
Rejected by my Grumpy Mate

He rejected me before realizing that I was the heart of his universe. Lupita I'm still bent over. In this old group, women were treated very badly, and my deformed limbs made me undesirable. It's no use if I never shift. But even in my late 20s, I don't mind living alone. No one saw when I set up a shady farmers market operation. Although life under Fenris Gonzalo was tough, it was at least predictable, which is why my roommate and I had been on our own. We can survive. But I lost my mind when nature finally took over. I claim that our alpha is my mate. He rejected me in front of the whole group. All good. It hurts when I breathe. I will succeed. I work in that field. After all, who wants to date an arrogant jerk? I have to run my company. Fenris To lead this herd out of the stone age, I have to be tough. No mercy. I don't make any doubts or mistakes. Lupita Lowell is not my partner. I would pay attention to any strange obsessions he had if he were my wolf. I could just leave, right? And if I keep coming back? if he lives in my mind? I am the strongest man in the last five generations. My directions were immediately carried out by my package. I was able to rejoin the queue with a calm woman. There can't be anyone as stubborn as me. There was no way I could ruin the most beautiful thing that had ever happened to me. The alpha of the Balkan pack is me and I must lead

Happy_Emmanuel · 都市
4 Chs


No. He's not my close friend. Under any circumstances. I definitely have a feeling in such a situation. What's wrong with wanting to do that? That seems to be the case, doesn't it? He purposely stood up and pushed his chest back in a fighting stance. There was a deep growl coming from deep in his throat, and he let it out. I think he has stomach problems because of the way he rubs his pecks with the palm of his hand. He developed deeper furrows in his brows. Just like me, he was also very confused. This makes no sense under any circumstances. My wolf howls in response to your question. He was a constant source of irritation. There was a hint of irony in the snoring. I cupped my hands around both breasts and felt around with my palms. Gosh, it came from the pit of my stomach. Wow. He might be in that area. He wasn't a made-up character that just came out of my mind. As long as he is still growing inside me, there is no way I can swallow him to make him disappear. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I've decided to change tactics. Following a very long delay. I regret to say that I must leave at this time; I can't stay any longer. I needed a large enough floor plan, wide open spaces, and... Nina Davis appeared out of nowhere, walked up the chancel steps, walked up to Fenris, and embraced him with her arms and chest. He took this initiative without waiting for her approval. Then he jumped to his feet and kissed her lips passionately while she was still in the air. He became stricter. He was very attentive to his surroundings at all times. He looked at me as he sucked his face. Yet, here he is, doing it. We have it, so no. From within my own skull, an unearthly scream, something between a roar and a scream, now assaulted my ears. The agony felt like my spine was ripping the skin off my back. I could feel the pain all over my body, and it felt like it was coming from the inside out, like an explosion of broken bones and torn muscles. These are my last hours. I felt like there was a knife slicing my body. My lips parted in a scream as I fell to the floor. As I lay helpless, the joints of my body shattered into pieces when moved, and I stared at the pulpit without blinking. It seemed like the earth was collapsing right under Nina's chin. How exactly did Fenris restrain himself? His tightly clenched mouth and hands created the impression that he was struggling to maintain his composure. My eyes, like a camera lens, are always sharply focused on whatever is visible. At first, everything seems far away and blurry, but then it suddenly gets up close and personal in a way that's almost too obvious. Some areas of the floor were starting to show signs of breaking. Dust particles can be seen floating freely in the air. Fenris' pupils dilated dramatically, then the golden ring surrounding them began to shrink, eventually becoming completely opaque. A plate suffered serious damage while being used in the kitchen. Each person's heart rate may be monitored for rhythm abnormalities. The sound is deafening and reminds us of the crashing of ocean waves. The noise had permeated every corner of the room. I can pinpoint the source of any scent. Meat. Human blood plasma The prostitute must be identified. Her coconut shampoo and vanilla lotion got mixed up because she was sweating a lot. The two of them were now touching each other, and I could smell it on my friend. He and I both chose to ignore the urgent voice imploring us from a distance to pause, reflect, and endure for a moment to be heard more clearly. As a wolf, I think he is getting closer to our mate. As my body tried to adjust mid-jump, I bared my teeth and howled in pain. At the same time that I tore it again, my tendons and ligaments were repairing themselves. There was something wrong with my hind legs, so I couldn't lunge forward and make an attack, so I had to drag my useless limbs as I attacked him and bared my fangs. I really can't give up this hobby. Even though there is no color, everything is in its place, the proportions are off, and the aromas mingle and chat. I am aware of my own weaknesses. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't catch it. He is mine.

My nose protruded, and I let out an ear-splitting scream. From behind me, I could hear giggling and shouting. The blood-red lips of his mask give him the ability to speak to humans. I kept screaming at him again and again. You have to improve it. Join me in this battle. Let him go and come back later. I will remove your hair and show you your bare skin. I have no choice but to end your life if you touch my wife again. I forced my injured body to get close enough to him so I could swing at him. She poked me in the ribs with her high heel boots and laughed the whole time. When compared with the suffering of the past, the current pain is nothing. I nibbled on her feet and discovered that denim was delicious. Not at all what I imagined. Inside my nose, I licked the soft tissue. I'm hungry and thirsty for blood. A loud growl escaped his lips. There was a "No!" from someone. In the blink of an eye, she disappeared, and in her place stood a snow-white she-wolf, towering over me as she never had before. He has the right to rule here. more than three times my size in any dimension. He showed no signs of hesitation at all. He made an aggressive attack on my neck. I gave it my best shot, but he was too strong for me, and I ended up in a tangled heap. As his teeth sunk into my collarbone, the pain sent shockwaves through my already disoriented head. As the agony increased, I could feel my thoughts racing faster and faster. When I saw him tear some muscles from his bones, I screamed in pain. He continued to grip me even as he threw me aside and slammed me onto the floor. When there is nothing in my mouth, I cannot open my mouth, even if I clench my teeth. Its defense was impenetrable due to its thick fur and tough skin, thus preventing any harm coming from my claws. I could feel my strength diminishing every second as my blood became thinner. The air around you may have a strong copper odor. Close friends will be there when I die on camera. They would watch me bleed to death as they ate the food I prepared and cleared their plates with the bread I baked. I couldn't control my shaking. And I was knocked out. My standards for success are lower now. There was no point in trying to impress them when I had no chance of winning. They won't be sure. 

