
party night

The next day,Cindy wakes up early,and goes to work. because they had to close early, so as to prepare for the party.

She came back home, took her bath and put on her black, short fitting gown, gold high heels that were a perfect match with the dress she was putting on.

She did light make-up,wore her

necklace,earring, bracelet ring which were all from the diamond and beauty luxury brand.

Then sprays perfume that has a strawberry scent. She then holds a black hand back as her final touch.

As she was about to step out of the house, she remembers she had to take some pictures,and send them to Anordé,since he had requested it the previous night.

She takes pictures and sent to him,

Which he views immediately and send his reply.

Text"damn your beauty is eternal, you look gorgeous, everything on you is perfect. And I love it, make sure to take proper care of yourself, if you need anything, just call me and I will help "he writes.

"Oh,thank you, am shy By the way you compliment my picture, I did the make-up myself,so I doubt it looks that good as you say,and I also got the jewelry from your brand."

"Your indeed pretty,am not exaggerating. Oh even when it's time for you to relax you still think of business,by trying to put on the jewelry to attract customers haha you're amazing."

"I'm a business lady, so I'm always business minded, bye I've got to go now,we talk when I get there. "She says

"Ok bye,drive safe and take care."he replies

She drove to the place where she had to meet the others, but not everyone was there,so they had to wait and take pictures of themselves while waiting for the others.

Soon everyone arrived, and they all looked stunning.they talked for Abit, before driving to their destination.

Few minutes later,they got to a club called

Yg for your satisfaction,

They are welcomed by the staff, and shown the tables they had earlier reserved for them.

The girls sat down and patiently waited for their drinks. Some girls at the club walked up to them and asked about their jewelry and where to get them, which they told the girls.

After a series of chatting, drinking and laughing,while listening to cool music's , the club then started playing some sweet music that would make them dance, some of the girls woke up and starts dancings,

Some even got dance partners and went into the crowd to dance with,

Cindy and two other girls sat still and just enjoyed the atmosphere,until their drinks got finished, then Cindy volunteered to go to the counter and get them some drinks.

Then she has an encounter ,with a rich proud guy.

"Watch your step," a man said with a harsh tune.

"You low class desperate girls always act like this to rip from where you didn't Sow." He Sighed.

"That's rude,I thought you were someone worth my respect but no I was mistaken, you don't deserve an apology."says Cindy.

"How dare you say that to me, do you know who I am?... How much are you worth? you low class bitch" he laughs.

"Oh, I guess you're laughing at your stupidity,men like you always think very highly of themselves when they actually are worth nothing.i know your type haha" Cindy laughs.

"Just tell me young lady, how much do you need,to better your life and also to warm my bed, haha I know your dying to sleep with me that's why you bumped into me."he says

"Oh wow your filthy rich,indeed money can't buy everything why don't you use your money to fix your attitude, or should I say u need the money more than I do haha" Cindy laughs

"You're getting on my nerves lady,he spills his drink on her intentionally.what can you say about this haha" he say with a calm voice as if he did nothing wrong.

"oh look at her she looks like she's about to cry "

Piashh he received a slap from Zita. It was so hard that his jaws turned red.

"I can't cry because of a naughty jerk like you."

As he was about to punch Cindy, a friend of his steps in

"common man she's a lady, it's in appropriate to lay your hands on her, since women are vulnerable"

he tries to explain while holding his friend's wrist.

"She's not vulnerable, this lady is not who you think she is, I can bet on that. " He tells his friend.

"You're lucky my friend came to the rescue you would be lying lifeless by now and there's nothing anyone will do about it "

he said angrily,and pushed her before returning to his table.

His friend quickly apologizes to Cindy and tells her, his friend had a fight with his parents and he really is in a bad mood, he usually is not like that.

Cindy accepts the apology, but tells him to warn his friends to keep his temper down.

Immediately he left Cindy's friends to see what's taking her so long .

They meet Cindy,bringing the drinks but in a bad mood,when she gets to her table.

She drinks uncontrollably.They tried stopping her but she asked them to just let her drink.

and tells them about the crazy encounter she had earlier,while blaming them for coming late.

They calmed her down and told her to join them on the dance floor.

Which she agrees, while dancing,the same rude boy walked towards the group of girls with his friends,

They ask for a dance and the other girls agreed and went Into the dance floor

Cindy and the rude boy, stared at each other for a while, before the boy breaks the silence

"Can I have a dance with you? I really want to talk to you about earlier."

She looked at him for a while then gave him her hand.

The began to dance

"Sorry about what I said to you earlier,you look classy and trust me I don't look down on people, no matter their status. I just got into the club to vent out my anger on drinks,but it just happened that I bumped into you first, my parents pissed me up. Am really sorry.my friend scolded me and I felt guilty. "He apologizes while dancing with her.

"So if your friend didn't scold you, you wouldn't have apologized right, but all good you have a kind friend,he already apologized on your behalf. So no need to apologize again ."

"Thank you so much,so can we exchange contact,and become friends, I won't cross the line,I can also be friends with your friends too.you can call me whenever you need help be it morally or financially And i will do the same to the."

"No probs ,she took his card and said nothing more than friends."

"Yeah sure "

They all danced and drank till it was almost down ,then the ladies came together and said goodbye to their new friends ,while telling them to make sure they come to their company to patronize them .

Though the girls were drunk,they still rejected the guys' offer to drive them home.

They managed to drive back home before departing to their various house's.

Cindy then dials a number,

She starts crying,

Immediately Anorde knew she was drunk, then made her tell him her address, which he drove to see her.

he got there and meets her completely drunk, he puts her on bed and tries to send her to bed since he thought it's not appropriate for him to change her dress

When he was done he closed the door and left while she slept.