
Rejected and Very Special and The Beginning of an End

Rejected and Very Special: With the many rejections that have ripped at this young heart, will this young goddess ever find love before the last pieces are chipped away? After years of heartache, she finally has the pleasure of finding her final mate, the one that accepts her. Sounds like she will get her happily ever after, but will the chaos come to an end? Her name is Sapphire, the daughter of the moon goddess. Although broken, this young girl still holds the power to kill you with one look. She is the rider of the most powerful dragon known to man. She has been rejected by 200+ mates that didn't seem to find her fit to be a forever partner, but her mother never gave up trying to find her the perfect one. Has she found the perfect one? Rejection is never too far, and with Sapphire, it has always been closer to her than anyone in the world. Will the kidnapping of a loved one jeopardize her new mate? Guess you will have to read to find out..... let's embark on this journey together and start at the very begging. The Beginning of an End: ~~Book 2~~ NOT COMPLETED She is the most powerful shifter that has ever lived. She holds in her possession the sword of legacy, the egg of a forgotten dragon race, and a pure white wolf with electric blue eyes. At the age of 15, Blaze is forced to grow up 3 days before her 16th birthday, the day most special to shifters, the day she meets her mate. Her mother was taken away to train, while her father is away in a place that is now forgotten, called Mystic Mountain. She is left at her home with her mother's sister Adaline. When things go wrong while she is on vacation with her aunt Sapphiria, Blaze has to embark on a journey to find what once was lost. She finds destiny and tricks fate, but is she still safe? Will she be rejected by destiny? Will her trick of fate come back to haunt her? Will she ever find that mate of hers? Follow Blaze through her hardships as she struggles to find herself, and find the person her mother has not spoken to in years.

Luna_Moonstone_8 · その他
38 Chs

(9)Omg hottie alert!!!

Sapphires POV:

I and my sister teleported up to our rooms to pack. Oh, my Wowza! I can't believe we get to go wherever we want! I went ahead and used my magic to quickly pack all of my things. I bounced over to Storms' crib and glanced down at her.

I then picked her up and got all of her things together. Oh, I can't wait! I ran downstairs to the kitchen, teleporting me and Storms things to the car. I sat Storm into her highchair and headed for the fridge.

I grabbed a pre-made sandwich out and sat it down on the counter. I then proceeded to get a cup and filled it with water. I put it in the microwave for a few seconds, just enough to warm it slightly. I then took out the cup and poured the water into a baby bottle. I poured in two scoops of formula and began shaking the bottle.

I finally sat down and ate my sandwich, giving Storm the bottle. My sister and mom came down shortly after and sat down at the table with me.

"So where do you two want to go?" my mom asked. Hmph... I started thinking real hard. Oo! I have an idea! "Iceland" I and my sister yelled at the same time. Then we looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Why Iceland?" my mom asked. "Because it's pretty much the only place that doesn't have a lot of humans and that means I can practice my powers whenever I want," I said.

She just nodded in understanding. "Sapphiria let's go I want to get there fast," I said walking out of the front door with my keys. I went to the backseat of my car and put Storm into her car seat.

I then got on the driver's side. I started the car right when Sapphiria jumped in. "Ready for a ride," I said smirking. I know she doesn't like riding through my Port Holes. But that's the best way to travel, as it only takes two minutes to get across the world.

"Oh shut up Sapphire, just go through the porthole," she said irritated. Haha told ya! I opened up the porthole and drove through it.

Two minutes later we were in the middle of the woods in Iceland. "Oh my, let's never do that again," she said eyes wide. I just laughed. "Just don't hurl in my car!" I giggled. I did some cool magic and made a house, well more like a mansion, out of thin air. I then took a moment to put up a few wards, to keep strangers out.

It was absolutely beautiful. Our rooms were customized to how we liked them, Storms room was pink and purple with butterflies on the walls.

I transported all our stuff to our rooms then we transported to our new school with Storm asleep in her room, which I charmed so no one could go into except me and my sister, luckily the school was filled with magical creatures and shifters.

We walked in and went straight to the office, meanwhile we got lots of stares. We walked into the office and saw a nice-looking lady.

"Hello how may I help you," she said. "Hi I and my sister would like to go to school here, we would start tomorrow and we would like to get our locker numbers and schedules today," I said nicely.

"Sure, let me get you to sign these few papers. Then I will be able to enter your information into the school's computer system." We did as she said and she had our stuff ready in no time "Ok here you go".

"I gave you each the same classes and lockers beside each other since you're new," she said sweetly. Awesome! "Thank you," my sister said. We walked out then teleported home.

Once we got there we each went to our rooms. "Night" we each said. I went to my room and plopped down on my bed after checking on Storm and was instantly out.




I groaned and sat up. "Holy crap we've got school today!" I got up and rushed through a shower. I then put on my outfit which consisted of a black belly shirt with love written in white and black skinny jeans with black boots.

I made a charm on Storms room to make sure she stays safe, then conjured up an elf nanny. I then ran downstairs to see my sister eating breakfast.

I sat down and ate a bowl of cereal. Once we were done I transported us to the school. "Let's go," I said walking in with my sister. We walked straight to our lockers.

I smelt something I never wanted to smell again. I and my sister looked at each other wide-eyed and said one word. "Vampires". We both immediately began searching through the sea of students, trying to find the source of the smell.

"Oh wow that guy was hot," I said to my sister as I watched him walk by. "Yeah too bad he's a vampire." Oh, come on! Why do almost all the cute guys have to be vamps?