I woke up hung over it was a terrible feeling this was also the reason I didn't drink who wants to feel like this, sighing I took out a couple of joints and started smoking them to get rid of the headache. After three I was feeling spacey so I stopped and got up for the day, well what was left of it seeing as it was after two o'clock I really was a light weight.
Going outside the room the house was empty no doubt they took off to do their own things, nothing was happening around the house so I knew there wasn't an episode today. Since there was nothing else to do I decided to go and work out at the gym it had been awhile since I had been there, getting dressed I took my gym bag and left.
It was a long ride to my gym unlike everywhere else this place was on the good side of town, the owner got in wrong with a bookie which set me up with this free membership. After a thirty minute train ride I finally made it the place was three stories high, the first floor was for the pool, locker rooms, basketball court and food place.
The second floor was the work out room, the third was the boxing gym with the other half being a spin class, thankfully there was a wall in between them. Going inside I signed in before heading to the locker room and putting my gym bag in a locker, after getting ready I headed up to the third floor.
The Boxing Gym was empty except for about five other people and the person who ran the place, wrapping my hands I went over to the open punching bag to warm up. I threw light punches to warm up before I started to slowly speed up and throw heavier punches, the only sound in the area was my breathing and other people hitting the speed bags.
After forty minutes I finally stopped to take a break my shirt was drenched in sweat already and my arms were getting a little sore, going to the water cooler I down three cups. When I was getting ready to go to the speed bags someone wrapped their arms around my neck, I smelled cotton candy and lavender it made me immediately know who it was.
Katie Dayton, she was rich of the rich her family was known for basically founding Chicago she was a real piece of work, not in a bad way but in others. She is known for being a princess and in the last two years she has set her sights on me, but I kept refusing which made her just want to lock me down more and more.
I would be okay with this if it wasn't for the fact that she was the spoiled rich type instead of the help fixing the bad boy rich type, sighing I turned and looked her in those emerald green eyes. "Well hello there Katie, what have I told you about not hanging on me?" I said taking her hands away.
She pouted and whined, "Come on Malcolm, when are you finally going to let me be the one to taste you and take that V card?" I looked away scratching my cheek which I shouldn't have done seeing as she grabbed my face immediately, "Who was it?!" she growled.
"Who what?" I asked with a slight nervousness in my voice, though I wasn't scared of her she was truly scary when she got this way.
"Don't play dumb with me Malcolm, that was really obvious. We had a deal I keep up my end by not asking you to hang out with me and you keep you end by when you turned eighteen I get your first time." she said holding me in place.
"What do you really want here Katie? Am I just some trophy for you or is this all about just sex with you?" I asked being serious for a moment.
Something flashed past her eyes that I couldn't tell what it was but she went back to normal before so it was to quick to notice, "Well I figured since I am also a virgin that we would save our first time for each other." she said with a sweet smile, though I knew the words she was speaking was true.
"Sorry then but there is nothing I ca----"
"A Date!" She said cutting me off from what I was about to say.
"You heard me a date. I will pay for everything you just need to show up and enjoy some time with me." she says her smile was a little more sweet, it didn't look like someone was plotting something.
I thought it over and it didn't seem like a bad idea, sure she was a spoiled princess but she never acted like that in front of me, though she wouldn't be caught dead on the southside. Seeing as there was nothing wrong with it and there might be a quick meal from it why not, "Sure, when?"
There was a moment she was going to squeal but she held herself back, "Tonight I will have my driver come pick you up, don't worry I know you are from the southside that doesn't matter. If you don't have a suit then we can get you one."
"Don't worry I have one. I will send you a text for my address just make sure to send your driver I will meet you where ever you want to go."
"Good then I will send the car. Now come along you need to help me with my foot work and helping me throw a better jab." She said walking away her hips swaying as she went. I would be lying if I said my eyes didn't follow that plump butt as she walked over to the punching bags, she didn't have a chest but that butt was all real.
