs to grab his backpack.

'Says the future husband of Micky Milkovich' I say in my head shaking it and laughing, Fiona started ushering people out the door and read the note about Carl making everyone sigh. While they all left for the day it was just us two left in the house, "We good Fi?" I asked.

"Yeah I got the money it is just slipped my mind, Steve was distracting me." she said laughing a little while rubbing her forehead.

I looked at her a smiled a but, "What is so wrong with that, you take care of us all year round Fi. You need some times to yourself so enjoy it you are only in your twenties."

"Yeah well---" She was cut short by two men entering the house, "Who forgot what?" she asked since her back was to the guys.

"Frank forgot to pay." The first one leading the two said.

"Get the f*ck out of our house." I say grabbing the bat she set down earlier, I wasn't afraid to put them in the hospital if they tried something different from the canon.

"You should dead-bolt your door. This is a dangerous neighborhood." He said with a sly grin but didn't press forward.

"Frank doesn't live here anymore." Fiona said stepping in front of me.

"Yeah, well, just 'cause he don't live here anymore, doesn't mean you don't know where he lives now."

"Put the bat down, pick up the phone, and tell him to get us the six grand he owes." the other one finally spoke out to us.

I didn't listen to him though and held on to it.

"Or bring back the car. Or we'll come back and use the bat on you." The original joked again before backing out of the house.

"F*cking Frank." I said letting the bat hang on my side while Fiona nodded along, "Go see if you can get Frank to deal with this and if those guys show again call me so I can deal with it. No need for my cute older sister to get hurt." I say pinching her face and picking up my backpack to leave.

"Don't do anything stupid." she shouted after me as I was leaving. I chuckled hearing that as I left, I was going to be late for class but it didn't matter since I was ranked number one in school. It should be Lip but he misses to many classes for him to have the spot, the other me or the other soul from this body wanted out of the southside so he never missed a day.

Three Hours Later.....

I was on my way to lunch when I ran into Savannah again this time though she was with her brothers ruffing up some kid, standing on the side I watched as she did her work. Well I wasn't really a saint so I wasn't going to help the kid out I got nothing out of it anyway, the kid saw me and asked for help but I just shook my head and watched on.

Savannah turned around noticing the kid asking for help, seeing it was me she looked back at the kid and smirked before walking over and kissing my right for him to see. The kid was shocked but knew not to speak up as he got another punch to the gut from Adam, "He won't help you out, seeing as he is my sisters little follower."

"Get me my money by tomorrow or I will hunt you down and take a hand, understood." Savannah said which the kid nodded along to.

I frowned seeing as she didn't correct her brother it wasn't a big thing but it wasn't something I wanted going around, I don't follow people and I really hate hiding behind people too. After she sent the kid away she walked over to me and we walked out for lunch, "I'm your follower?" I asked when we were away from her brothers.

"Well it was something he said in the moment, but it isn't that bad of a thing I mean at least people won't mess with you if they think you are with me." She said with a small smile.

"I don't like it."

She turned to me and saw my frown knowing I was serious about this it wasn't a pride thing but something that just wouldn't let me be protected by anyone, I figure it was just something to do with my psychology. She paused a moment then spoke, "I will make sure that they don't spread that further."

"To late after that little stent with that other kid then he will spread it." I said on a sigh since it was true the people in this place needed something to gossip about all the time. Well it wasn't to much of a problem though if someone pestered me about it then they would end up with a black eye, speaking of, "I see the black eye went away."

"Yeah the ice helped a lot." she didn't linger on it any longer either seeing as I dropped the subject.

"Good we have been hanging out a lot recently and we don't want people thinking that I beat you to get you to stay by my side." I joked throwing away the disgusting food that I thought I could stomach, instead I just bought some chips and a drink from the vending machine.

"Sure like you would be walking around fine after touching me like that. I will have you know that the people who did that to us aren't going to be a problem any longer." she smirked a little it was feral and a little sexy if I was being honest, this girl sure is dangerous.

"Please I am probably the only person on the southside that isn't scared of your family. We both know that." I said laughing a little when she frowned since she knew I was right, out of everyone on the southside I was the only person who would step to her and her brothers.

No clue why people were stupid enough to try and rob her and her brothers, that is a big question mark in my head but the only thing I can come up with is that they aren't from here. I ignored it for now though, "So are you coming for parents night tonight?"

"Ha sure then I will also run for valedictorian while I am at it." she scoffed.

"Hey you can't take that from me it is all I have left, after that then what will I have other than my good looks?" I said framing my face and posing, she looked at me with a dead eyed look before leaving me behind.

Later That Same Day...

We were walking along the halls but we weren't really here to check out anything other than meeting the principal for Carl, Lip tried to look presentable but he looked more like a hoodlum. "Lip you look more ready for a concert then meeting teachers." I joked trying to lighten this mood.

"Well one of has to look good don't you think?" He laughed brushing off his clothes, Fiona rolled her eyes when she heard our conversation but smiled a little relaxing.

We walked into the office and the principal started going off about Carl's behavior, the entire time I was thinking of a way to convince Carl's teacher the redhead to get her to sleep with me. It is always a dream of teenage boys to want to sleep with a teacher and it was hitting me hard, my teenage hormones are crazy I forgot about that.

Shaking my head I came back to the conversation after Steve showed up and dragged the principal off to go get high, looking around the room got awkwardly quite. "So ever thought about sleeping with a student?" I asked the teacher out of the blue.

Everyone turned to look at me, Fiona looked mad but she was trying to hide her smile, Lip was covering his laughs with coughs, while Carl wasn't paying attention this kid has ADHD. The teacher in question was shocked for a moment and blushed a little before getting back to herself, "No why would I do that I teach children!"

"I meant someone my age. I only have a few more months until I am eighteen." I smiled at her it was currently January we weren't that far from the end of the school year and summer. Mine and Lip's Birthday is March 29th, we usually went out for dinner had a little party then we did our own thing at night, well at least we started that the moment he started sleeping with Karen.

The teacher blushed some more before she just didn't answer, Lip who was standing next to me was trying his best to not laugh as hard as he could this moment. While Fiona on the other hand was making the expression like she didn't know how to deal with me, "Can you talk about that later we are here for Carl at the moment not to get you libido satisfied."

"Sure Thing." I shot a wink at the teacher who was following our conversation who blushed and looked away, looks like I needed to come by here soon and check that out.

A while later Steve and the principal came back inside the room and they told us just to keep Carl under control, we all left happy about that since we can control him to not do it again. I already had some ideas about what to do, as I was thinking that I heard Debby say, "Daddy!"

Looking up Frank was there with Karen, her and Lip had a string contest Lip was hurt but he was trying to play it off. It was understandable though that he would be we haven't been coming to this for years just to avoid situations where we can't bring our parents.

Now seeing that he couldn't even come for Carl but somehow showed up for Karen just to save his own ass said a lot about him, we all walked away but Lip lingered some.

'Woke up on the wrong side of you this morning

Said some things last night in the heat of the moment

You always forgive, how could I forget?

You've been in my bed when I need somebody

Yeah, I put you through some things

But at least it ain't boring'

Cold_Phantom19creators' thoughts