
Relaxing In Shameless and Beyond

A Man who doesn't want a crazy adventure like most chooses to live his life in Shameless while laughing at the Gallagher Antics

Cold_Phantom19 · テレビ
39 Chs

[25] Season 2 Start

(Sorry there are rolling blackouts where I live at the moment so I am putting this out to tide you over, I am on my phone so I am not writing at the moment.)


It had been a couple of days since school was let out the weather was terrible at the moment so F*CKING HOT!!!! At the moment I was out back with the little ones and Debby, the firetruck hose was being used to fill the pool that me and the boys put up a couple days ago.

"Hey, you mind if we drop Cami off early tomorrow? Teresa's got inventory at Costco." The Lieutenant said looking at Debby hopefully.

"No problem. And tell Teresa thanks for the case of dented soup." Debby said with a smile passing Cami off to him.

"Pool's Open guys!" I shout and Carl cannonballs in while the rest of the kids climb in too.

"Your girl is here, or is she? What is going on between you two?" Debby asked nodding towards Savannah who was walking up.

"Mind your business." I said with a smile pushing her head away making her laugh. Turning to Savannah she made me dazed a moment, she was like a succubus that was sent to steal my soul, I am so glad it is summer.

She was wearing a maroon (Favorite color) swimming top, her flat stomach was shown off for all to see as she walked up in cutoff jean shorts and flip-flops. Her tattoo was also on display. "What are you doing her Pretty Girl?"

"Nothing bored at home and wanted to see what you are up to so I came over. That is a lot of kids." she said looking at the pool full, I was helping Debby keep an eye on the today.

"Yeah it is how Debby makes her money in the summer." I said pulling her into a hug only for her to push me away frowning.

"It is hot and there is nothing but sweat on either of us so no hugging."

She was right but I had gotten so use to doing it to her or Katie that it was just a natural reaction to when she got within arms length of me, "Fine, not that you mind the sweat during---" that got me a elbow to the gut with Debby laughing at the two of us.

"Not in front of the kids." She said glaring at me making Debby laugh harder.

"Oh you think that is funny Debby." I gave her a sly smile and her eyes grew wide, without me have to say anything she took of into a run with me chasing her, the kids cheered her on. When I finally caught up to her I lifted her up and threw her into the pool where no kids were, she squealed and held her breath as she went under trying not to laugh.

I caught Savannah looking at us with a little envy in her eyes she didn't say it but at times I knew she wished she had a bigger family, her brothers were always busy so they didn't spend much time together. The time they did spend together it was during 'work' so they were mostly serious, I wasn't even sure if they had days like this.

When she caught me looking she put back on a mask making me roll my eyes, seeing that everyone was settled I walked over to my garden and started to water my plants. With Ethel's red worms they were growing great, I had no clue why but this was like magic she eve taught me how to raise them so I would have more for when I ran out.

"Why are you even growing all of this?" Savannah asked squatting down with me.

No one knew that I wanted to learn to cook, my body was perfect, I could draw, I could sing surprisingly, and sex forget about it but cooking was the only thing that I was bad at. Until I mastered it I wasn't going to let anyone know, hence why I was taking the classes next year while they were at school so that no one would know, not that I was embarrassed.

"Easier on money, plus Debby gets fresh ingredients to cook with." I said with a shrug since it was kind of true, Debby was using this in her cooking while it saved on money when we cooked something.

"Ohhh." she obviously didn't believe everything I said but went along with it for some reason. Rolling my eyes I finished watering them, the rest of the day we helped Debby until the parents came for their kids, Lip came home beaten up him, Ian, and Mandy went to the fighting circle.

The Next Day...

I was relaxing with Kev in his backyard at the moment taking notes while Ethel told me about how to proper air out the soil for my tomatoes, she was happy someone was interested. Kev looked over at me and smiled, "Man you have had a busy year are you sure you can garden and your girls won't leave you for being a P*ssy?"

"Please they worship the D no way are they leaving me." I said throwing him a grin making him laugh, midway he stopped and someone slapped me on the back of the head. "The hell!" turning there was Savannah.

"Worship huh? Maybe if it was big enough to find." She said with a smirk making Kevin burst out laughing almost falling from his chair while Ethel cover her mouth laughing too. She looked just as good as yesterday wearing almost the same thing but a lime green top this time.

"Ha, that isn't what you were saying the other day." this just earned me another slap on the head, Kevin really fell that time holding his sides as Lip walked up with a brow raised.

"What's so funny?" he asked looking between us all.

"Nothing just your brother putting his woman in his place." I said puffing my chest, that earned me a stab in the arm by the pen she took from me, "Jesus woman fine, damn it!" He chuckled while she kept glaring at me.