She was the typical rich girl, small breast with a big butt, she also had strawberry blonde hair making her look exactly like my style. Katie would be perfect for me if she wasn't rich and born on the northside, she was the type who would demolish my house in order to revamp the neighborhood.
There was something about her that made me be nice to her though, I guess it all had to do with what happened the year I met her though seeing as it was the cause of me knowing her.
^^^^Flashback Two Years Ago^^^^^
I was leaving Don Samsons office the owner of the Times Gym, on my back was a bag full of cash though I didn't know much I knew this place was to launder money. As I was leaving I made it outside, when I was going to the 'company' car I happen to pass by a car where I heard the screams of a girl.
The windows weren't fogged up so I could see everything that was happening inside, there was a girl with strawberry blonde hair fighting off a big guy who reeked of money. Sighing I opened the car door after setting the bag down, reaching inside I pulled the guy back hearing him shout, "What the hell!"
He didn't get a chance to even zips his pants before I punched him in the face twice, his lip busted then he went down groaning on the ground. The girl got herself together and stepped out of the car, she looked at me for a moment before walking over to the guy and kicking him in the balls.
He squealed and she spit on him, turning to me she smiled, "Thank you for helping me, is there anything I can do for you in return?" she asked walking closer and staring at me like a lost puppy.
"No Thanks." I said grabbing the bag and heading to my car, I needed to get out of here before hair gel got up and called daddy. While I was walking to it I could hear her feet as she walked behind me following me to the car, I stopped, "Can I help you?" I asked turning to her.
"Well the thing is that assh*le over there was my ride so can you give me a ride back to my place?" She looked so adorable that I couldn't reject her, plus she had a torn shirt and shorts couldn't let her take a taxi like that.
"Fine." It wasn't like I needed to hurry back in the first place as long as I got the money there with all of it then they wouldn't say anything to me, perks of being a teen. With me they knew that I wouldn't be stopped by the cops so they used me as much as possible for things like this, I even moved drugs once but that was the only time.
She smiled and followed me over to the charger that was owned by my 'boss' didn't even know the guys name so I didn't really see him as that. Though he was happy with my services and I got holiday bonuses so it all worked out for me.
"Where am I taking you."
"Dayton Manor please." she said buckling herself in.
I choked a moment hearing that, everyone knew the Dayton Manor since they were the people who basically ran this entire city owning a sh*t ton of stuff. Looking over at her she smiled sweetly at me while I shook my head, "Leave it to me to get the princess of the city in my car."
She giggled, "Well that is just your luck."
"Sure Luck." I said with an eye roll and kept going towards her Manor, along the way she got real talkative and asked me so many questions that my head started to hurt. It hit me then that she was the little princess of the family, her family had three kids, an older son, the middle daughter, and lastly her the youngest daughter.
She was known for being spoiled and rich she spent her money like crazy but her family spoiled her so much that they didn't mind anything she did. Sighing this was going to be a long ride it didn't help that she started to go on and on about something I had no clue what it was, it was about some new line of make-up.
After a thirty minute drive I made it to her place, she took a moment before she talked to me again, "Thank you for today..... is there anyway I could get your number?" she was actually shy unlike her outgoing personality that she had earlier.
"No." she was to much trouble I could already tell from the way she was acting earlier.
She pouted, "Why not we can be great friends. I promise I won't bother you too much, so please just give it to me."
"Fine, but I am busy and don't have much time." I said taking out a piece of paper and writing down my number.
She squealed happily and kissed my cheek before rushing out the car, I didn't go into the gate but dropped her off in front of it, no reason to go in there. After she was gone there was a lingering scent of Cotton Candy and Lavender, thankfully they would think I just slept with a girl in here after I gave the car back.
^^^^^^Flashback End^^^^^^
Shaking my head I followed that bubble butt over to the punching bag, if she could agree like Savannah I wouldn't mind having a friends with benefits relationship with her.
Gimme a "hell"
Gimme a "yeah"
Stand up right now
And gimme a "hell"
Gimme a "yeah"
Stand up right now
Get ready to go
She ain't movin' slow
She's takin' control