
[13] When there isn't an Episode (3/20)

I was stunned she had a great body from all the work outs and training in boxing, he stomach was smooth and toned her body was a little pale but she looked beautiful. To be honest I was having a hard time trying to look away from her, she smirked seeing my enchanted expression, "What are you going to leave me all alone to swim by myself?"

"You do realize that this is a frozen lake right?" I asked looking over at the lake.

"Not there you idiot," she rolled her eyes, "I'm talking about there." she pointed to a at the yacht that was sitting on the lake in the back of it there was a mini party happening with a jacuzzi on it.

"Oh well no need to tell me twice." I said stripping off my clothes the air was a bit nippy but seeing Katie in a full pink pantie set then it was well worth the chill in the air.

We made it to the top of the deck where the heated pool and jacuzzi was, some people were already inside while others were off to the side smoking or doing other drugs. Katie pulled me along until she pushed me into the pool, I came up to find her missing but a second later she was wrapping her arms around my neck holding on to me.

She then moved to position herself in front of me, we were now staring at one another eye to eye, I guess this must have been her plan cause I couldn't take it anymore and leaned in for a kiss. Katie was surprised but then happy and leaned into the kiss along with me, there was some people hooting but we ignored them and kept going at it.

After an intense make out we pulled apart panting but there was a satisfied smile on her lips, "Did you enjoy it?" I asked running my hands through her wet hair.

She nodded and leaned in putting her forehead on mine, "I have been waiting since the day I met you to kiss you like that," she paused a moment and I could feel the air get serious, "Can you tell me why you have been avoiding me, we could be great together."

I paused it was turning out to be a great night and I didn't want to ruin it by lying to her so I went with the truth, "I don't want a relationship. I can see that you do and it is eating at you to be in one with me but I don't want that yet, we are only juniors in high school. I want to enjoy my time until I need to be in a serious relationship."

She didn't move away like I expected but held me tighter with her arms around my neck, "I can understand that and to be honest I am not a hundred percent sure my parents would even agree to let me date you. No offence but you are southside. How about we try the whole friends with benefits thing though, neither of us will expect anything from the other until we finish college okay?"

She was running her fingers along my neck and it was making my spine tingle, her sweet smelling breath put me into a sort of haze all I wanted was her mouth back on mine. I shook myself to think straight, "You can't be serious?" there was just no way I was getting this deal with two beautiful girls like this.

"I am, but there are rules. 1) one date a week at least, 2) no talking about other girls while we are together, 3) When either me or you think things are getting to serious we break it off." She said a playful smile on her lips.

"Seriously? Aren't you the one who wants things to get serious?" I asked a eyebrow raised not believing that third thing.

"Yes, but I know you aren't ready and you are the most important thing in this for it to even work. To be honest there is no other guy I even see---" she was cut off by me kissing her. I was glad she knew how I felt and at the same time even if she didn't finish I was glad there was no other guy that she wanted to be with, I mean there were a lot of trust fund kids.

"Let's do it." I said pulling back and smiling, she was extremely happy and pulled me into her chest it was like laying my head in two small soft pillows. The goofy smile on my face wouldn't go away no matter what happened at that moment.

The rest of the party we hung out by the pool then went inside when we were dry, since I was the man I took her home before her driver sent me back. We didn't sleep together yet even though we had a new status cause we both agreed to take more time since it was a big decision for her.

*Cough* I made her wait she was practically jumping me, but her aunt flow showed up *Cough*

When I got home the little stalker Savannah was there waiting at my door step with a backpack with her, "What are you doing here?" I asked taking out the weed I kept on me all night.

"Did you have fun at the rich kid party?" she asked taking a drag of my weed.

"Did you?"

"Not as much as you seeing as you went with a date and all. Did you sleep together?" She didn't look at me but her voice held a tinge of something that I couldn't place.

"Yeah Katie is a fun girl, and no we are waiting because we had an interruption." When I finished talking she launched herself at me forgetting the weed and sitting herself in my lap, she didn't mind the smell of chlorine and started kissing me hard. I went along with it as always thinking she is just backed up or wasn't satisfied by someone she had slept with recently.

"Can I stay tonight?" She asked her voice husky from the kiss just now.


"I'm on my period by the way so no sex just cuddling."

I felt at that moment the world was messing with me, two beautiful girls but both of them were on their periods and I would be pleasing myself for the night since they didn't want to use other means. Groaning I nodded and she followed me into the house a little happy smile on her face as we walked in, currently the only people up were Lip, Ian and Karen was over, oh also Mandy didn't see her there.

They were all watching a movie Savannah sat with them to watch it while I went to take a shower and get the smell off me, before I went inside I got a goodnight text from Katie. Smiling to myself I jumped in, when I came out I didn't bother with a shirt and wore joggers before heading down to watch the movie with them.

Savannah stood up and sat in my lap before we watched Saw 3 with them, "How was the date with Katie?" Lip asked making everyone look over in wonder no doubt he told them about her.


"Don't talk about other girls while I am in your arms Malcolm or you won't have a D*ck in the morning." Savannah growled shooting me a glare, everyone else chuckled.

"I will tell you another time." I said a little sweat going down my forehead, he nodded and tried to calm down his laughing. For the rest of the movie we didn't talk and enjoyed ourselves though there was the occasional comment about what we would do in the situations.

All the girls were staying over which in my case was for cuddling, Lip would probably get laid, and Ian and Mandy would do whatever they do at night together. Savannah fell asleep in my arms so I had to carry her to the room, when Lip saw that he motioned for outside and we both went out there Ian following along.

When we got out there he spoke, "So how was it? Was the restaurant super fancy?"

"Yeah it was a plate of food there cost like sixty dollars man, she had a piece of strawberry cake that was twenty!!! What the hell was it even made of." I said shaking my head and smoking the joint he passed to me.

"Damn what did you do after that?" Ian asked taking a hit.

"We went to her friends party, tone of F*cking beer and drinks there plus a lot of girls, though most looked a little fake. We mostly drank then swam some even though it was heated it was still cold and made me sober real quick." I said shaking my head I lost my entire buzz the moment we got into the water, well when she pushed me in.

"Damn you should have sent an invite." Lip says smiling.

"You going to see her again?" Ian asked, Lip looked over to interested in that question.

"Yeah we ended up becoming friends with benefits, though we didn't do anything her period ended up coming tonight." I said on a sigh it really was sad.

They both busted out laughing at that, "Damn so close yet so far." Lip joked finishing off the weed, Ian nodded his head in agreement with him.

"Right, anyway let's get back inside before Savannah realizes I am not there and comes looking for me, the girl is an octopus in bed and always loves to cuddle with me." I said going inside before she did come out and hear what we were talking about, the two of them laughed while Ian made a whip cracking noise making Lip laugh harder.

When I got back inside and crawled into bed Savannah frowned feeling my cold chest but soon relaxed on top of me as she went into a deep slumber.

I need somebody to heal

Somebody to know

Somebody to have

Somebody to hold

It's easy to say

But it's never the same

I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain

Cold_Phantom19creators' thoughts