A frustrated Fenris shouted, "Enough," as if he had finally had enough. After Nina tore my flesh apart with her teeth, she drooled down my side as she mounted my lifeless corpse. The threads of her saliva are now pink because of the blood she took from me. He issued the command, "Shift," to the group. My broken bones instantly returned to their original position, and even the broken bones broke. It's growing very quickly. Pain can temporarily cloud a person's perception of their environment. At what point will I become completely unconscious? If only I could disappear into thin air. We appreciate that. When the shifter healing I had been focusing on began to bear fruit, I was suddenly jolted out of my trance. There is no way for me to escape this situation. When I tried to curl up into a ball, all I could do was slightly elevate one leg over the other. Bent over and naked on the floor, I watched Nina, the most submissive member of our group, steal a t-shirt from her mother, Cheryl. My view of the pulpit remained unobstructed. Nina gave a superior look while licking the blood from her lips and growling. As her mother coaxed and fussed over her, she looked at me with a scornful smile on her face and stared at me with evil eyes. I just fell and landed in a pool of my own blood. My shirt and trousers were soaked in blood and in tatters on the floor. Right now I'm shaking so hard my teeth are chattering. I tried hard to sit up, but my muscles wouldn't cooperate. I was in a precarious position because nothing was connected as it should be. I crossed my shaking arms over the muscles of my legs and curled up in a fetal position, pulling my knees as close to my chest as possible. No one ever gave me anything to wear. They had put a lot of distance between themselves and me, avoiding me like the plague. Moon completely lost his mind. I dared to peek at Fenris while he was taking a nap. His sharp features were as stiff as the anger radiating from his sharp nose. However, her chin was slightly raised when she did this. Even though the smell of blood was strong, I could still smell the scent of her perfume, which was a combination of various soothing and calming ingredients. Image of sugar crystals. butterscotch that has been heated to a high level and served hot. You are given a bit of caramel and told to taste it on the tip of your tongue. When he's here, my wolf can't stop howling at him. Help. But even so, when he created a terrifying expression with his lips, the color of his eyes changed from blue to gold. When he shouts at you, "Stand up," you do as he says. Simply put, I can't. It wasn't something I was capable of doing, and even if I was, word would spread quickly. "Stand up, or I'll have to drag you up," said the voice in my mind. Without a particular destination in mind, my eyes wandered aimlessly around the spacious living room. The men looked at each other with a mixture of awe and disgust. There were also several women who took part. The older members of the community show their disgust and humiliating laughter through their jeers and sneers. At the kitchen entrance, you can see Old Noreen and my three daughters huddled together, looking scared. They lack confidence in facing the world. There is no one who can help me in this difficult situation. Fenris sent a threatening growl as a warning. In short, this is a question. You have the courage to fight me! 

I mustered all the strength I had left and flipped my body onto my stomach before I could stand on my good knee. I'll rest there for a while. My injured leg means I can't stand for a long time. As I struggled to stand, my buttocks, stomach, and scars on my thighs and calves were all visible. Every time I glance at my reflection, I shudder. Burning guilt is as destructive as a raging fire. My throat is getting tighter because of the lump that has formed there. I hope it will just make me unable to breathe and I will die instantly. I wish I could pass out and wake up somewhere else—yesterday, tomorrow, in the middle of the ocean—anywhere but here and now. This is something I really hope can happen. Why am I being punished for my actions? My job is to ensure that my obligations are met. I just keep my head down and follow all the stupid rules that have been put in place. I never put others in harm's way, and I always achieve my goals. Where do my assignments come from? Why is this actually happening? How could I do such a stupid thing in the name of God and all goodness and truth in the universe? Nowhere on Earth, in any other dimension, or in any other universe did my puny little wolf stand a chance against Nina Davis's terrifying beast. This is too much for me to bear right now. There were blisters all over my body from the embarrassment, but I had to keep going because my heart couldn't stop beating so fast. Ghosts from the past kept reappearing at strange times and locations in my consciousness. In the background, you can hear others saying that you've weathered much worse storms. Try to stay calm. "What is this?" is the question that must be asked. Finally, Fenris revealed his true feelings, his voice filled with the disgust he felt. For some reason, whenever I try to speak, nothing comes out. My wolf paced and growled restlessly in its cage. He was always helpful, so why didn't he do it this time? She cried helplessly because she didn't understand. As a result, Fenris' mocking expression turned into anger. I tried to cover it up, but it seemed like it was coming from inside my chest. I couldn't even use earplugs to drown out the noise it made. The question "Why did you attack Nina?" is one he insists on answering. For him, the explanation was very clear. Friendship creates an immediate level of comfort among its members.