"We still on for today?" Lip asked both of us after a chuckle, "Think it still runs?" he asked handing Kev a cigarette offering one to me and Savannah but we both declined.

"Probably not, but you and Malcolm can fix anything." Kev said lighting up.

"Then let's get to it, won't get anything sitting her on our asses anyways." I said rubbing my arm there was only a red mark there nothing else, Savannah rolled her eyes at me. We took off me, Savannah, and Lip took my jeep while Kev too Ethel in his truck dropping her off at The Alibi before heading over, she was going to work on the weed.

When we got the truck me and Lip took the cover off of the truck the thing was run down and rusty, this was a great money maker though so we never got rid of it. We ended up buying it for cheep one summer when the owner basically went out of business or he started doing something else I can't really remember the details about it.

"Wow this thing looks like a dump." Savannah said kicking a tire that we would need to replace or air up again.

"Yeah but it brings in the money without us having to do anything." I say with Lip nodding in agreement.

The rest of the day was spent with us working on it until the sun went down, by the time we finished for the day it was nearly up and running just a couple of things needed to be done for the engine. "I can handle the rest tomorrow you go to Kashs' and get the orders ready." I told Lip.

"Got it, we will go light at first to see what is selling well until we know then really stalk up on things." He agreed.

We went back to the jeep all getting inside of it as we were leaving we got a call from Kev asking us to meet him at the alibi room so we stopped off there. I actually knew the reason but didn't say, when we got there he led us to the side alley and down to the basement door while explaining.

When he opened the door Savannah and Lip cursed seeing how much there was, "Looks like we will be selling a lot more this summer." Lip said scanning it all.

"Isn't it wonderful? Mr. Kevin is gonna help all the old people who are going blind." Ethel said with a bright smile on her face, I couldn't help but go over and pinch her cheeks because of how cute she was being, she blushed and went back to work.

Turning I saw them staring at me, "What she was cute and I like cute things."

"Well we nine grand or they are going to shut the power off to the alibi room." Kevin said looking a little worried.

"I can buy two grand worth, we are restocking soon and this could help." Savannah said checking the plants it wasn't her first time looking around like this and checking their quality.

"Seriously?" Kev asked extremely hopeful since it would be a load off of him.

"Yeah it sucks that you will cut into my business a little but this way I can keep some supplied for when you can't handle the bigger orders." She said walking back to me and leaning her chin on my shoulder.

"I can take another two, helps me not have to sell it all plus I can keep my stash full." I said looking it over, since Savannah said it was good enough to buy for two then I might as well get some instead of selling it all.

"Hell yeah, well that is a plant each. But what the hell are we suppose to do with the rest?" Kev asked looking at us for ideas.

"Well I might know some guys who will buy more than one plant one being my father but the other guys he would need to check with." Savannah said taking out her phone and shooting out a text to her dad. Seconds later she got a reply and smiled looking up, "Yeah he said he will take eight so that is sixteen grand, so that covers the rest he will meet you later if you want. As for the rest he will tell you when he hears form the others."

"F*ck yes! I swear Malcolm if you don't marry this girl you are nuts." Kevin says excited since he just sold enough to pay the bill and have some left over, "Don't worry Malcolm I will give you a finders fee for bringing this amazing girl."

I rolled my eyes but didn't decline his offer, "Well now that is settled I am getting out of here, I will see you tomorrow to work on the truck more. Need a ride Lip?"

"Yeah just drop me off at Karen's." he said waving to Kev before following me and Savannah out.

After dropping him off me and Savannah headed back to my house, though I wanted to get into the pool it wasn't clean in my opinion with all those kids being in it and all. Instead we went inside and saw Debby and Fiona walking around talking, "Well they weren't at Shelia's."

"Should we try and go out to find them?" Debby asked looking worried.

"Find who?" I asked taking a seat at the table with Savannah.

"Frank took Liam out with him and they aren't back yet. It is fine though he always brings him back I will just go and check at the Alibi before my shift." Fiona said moving he clothes out of the dryer.

"Don't worry about it me and Savannah will take Debby to go get him," I looked at Savannah who nodded apparently she didn't mind, "Yeah we will go so you won't be late for work."

"Thanks guys." she said right before her friend walked inside I forgot who this was and didn't pay attention to her.

"Alright we will go here soon since me and Savannah need to pick something up anyways from there." I told Debby while moving to my room it was so hot I needed a quick shower I had sweated buckets today.


Heart been broke so many times I

Don't know what to believe

Mama say it's my fault, it's my fault I wear my heart on my sleeve

Think it's best I put my heart on ice, heart on ice

'Cause I can't breathe

I'ma put my heart on ice, heart on ice

It's gettin' the best of me

Cold_Phantom19creators' thoughts