
Rejected By Her Mate - Pregnant With His Babies

Lil_Drey0 · ファンタジー
4 Chs


The loud and continuous knock of Nina woke me up. I walked lazily, very weak to answer to my only friend's call.

"Misses mate, you-- " She paused when she noticed my swollen eyes, which was red. "You slept late thinking of your mate?" She teased with an annoying wide chuckle but I ignored her, my main joy now is to inform her about me and my mate, yesterday night. But how would I tell her he's not here.

"You may not believe me, but I'm gonna tell you, I slept with Khan, next alpha of dark moon pack in this room." I explained while I blush as my dimples shown boldly on my left cheek. I saw her staring at it.

"Geez, seems like you're losing it little by little, baby." Nina muttered whining like a baby as she spanked my shoulder softly. I stared at her with an evil smirk.

"Get the f**k out of my way, unbeliever." I retorted angrily pushing her out of the way. I showered and got myself dressed in a black turtle neck, black short flay skirt topping it with a red handbag. I painted my lips in full red.

"Are you going for a party?" Nina asked judging from the way I dressed. She was also dressing but her dressing was plain.

"We are going to the pack house as usual, but I have other plans." I snapped with a slight smile, we headed for the pack house as soon as we were done with dressing.

Nina didn't notice when I left her side as soon as we entered the pack house, but I guess she won't bother looking for me since she would remember vividly that I said I had other plans, even though she's curious of the 'other plans'.

I secretly looked for my mate whom I united with yesterday night. Little did I know that Vida's maid, Cherry sighted me and reported to her boss immediately. I know Cherry so well, she was one of the people that bullied while I was still young. I found out that earlier, Vida had sent Cherry to follow Khan when she visited me, so it wasn't hard for her to recognize the house and face of the famous omega, whom she always bullied, though it was all in the past.

While still searching, I saw four wolves warriors advancing towards me. I knew instinctively that the men were after me, I turned back walking a little bit fast. The warriors quickly made frantic attempts to capture me but fortunately I escaped.

Unfortunately for me, I saw another group of wolves warriors in front of her, I almost gave up since I was blocked. My eyes saw a tunnel more like a cave, without thinking what could be there, I jumped into it, all I could view was darkness allover.


Walking through the tunnel which was dark, I came out of it, landing on a bare floor. The room looked furnished, could this be my mate's room. I crept into the place, but stopped when I saw a man, he was light in complexion, I can't see his face clearly, but his hair was curled. When he turned around to pick a bottle of wine, I saw his face clearly.

His face was familiar to that of my mate, or I could say my mate face was similar to his own. "Gosh! He's the Alpha of this great pack." I scoffed. Thankfully he didn't hear me, I saw him last when I was ten. Despite that I came to the pack house almost everyday, I never saw him since I was ten.

He poured a red thick wine into a ceramic cup with flower embroidered on it, the cup was only meant for Alpha's alone, it's a taboo for anyone that's not an Alpha to drink from this mystery cup. He stopped pouring when he heard the creak of his door. I shifted a bit so as not to get caught.

"Wow, my mate." I whispered, carefully not be too loud, I made sure to shift back as much as I can.

Khan entered fully after getting permission from him. He walked up to him with fear invading his heart at every step he took, I could feel it even though I'm not beside him. No one faces him without his/her pounding expect the Luna, his wife.

The great man, who's feared all over dark moon, blood moon, and storm pack is Alpha Dave Dela-Torres. The current Alpha of dark moon pack.

He craned his hand towards his only son ordering him to accept the cup with him filled with wine. Khan fell on his face bowing as fear invaded his heart more, he began to think so many things in his heart.

'Perhaps, is he trying to test me?" He inquired from his thought, his wolf kept quiet not saying a word. His father thick and deep chuckle disrupt his thought.

'Wow, how come I can read his thought? Is it because I'm his mate?" I asked no one in particular, if my wolf was here, she would have given me a perfect answer to that.

"Aren't you going to take this from me? My hand is aching." Alpha Dave finally broke the silence, Khan was still not clear whether to accept the cup which is meant for Alpha's only or not.

"This cup, is made for Alpha's like you only, it is forbidden that I accept it." Khan replied making out some boldness, so as not to be a cowardice.

"Mmmh, well I have decided to abdicate to you in few weeks more, it's right if you take the cup from me. And I know surely, how long you have been waiting to drink wine from this cup." His father broke the goodnews to him with a happy smile which was a rare smile, not often seen on his face.

He stood up proud of himself and accepted the cup in a royal manner, he drank the wine and he felt a new power restored and revived in him. He sighed relieved.

"F**k mate." He whispered inaudibly under his breath, my heart ached. But still his father heard and he chuckled as he always loved to do.

"I hope you rule this pack just as I did, and my forefathers did. And you know, so as not to bring calamity over this pack, you've to choose a Luna." Alpha Dave muttered with his usual thick voice patting Khan's shoulder proudly.

"I have Vida already, the daughter of the Alpha of blood moon pack, she will be my Luna." He said trying to assure his father that there's no problem.

"None of us, not me, not my father had chose a Luna which is not the mate the moon goddess has assigned for us, I don't know if you're choosing the right path, but let's watch. There's an amendment to all mistakes." His father growled, afraid of the bad omen it may bring to the pack.

"Nothing will happen, I give you my word." He assured him again, he drank the remaining wine in the cup happily. "My first act as an Alpha will be to purge the beta if I can, I will also purge the pack of extremists. I'll make a turn around." Khan grinned already talking like the Alpha proudly.

