

Emma, I wish I could find the right words, but there's no easy way to say this. Our paths, as much as it hurts to admit, seem to be diverging. I never anticipated the immense pain these words would carry, and it pains me more than I can express to tell you that I don't see a future for us. It's not a reflection of you or your worth; it's about the paths we're on, and I fear they've grown too different.

RadiantRoseWriter1 · 都市
20 Chs


The announcement of my new role as CEO sent ripples of surprise through the office. As everyone dispersed, I could feel their eyes on me, whispers trailing in my wake. The unexpected twist of fate had cast me in a position of power, a role I intended to wield with precision. Entering the finance department, I observed the hushed conversations and exchanged glances. My new colleagues, though attempting to resume their work, could not help but be caught in the aftermath of the bombshell announcement. Their furtive glances towards Xavier spoke volumes. Making my way towards the entrance, I could not resist the urge to confront him. His attempt to fade into the background was futile, and the gossip that followed him painted a vivid picture of his discomfort.

Xavier slumped into his swivel chair, seemingly attempting to retreat into the shadows. The whispered discussions about our past and the revelation that I was once his introduced "girlfriend" had clearly unnerved him. With a surge of annoyance, I decided to assert my presence. Standing at the threshold of the finance department, I opened the door, revealing my tailored grey trouser suit that radiated authority. The collective hush that followed was almost deafening. Four colleagues, caught mid-gossip, quickly stood up and greeted me. I acknowledged them with a nod, my gaze unwaveringly fixed on Xavier. A devilish smirk played on my lips as I entered the room, a silent acknowledgment of the uncharted territories we were about to navigate together. The atmosphere crackled with tension as I approached his desk. The weight of our shared history hung in the air, and I could sense his defiance beneath the surface. My voice, steady and commanding, filled the room as I outlined my vision for the company's future. As I concluded my remarks, I turned my attention squarely to him.

 "Mr. Xavier," I addressed him, my tone carrying a subtle challenge, "I believe we have some matters to discuss."

The smirk on my face remained, a harbinger of the complexities that awaited us. In the opulent expanse of my new office, adorned with rich mahogany furniture and bathed in the warm glow of ambient lighting, I strolled in with purpose, my heels clicking against the polished marble floor. Xavier followed behind, a stark contrast to the lavish surroundings, his demeanor reflective of the turmoil within. Leaning casually against the intricately carved desk, I turned my attention to him, his figure poised near the door, eyes cast downward.

"Mr. Xavier," I began, my voice carrying a measured authority. "How long have you been working here?" The question hung in the air, demanding a response. Before he could muster an answer, I commanded him with a directness that cut through the room's opulence. "Look at me when I'm talking to you."

His head lifted, and I couldn't help but revel in the shock, worry, and confusion etched across his face. It pleased me more than I had anticipated. As he stammered out a response, "Three years,". The revelation of his discomfort brought me a satisfaction beyond my expectations. Taking in his disheveled appearance, I noticed the uneven alignment of his shirt buttons—a small detail that mirrored the disorder of his professional life. Without preamble, I delivered the blow that awaited him. My next words, delivered with a calm but decisive tone, shattered the veneer of professionalism that had surrounded him. 

"Mr. Xavier, due to discovered fraudulent activities in your work, you are hereby demoted to the cargo carriers effective immediately." 

The weight of the revelation hung heavy in the room, and I watched as the impact registered on his face. His eyes widened with disbelief, and before he could protest, I informed him of the reports from his colleagues that had exposed his malpractices. He faced a binary choice—accept the demotion or face legal repercussions. Xavier, visibly shocked and on the brink of protest, insisted on his innocence, his eyes almost watery. I, in turn, smiled with a satisfaction that reverberated through the room.

Standing upright, I reached for the brown envelope resting on my desk. With deliberate slowness, I approached him, tossing the envelope in his direction.

 "Pick that up!" I commanded; my tone unyielding. Reluctantly, with a simmering anger, he complied. I gestured for him to open it, and as he perused the contents, his eyes widened in shock, his mouth left ajar. A devilish laugh escaped my lips as I watched his realization unfold. With a devilish laugh, I taunted him, "So, what is it going to be?" The smirk on my lips remained, a silent declaration of the power dynamics now at play. 

"I... I accept," he replied in a low, defeated tone, the weight of his decision echoing in the hallowed silence of my lavishly furnished office.

His acceptance lingered in the room, a bitter acknowledgment of the altered course his professional journey had taken. The lavishness of the office seemed to mock the stark reality he now faced—the fall from grace, the tarnished reputation, and the demotion echoing like a resounding defeat. The air crackled with an unspoken tension, the subdued atmosphere amplifying the gravity of the moment. I maintained the devilish smirk, reveling in the calculated triumph. 

"Excellent choice, Mr. Xavier," I responded with a hint of condescension, savoring the taste of victory. The power dynamics had shifted, and I had orchestrated the narrative to my advantage.

As he stood there, envelope in hand, I circled the desk, creating a deliberate distance between us. The rich mahogany exuded authority, and I leaned against it with an air of casual dominance. The next steps were crucial; the puppet strings were firmly in my grasp, and Xavier, whether by coercion or submission, had become a pawn in the unfolding game.

"Now, let's be clear," I continued, my tone firm. "Your demotion is not just a consequence; it's an opportunity for redemption. You have a chance to prove your loyalty to the company and rectify the damage you've done. Consider it a second chance, Mr. Xavier."

His eyes, a mixture of defeat and desperation, met mine. The weight of my words sank in, the implications of his choices unfolding before him. In the grand scheme of corporate machinations, he was a mere cog, dispensable yet salvageable if he played his cards right.

"I trust you won't disappoint me again," I added, the implicit threat hanging in the air. The devilish smirk remained, a constant reminder of the intricate dance we were now engaged in.

With a dismissive wave of my hand, I signaled the conclusion of our meeting. Xavier, burdened with the weight of the envelope and the repercussions of his actions, turned to leave. The lavish office, witness to a pivotal moment in his professional downfall, seemed to close in on him as the door clicked shut. Alone in the opulent surroundings, I pondered the unfolding drama. The pieces on the corporate chessboard had shifted, and he, once a player, had now become a pawn in a larger game—one where I held the reins.