When there isn't an Episode- WTIE
A month passed since the last episode of the show and now we were in spring, I was currently in the gym with Savannah who was really laying into a punching bag like a crazy person. She was wearing a black tank top along with purple yoga pants and some running shoes, she had her now blue and green dyed hair tied in a bun on her head.
"Come on one more minute." I said to her while she was throwing more jabs at the punching bag. Over this last month we got back into the rhythm of things relationship wise, we were for all purposes friends and when we both had an itch we slept together nothing more or less.
There was another thing though we didn't sleep in the same bed anymore, after the last night we slept together we adopted the rule to kick the other out of bed and no sleep overs. It was working our relationship was better and neither of us were really developing feelings, though we were there for each other when something happen to the other.
A quick over view of everyone would be like this;
Fiona is currently still getting over Jimmy and sleeping with guys she is finding at the club some nights, she took that job from her friend but quit a week later when something happened. Now her and V were working in the club like in the show, it was making money right now due to spring break, overall she was doing okay.
Lip, since that night hasn't gone back to Karen he took my words to heart and didn't go back to her and is much happier, he is also sleeping around with Mandy now but they are keeping it from Ian. He isn't even showing signs of wanting to get back with Karen even when at school and she tries to tempt him, he finally just told her to fuck off.
Ian is the same as always for his dating life he is waiting for Micky to get out at the moment so he spends his time hanging with us or working or ROTC so he has a full schedule. He is also sleeping around while waiting though.
Debby is just Debby there really isn't much to say about her. Carl is still acting like a little pshyco but we go on runs together and he has calmed down some. Liam is just a baby still so there is nothing new about him really.
He was actually currently asleep in the stroller not to far away from me and Savannah, I had just got him down for a nap Fiona was working and I offered to take him today. "Alright enough time for a cool down." I told her while letting got of the back and picking up her towel and drink which she started to suck down greedily, I only laughed at that.
Since we became friends her personality was out more to me and in my opinion she was a lot like Jade from that old show Victorious. She was aggressive, dark, but at the same time she showed her feelings when something was really bothering her, she kind of dressed like her too.
"So what are you doing for your birthday this year?" she asked after getting a big enough drink.
"Not to sure really me and Lip usually celebrate with family for awhile before doing our own thing. I was thinking taking a little trip though since I have my car plus my birthday falls on a weekend so I wouldn't mind visiting another state." It was something I was thinking a lot of since my birthday was only a week away and I haven't left Chicago at all.
"Oh where would you go?" she says following me over to the sleeping Liam.
"No clue yet but maybe head to New York and see central park or something."
"Well we can't all go since it would cost to much but at the same time if all of us older kids went then Fiona would be left alone with the kids and it would be to hard on her. Why want to join?" I said looking over at her after getting my hand wraps out my backpack.
"Sure why not, I haven't been either and as my present to you I will pay for the plane tickets there and back." she said with a grin.
I looked at her while wrapping my hands without looking at them, "Fine but you still haven't even told me when your birthday is so can you now?"
"July 4th."
I paused a moment laughing but glad she told me now I can start planning things for when her birthday arrived so that I could do something nice for her since she was doing this for me. Over the month I had did a couple more deliveries for O but instead of putting it all in the squirrel fund I was putting most in my new bank account.
Sitting on a little over $9,000 at the moment, I had done six jobs since the last one of the same mission, it was actually a pretty simple job but I made sure not to do any to close together. It might seem selfish but I was coming up on my last year of high school and needed the money to pay for college when it came so I was saving all I could.
It was going to cost at least $30,000 for the four years and that included the the money I would need for spending so that I wouldn't starve or anything, when I realized this I started asking him for more. He was happy to and gave me the money on time but knew to only call me at least twice a week no more than that, so I was slowly building up my money for the whole next year.
When Lip told me about the new SAT being put out from his professor friend I went and took it getting another perfect score on it, Lip wanted me to meet the guy but I didn't want to. I now officially had the next three to four years planned so that nothing happened, my main concern was making sure I didn't knock anyone up though.
"Well then Savannah wait until your birthday comes up, and don't plan anything it is all on me when the time comes." I said breaking from my thoughts and smiling at her.
She glared before saying, "Nothing to expensive or you won't be able to sleep with any girl anymore."
That made me cover myself but I was laughing, it was interrupted by someone yelling my name though, "Malcolm!!!!" then there were quick feet before Strawberry blonde hair and green eyes entered my vision, it was Katie.
This was a little awkward I haven't spoken to her at all, even with all her calls or text I ignored them and when we came to the gym I made sure Don confirmed no one was here at the time. She still hadn't taken the hint and came to the southside to see me instead she would just send Shane with gifts or call me until I was forced to turn my phone off.
When she went to hug me I held up and hand stopping her, "Hello Katie long time no see."
She pouted then looked between me and Savannah, "Of course it has been a long time you avoid my gifts and calls and when I send Shane to bring you over you don't even talk to him."
"I am just going to bring Liam over here she is being way to loud." Savannah said not hiding her disdain for Katie at all, she even kissed me on the cheek to make her mad.
Katie glared and puffed her cheeks, "Who is she anyway? and Why are you avoiding me?"