"I don't know why you hate the beta so much, but you can't find any replacement for the beta in this pack." He nodded as he advised him, he collected the cup back from him and placed it in it's closet. I crawled back out of the tunnel since I can't pass through the Alpha's room.

Boom! As soon as I got out, some wolf warriors grabbed my hands, and took me away.

"What should we do with the omega?" One of the warriors asked Vida who was twisting her thumb against her first finger. She was silent for approximately three minute before she finally gave her answer which was a command. I stared at her scornfully.

"Lock her up in the dungeon, and be sure not to make Khan smell of what we just did." Vida commanded raising the hem of her blouse a little to avoid it lying of the ground.

"But ma, can I ask who she-- " He quickly stopped and bowed as soon as he noticed the deadly look on her face, if face could murdered, he would have been dead.

"Asking about that means death. If you wish to seek for the answer, then you wish for death." She snapped not giving him a chance to apologize for his mistakes, she dismissed him immediately. They took me away to the dungeon.


I coughed out in pain, as I woke up, the stench of the dungeon made me feel arouse. I was weak and tired, I quickly got up when I remembered I was kidnapped.

I viewed the fistula on my right arm, due to the strong force of the wolve warriors. Blood dripped from it little by little. The dungeon only had a tiny window, with two slanting beam of light that fell across the floor.

While I was still thinking of an escape plan, a guard entered with an annoying chuckle on his face making jest of me, with his bald dome of a head. He dropped my food on the floor, inserting his mouldy shoes into the food and spat on it with a wide chuckle before storming out.

I looked at the food scornfully and hissed. To my surprise, my mate unlocked the door and came in staring at me with the usual face he had yesterday night. My heart plunged a bit. I felt the usual shock I felt earlier when he touched me. The first time I felt the shock was when I bumped into him.

I looked at the door when I heard a sound, it was Cherry peeping, she craned her neck to view the inside of the basement, she saw Khan holding my hands firmly. She ferried her legs quickly, I'm sure it's to call for Vida's attention. But I couldn't tell Khan so as not to spoil this beautiful moment.

"I expected you to be mousy, maybe that way you would be able to live longer, you senseless omega." Khan whispered to me in disgust, I felt my world crumble before me. A drop of tears fell from my right eyeball, swiping through my cheek cleaning the makeup I fixed on, which was meant to impress him.

"How can you expect me to accept you as my mate? You are a mere omega, but," He said with lust in his eyes clearly shown, he used his left hand fingertips to clear the tears on my cheek. He advanced to pecking my lips softly, before pulling me into a real kiss. I was happy once again, thinking my mate had finally accepted me.

I gave in all to him, he sucked on my lips happily, he couldn't get enough of it, I'm sure he felt like turning me into his sex slave but Vida would surely react. Besides, I'm not cheap to that point, I pray that's not his opinion. On his way to smooch my breast, Vida barged in with tears soaked in her eyeballs though she was quick to control them not to fall, at least not in front of me.

"You and this slut omega!"She exclaimed with shock shown within her body which vibrated. She ran out, Khan ran after her, I held his hand but he pushed me away aggressively.

"Is it... Is it a crime or my fault that I was born as an omega?" I screamed asking with tears streaming down my face with no control. He stared at me not giving her a reply, he ran after Vida immediately I let my eyes off him.

I could feel my beautiful world which I thought was reconstructed crumbled right before me again, while still thinking about her second rejection, I fainted. I thought I was gone but I saw myself in another place entirely different from here.

Suddenly, I disappeared to a place looking at myself and other Alpha's from afar, I watched carefully listening to there explanation.

"She's mine." Troy growled angrily as he drew me back to his chest with his eyes burning with passion for me.

"You must be joking, she was mine first. Troy, leave her to me, don't let this destroy our longtime friendship." Sean begged trying to draw me away from the other Alpha. He shifted into his wolf completely when he realized Troy wasn't complying with his gentle request.

Troy also shifted into his wolf angrily, ready to know the winner. He had been waiting for a day to fight with Sean one on one. Troy is the Alpha of storm pack, while Sean is the Alpha of blood moon pack. I don't know how I knew all this, but it just came to my memory.

The guards made frantic attempts to revive me, I woke up eventually, but I was surprised to see myself with Nina. I looked around and saw that I was in my room.

"Why am I here?" I muttered faintly, my forehead was boiling enough to make an omelette. I was getting hot and hotter.

"I told you few days ago that you were running a temperature, and that you're sick." Nina sneered angrily mopping my face with a towel dipped inside cold water.

"I'm serious Nina, I'm not really sick, it's because of my mate." I almost yelled trying to convince Nina at all cost, but my voice wasn't that loud due to the unknown sickness that just befall on me.

"I know. I heard rumors about it too, I'm sorry to have doubt you." Nina apologized as hot tears swiped through my cheek. Nina hugged me and cleaned my tears simultaneously.

"I'm gonna do everything it will cost me to unite you with him, I promise." She pulled me into another hug after she promised me what seemed like impossible.

'Troy and Sean? Who are they? Why are they in my dream? Is this my future?' Carmen thought within herself worriedly staring at the fistula on her right arm which was blistered as if it was burned.

Besides, my tummy was so enlarged, it was more like I was pregnant. But for who? Does that mean Khan would accept me? If he would accept me, then how did I end up with Troy and Sean? I think my future is rough, dangerous and scary. I think the moon goddess is preparing for the worst.