
Reincarnations of two werewolves.

Two werewolves were killed in their past life and their love remained somehow incomplete. They were recreated by the God to finish what they started in their past life. Hannah, a 17 year old girl who was abandoned by her parents, was brought up by two strangers. They do love her but she’s barely allowed to go out and that makes her wonder a lot of stuff. The reason for that is still unknown to her. Little does she and her best friend know that the reason behind their parents’ protectiveness is, they’re both werewolves. They wanted to tell her about the truth before the day she turns eighteen because as she turns eighteen, she’ll eventually get to know the truth about her, but the fate has some other plans. Marco, a 17 year old, extremely rich boy who is in the same school as Hannah. He, too, is not at all aware of the biggest truth his life had been hiding. They are two completely opposite personalities but the only thing that remains the same between them is their nightmare. The same nightmare they had been having for the past 15 years, ever since they turned 3. What will happen when they will find out about them being werewolves? But the real question is, how will they find out about this mystery? How will they finish their unfinished business? Will they survive the upcoming lethal complications of their lives?

HermainAnsari · 若者
10 Chs

A wave of jealousy.


It was the longest 40 minutes of my life. Mr Harper kept teaching and sparing glances at all 4 of us -who payed zero attention in his class. He gave us warning looks multiple times, because duh, he has eyes and he could see us interacting through glances and disturbing him -not quite verbally- but still. He even asked us questions related to the topic being discussed, as to no one's surprise, we couldn't answer a single one of his questions, to which he frowned and looked disappointed. I didn't give a fuck about that thou. Apparently, none of us did.

It felt utterly different. Like we knew each other. Me and Hannah. My chest was heavy. I guess, my breath wasn't normal too. But I kept my strong-guy-aura. My jaw clenched and face nearly expressionless. I had sat like that for the whole time. I could feel sorrow because my father had DIED last night! Relief because Hannah was looking at me as if she could see all the shattered broken pieces inside me. She could reach to the layers beneath me even I couldn't make my way to. Her green eyes piercing through me, making me go crazy yet, I restrain the urge to hug her and tell her how broken I felt at the moment…..And panic, because the girl who I had been going crazy for so long, was finally looking at me -not like those 2 seconds mistaken glares in the hallways- but a proper eye contact, and I had no freakin' idea if I looked good or okay. I'm sure I had eye-bags after crying for hours besides a long sleepless night. What if I looked like a hapless little animal?

When Mr. Harper ultimately called it a day, Hannah stood up with an energy of a megawatt. When I glanced at her, our eyes met.

For the hundredth time in the last extensive 40 minutes.

Her face was in a scowl with eyes narrowed at me and lips thin like a hair-strand. I couldn't hold the small grin and it made its way up to my lips, as a result, her scowl deepened. She looked adorable. Short, beautiful and adorable.

I took a deep breath and nodded at her without breaking the precious eye contact. She hadn't asked any question or seemed like she would, but I still wanted to reassure her that we were having a conversation. A conversation she wanted to delve into desperately. I hadn't seen her this desperate ever.

Like Ever…

Was she worried about me? Or just curious? Curious about me? Or curious about what happened? So she could help her parents solve the case.

All 4 of us went to the cafeteria to "talk" but it was rammed-full. We went to the driveway and could see multiple students making out and yeah, we weren't having a conversation there, either!

"We need to go somewhere private." Aiden said the same sentence for probably the 7th time which felt like a thousandth. His back touching the door of my car as he leaned against it. We had been standing there for a total of 80 seconds and no one except Aiden had said anything. "I'm still not following." Sierra muttered. "What is this all about? I mean it feels like we are planning to rob a bank or something" She half-whispered. "I think, you two are making a fuss out of it" Hannah's sweet voice filled into my ears and I stiffened. I absorbed the sweet voice into the depth of my chest. "We can talk about 'that problem' ANYWHERE!" Hannah raised her voice at the very last word. "This isn't as simple as you guys are thinking it is…" This was all I could say before Chandler and his sister came. Of course, they had to snatch the only moment I had gotten to spend with Hannah. Thanks to my faith.

Their car was parked beside mine. The shinny black BMW looked amazing in the sunlight, however my McLaren had a unique charm as the black of it was shinier and prettier. Even the interior was way better than the BMW standing right behind it.

None of that mattered when I saw Hannah's eyes flickering to Chandler who was now standing at my left. He was a couple of inches shorter than me. He was Swedish and had a tanned skin. He was a good soccer player so, he did get attention. I never figured out why. Not more than an influencer thou..

He was a dick! A player! And everyone including Hannah knew that. He was seen making out with multiple girls every now and then. I never understood what exactly HANNAH liked about him….He didn't deserve her. Only I did. Or didn't I?

I shoved my thoughts back into the raged brain of mine and looked back at Hannah whose gaze was fixed at him and a blush combined with a smile appeared on her face. I have to admit I got jealous. I got furious. It was the first time we were standing in a 5 mile radius, sadly, her eyes weren't fixed on mine. Chandler cleared his throat. "Is there a party going on? Are we missing on something?" He gestured his tanned hand back and forth from him to his sister. When his infuriating voice reached my ears, I clenched my jaw. I folded my hands over my chest and averted my eyes from Hannah to look at him, however they stopped somewhere in between. On Sierra. Who had been staring at me with a mischievous grin on her face and her eyes screamed something I wasn't aware of. I inhaled and dropped my eyes on Chandler who was looking at Hannah. I knew it! He had been ogling her. I never saw him looking at her like that. He got admission in Raccoon High For Scholars a few years back when his family left Sweden and shifted in Seattle -due to some family issues. That's what he told everyone. I doubted there was more to that story. I had always doubted this guy. Not because Hannah LIKED him, because he radiated a different kind of energy that shouted 'Danger'

"Nope! We were just having a PRIVATE conversation." The words came out a bit meaner than I had expected. Especially the word "private." I don't know where my sass came from. I was known for being a cool and easy-to-be-around kinda guy. What had possessed me? "Oh, so does private include 4 people?" Chandler's sister asked. Her eyes fixed on Sierra. Why was she looking at Sierra like that? God, both of these siblings were not at all bearable. "I think we should leave!" Aiden said. What was happening? Aiden ignoring Chandler's sister? His crush? I'm definitely dreaming. Something isn't right. "No need to catch a rage young man! We will leave y'all alone" Chandler's smirk could be heard in his tone. His eyes still on Hannah who was facing me.

She was no longer blushing or smiling like a 13 y/o in her first love. Her brows were linked. Confusion spread all over her face. She didn't utter a word, still she said a lot. Her eyes said what she didn't have to put into words.

WHAT EXACTLY IS YOUR FRIEND's PROBLEM? HE DID NOT HAVE TO BEHAVE LIKE THAT! I could hear her eyes telling me. I didn't bother saying anything. Chandler and his not-so-sweet sister left. We saw them getting into their car and disappearing.