I sighed rubbing my forehead, "She is my best friend Savannah and that was my little brother Liam thanks for asking. I am avoiding you because after that day that is what you did to me and then you send Shane to come get me rather than doing it yourself like I am at your beck and call."
"Honestly did you expect me to just come running after you ghosted me for a week without even a message telling me that you needed more time or anything?"
She actually looked her but at the same time I knew she knew I was right so she had nothing to say, all she did was stand there biting her lip. Sighing I looked over to Savannah who felt my eyes and looked back with a raised brow, we actually had a conversation about this but didn't get anywhere with it.
"Look Katie we can be friends again but just that alright, no more of anything else and yes we can hang out but send me a message first don't just have someone come pick me up." I patted her head and gave her a small smile before going back of to Savannah and Liam who had woke up, I felt her follow me with her eyes as I walked away.
"Well how did that go?" Savannah asked when I walked back over.
"It was fine but we will just be friends, I don't know if we will get back to that level that we were at." I picked up Liam and smiled at him he was getting bigger and soon we wouldn't be able to put him in the stroller, "Since little guy here is awake let's hit the showers then go get something to eat." She nodded while I grabbed our gym bags.
We left Katie there who stared at us the entire time she looked like she had a million things running through her head at once. We broke off at the dressing rooms where I took Liam in with me and set him in the stroller while I took my shower, thankfully no one was inside at the moment.
When I got out I got dressed quickly and me ad Liam left we had to wait another ten minutes before Savannah came out, while I was waiting Rachel messaged me to come over for the night. We still met up and it was amazing, I sent a positive reply before looking up at Savannah who looked a little enchanting with her hair wet like that.
"Invite the guys see if they want to meet us at the buffet it is on me today." she said rolling her eyes at my staring before pushing the stroller away. I sent them the message and they agreed it turned into a big family thing with V, Kev, and Ethel with baby Jonas joining us, I would pay for theirs though.
The drive was quite and when we got there everyone else was already waiting outside for us, I caught Lip giving Mandy a wink while Ian looked on but didn't say anything. "I thought it was just the boys?" Savannah said raising a brow at me.
Rolling my eyes I got out to get Liam, "I am paying for everyone else's don't worry, they we doing something together and joined us."
She didn't say anything after that but followed me to the rest, we all got two tables and the kids ran off to go get food while we all sat and waited. Fiona took Liam with her to grab food while we all started talking, "So what were you guys doing?" I asked looking at Lip and Ian.
"Nothing much sitting at the house watching TV, what about you three?" Lip said taking a drink from his soda.
"At the gym working out. Liam woke up and we decided to bring everyone out for lunch." I said with a shrug, Savannah had walked off to get food already and when I saw her walking back over she was carrying a second plate, hopefully for me.
"Man you have to get me connected with your guy, nothing major but something to at least get me some money in my pocket so I can stop asking you and Ian to borrow some." Lip said with a hopeful glance.
"Sure I will set up a meeting sometime this week and bring you over. You can just do my old job of moving cars, it pays about three hundred to five each time." I told him while pulling out Savannah's seat as she placed the food down it was full of all my favorites, I reached to eat some but she smacked my hand away.
"I may be your best friend but I am not your girlfriend, this is my food got get your own." she then stuck her tongue out at me then started eating, she was actually talking to Mandy too. Lip and Ian laughed at my misfortune before I flipped them off and we all went to get something to eat.
^^^^^^Savannah POV
I chuckled a little as he walked away with his brothers and looked up at Mandy who was watching Lip as he walked away, "How is it being in a relationship with him?"
She looked back at me with a small smile, "It is great. At first I thought it would be hard and he would be hung up on Karen but he completely blows her off now, so it has been amazing."
"You have Malcolm to thank for that he had a real talk with him about his Karen obsession."
"What about you two, why aren't you dating?" she asked her face was full of confusion like most when they saw us together.
"Honestly at this point I wouldn't mind but I don't have the courage to actually try anything, Malcolm is getting out of here. While I have my smarts I don't know if I am smart enough to follow him and I refuse to be like my mom who latched on to a rich guy to get out of the southside." I explained I felt a little bad about it this whole time cause I didn't want to be a reason he stayed, hence while I took extra caution when we slept together.
"I understand that, they are both crazy smart. We can only hope that when the time comes that we aren't left behind." Her eyes looked hopeful but I could tell she wasn't to confident in being able to follow him when he left, but from what I could see she was with him because of feelings and not his future.
I couldn't tell her this because the guys came back, Malcolm's plate looked just like mine we had the same taste from food to women which was amazing to say the least. Where we were different though was hobby's which caused us to always have something new to do, hence why I went to the gym with him even if I hated every minute of it.
He sat down and looked over at me before glaring while taking a bite of his medium rare steak, I rolled my eyes at him and took a bite of the exact same thing he was eating. Such a child.
I wish I could hurt you back
Love, what would you do if you couldn't get me back?
You're the one who's gonna lose
Something so special, something so real
Tell me boy, how in the fuck would you feel?
If you couldn't get me back
That's what I wish that I could do
To you, you
To you, you