
[8] Wedding

(Off Day today so only 1 chapter, I am going to write more to put out three again tomorrow.)


Feeding Liam I decided to take him to the park today it was the weekend and there was nothing left for me to do, everything else should be smooth sailing for awhile now. I couldn't help with the wedding stuff either until we took Carl to see the priest to get him to be the fake marriage certificate, though I could just get someone to play the part it wasn't as fun.

"I am going to take Liam to the park anyone want to join?" I asked looking around the room, no one but Debby wanted to go. Lip was going to see Karen while Ian was going to meet up with Kash they had a date tonight, since the thing with Carl didn't go till later we all split up.

After Debby was ready we all took off to go to the park, Debby didn't bring her doll with her she planned on playing with Liam on the playground while I watched from the benches. When we got there the place was a little empty, most likely because it was cold outside at the moment there were only a few people at the basketball court playing.

"You guys stay where I can see you." I said to Debby handing Liam off to her, she nodded and went off to play with him immediately going to the swings. When they left Savannah appeared out of nowhere she was holding hands with another girl while walking towards me.

"Yo!" she said stopping in front of me.

"Hey what are you guys doing?" I asked looking past her a little and smiling seeing Liam happy on the swings.

"Nothing hanging out I am taking a rare day off." she said sitting on the other side of me.

"Sorry it seems like Savannah has bad manners here, I am Malcolm you are?" I said leaning across her and smiling at the other girl who giggled a little.

"Hi I'm Megan."

"Nice to meet you. You two enjoy your date. Debby don't push him to high!" I say standing and walking over to them Liam was a little scared and Debby was just now realizing it. I picked him out of it and walked up the play equipment to let him go down the slide, "Wait at the end of the slide Debs I am going to let him go down."

She skips over and waits there, I let Liam go after setting him up he goes down laughing happily, he doesn't get to many days like this since we are always worrying about something.

Two Hours Later...

We leave the park with Liam tired from all the playing on the way back he falls asleep, when we get there everyone is making plans for the now fake wedding. Me and the boys all take off to the church to frame the priest, thankfully I am not religious or I would see this as a terrible thing.

"You see he wouldn't stop crying no matter what he wants to be an alter boy." Lip says snatching the hat off of Carl's head, we leave him to that and walk back out. "So are you guys up for a predator movie night?"

"Can't, date with Kash tonight." Ian says.

"Sure why not haven't watched them in awhile, what are we eating?" I answer.

"Well me and Karen can pick up the food just bring yourself." He said then looked at Ian, "So what are you and Kash doing?"

"His wife is gone for two days we are going to his place tonight." he says with a slight smile on his face.

"Well-----" He didn't get to finish cause we heard a light grunt coming from the room, rushing over we open the door and see Carl standing over the downed priest.

"Alrighty then, Priest Pete you are going to do something for us or we will tell people about this little secret." I say smiling at him wickedly. The man could only let out a low groan but he also nodded his head to let us know, we all smiled and left after that heading home after texting the good news.

We spilt when we got to the house Lip went to Karen's, Ian got ready for his date while Carl went somewhere else, I got out the movies for tonight Lip would be back soon with the food. When I had everything ready there was a knock on the door going to open it I found Savannah there, she looked me up and down before walking in.

"I thought we agreed no being jealous." she said taking a seat on the couch, I was the only one here along with Liam at them moment, Debby was already asleep.

"What are you talking about?" I asked taking a seat next to her and leaning my head on her shoulder.

"In the park today, when you aw me walk over with Megan you took off in jealousy." she said with conviction.

"Not true. I was actually there to play with Liam at the park since he doesn't get many days like that and I mainly walked away because you two were on a date and I didn't want to be a third wheel."


"Did you sleep with her."

She paused a moment before speaking, "...Yes."

"Well then kiss me again in forty-eight hours." I said sitting up, she nodded it went both ways since she had me wait I was going to make her. Can't trust these southside girls after all no matter how innocent they look.

An Hour Later.....

Karen and Lip showed up with two large pizza's they both looked at Savannah then me, "What I didn't want to be the third wheel." I said with a shrug.

Lip chuckled and played the movie while sitting down, these movies were the same but with different actors in them maybe because it was a fictional world who knew. Other than watching the movies we all sat there getting high while watching them, we didn't finish until two am by then it was to late for Karen and Savannah to go home so they stayed over.

Like before Me and Savannah showered together then went to bed, though I had to wait forty-eight hours it was hard feeling her smooth legs rubbing against me. Also Lip and Karen weren't shy to have sex with us in the room, he just moved the current hanging on the bed to cover them up if there was light then we would see it all.

The Next Day....

There was only one thing on my agenda today and that was Kev's bachelor party, since it was suppose to be a guys day I didn't even see Savannah. I headed over to the Alibi Room early so that I could chill with Kev, the place was the same with the usual bar files hanging around.

A couple hours later we were going hard after closing Lip showed up Ian was the only person missing, Frank was already piss drunk but what else was new with him. There were strippers but they couldn't really be trusted they were the same that worked at the tug job place, I actually drank since I didn't want to be the odd man out.

The Next Day.....

It was the day of the wedding and there was so much to do but I only had one job and that was getting the cake, I didn't want to do anything else for the day. I had to pick up my suit later and other than that I was going to chill in bed all day or around the house smoking, I invited Savannah and she agreed to go.

Well never mind then we both needed to go get her a dress, Liam went with the girls to Shelia's to get the dress fitted so we headed to the mall to buy Savannah a dress. She didn't own one. She ended up buying a strapless black dress that hugged her body it went well with her eyes making them pop more.

On the way back to the house we stopped to buy me a suit, I was already at the peak with my body and it wouldn't go away until I hit seventy so I spent a lot on my suit. This was something I actually saved up for using all the extra money I had lying in my PO box, from the age of ten when I got it I started putting fifty in until today which let me get this suit.

It was a all black Armani suit with a maroon red dress shirt, there were little white birds on the shirt, I also wore a skinny black tie that had a white tip. I didn't get any dress shoes, wasn't worth it seeing as I found them annoying to wear they were really uncomfortable. I laughed catching Savannah staring.

"What? Like what you see?" I was trying it on before tonight it was still hours away before the wedding.

"Of course you have a great body." she wasn't ashamed to admit it.

Laughing I shook my head going back into the dressing room changing back into my street clothes, coming out Savannah tapped her wrist trying to hurry me up I just rolled my eyes. After she paid for her we went back to my house to hang out, no one was home at the moment and if we were sleeping together at the moment it would be the perfect time.

Savannah looked over at me I could see the lust in her eyes but I just laughed, right about now Fiona and them were probably trying to get V's brother to go back to jail. "What this is your fault, who told you to have sex yesterday." I joked lighting up the weed in my hand.

She growled but couldn't argue that huffing she snatched the weed out of my hands and took a big drag from it, she had a great lung capacity since it was now half gone. Chuckling at her childish behavior I took it back.

Four Hours Later.....

We were dressed and at the alibi room where the wedding was taking place, it was mainly the people who came to the bar everyday and some family members. I can't say it was exactly a beautiful wedding but it was an emotional one no matter how fake it was these two had real feelings for each other.

Everyone cheered after they kissed and the party was officially started, luckily I got the cake before coming I didn't feel like heading out to get it again. I pulled Savannah over to the dance floor laughing the entire time since she was so stiff even during the fast upbeat dances. She had a frown the entire time.

"Cheer up would you it is a wedding after all." I said putting my forehead against hers laughing as we jumped around to another song. She pouted and put on a fake smile making me laugh more, she really needed to loosen up I noticed she always got this way when there was a crowd around.

While everyone was enjoying themselves Frank smashed a bottle against the wall, "Uh, folks, let's face facts. When it comes to good things, most of 'em come in pairs like your favorite jeans, new socks and Kevin and Veronica. And as it turns out, most people's testicles. So here's to the happy couple, Kevin, Veronica, may you always only have two testicles

between ya. L'chaim!"

"L'chaim!" Everyone cheered along before going back to the party, it was a fun night an Steve was really late I caught Fiona looking sad more than once but this was the man she chose. Lip and Karen snuck off to the bathroom but no one stopped them I laughed at them, Savannah looked at me weird and when I told her she growled again.

"You know what screw the rule, from now on as long as we shower at least twice before we meet again we are good to go." she said taking my hand and leading me out the bar.

"Where are we going?" I asked chuckling following her.

"Back to you place, Megan wasn't as good as I was hoping in bed so I need your help. Don't be a dick about this." She said moving quicker down the street, we really needed a car this was taking to long.

"Fine let's get to it I can't lie and say that I wasn't extremely horny when you kept rubbing your legs against me last night."

Think of all the luck you got, Know that it's not for naught, You were beaming once before, But it's not like that anymore!

Cold_Phantom19creators' thoughts