
Reincarnation Of The Strongest Failure

A righteous life lived in oppression by a teenage boy named Joseph Rivera... ends in failure through betrayal. His righteousness dies with him but he is reborn in another world as an anomaly that called himself Vanta Black. Forsaking his fruitless righteousness, Vanta becomes the reincarnation of History's most shunned and hated warrior only to be looked down upon in this new world as well. But he couldn't care less, as he is only there now... to have fun to his heart's content.

bladedark · ファンタジー
6 Chs


Outside the Coliseum the eyes of people who showed resentment toward the nameless nobody remained unchanged. Their sights filled with disapproval, had always left a bitter taste in Vanta's mouth, even in his previous life. This time however, it led him to a moment of clarity,

"I realize now... that even if I travel to another world, nothing changes. As long as I am the same person, it will always be the same, I will remain miserable." his eyes sharpened and his face formed a resolute gesture, "So now I will bend myself to change.. I can already see the results."

A slight smile formed on Vanta's face when he noticed something new as he dragged his eyes through the crowd's repulsive gazes and found; A possibility, a hint, just a tiny trace, hidden deep inside those disgusted and resentful eyes... was Fear.

"Now... where do I find those two bullies?" Vanta sat near a water fountain and wondered where he could find his prey. The people started to avoid the fountain because of him and soon he was left there alone, sitting in his comfort with just a few people roaming around at a distance. It wasn't long since then when his targets came on their own, serving their asses to be kicked on a silver platter.

A fat boy seemingly of noble background spat in front of Vanta who was sitting with his head lowered.

"Look who we have here... The nameless nobody who got his butt kicked by us yesterday."

"Thought you would've killed yourself by now... After what we did to you, you have some guts showing your ugly mug in public." Another tall boy taunted him with a smirk.

Vanta's heart twisted with joy when he heard those condescending voices whose laughter and mockery were etched into his memory.

'It's them!' he said ecstatically to himself and reminisced through the memories of his mind, 'This tall brat, Julian Infernia, and this fat swine would be Timothy Frost... Those bastards are responsible for Vanta's death... Time for vengeance to be served.'

He lifted his head, showing off a content and confident smile that confused the two noble hooligans. "Did he go crazy or something?" The fat swine, Timothy scratched his head in confusion.

"I think the beating was too much for him... I even saw him at the Coliseum today wandering around like a goof." The tall brat, Julian mocked Vanta, questioning his sanity.

In response to that, Vanta stood upright, towering over Timothy, and almost eye-to-eye with Julian. "So you don't know what happened at the Coliseum, Do you?" he asked them in an almost intimidating tone.

This confident tone was news to the two bullies. Julian responded with a mask of nonchalant attitude, hiding his own shame for not being chosen, "No, what's there to see in that stupid trial anyway... Besides, I knew it wouldn't be worth it if they let trash like you in there."

Vanta kept smiling and wanted to mess with them a little more. Like a predator playing with his food before tearing it apart.

"Oh don't be so rude now just because you weren't chosen by the heroes... Actually, you know what? This kind of behavior suits pathetic scum like you perfectly!" he said mockingly.

Timothy popped a vessel and whipped out his magic wand, "Why you little! I'll show you!" he raised his wand up high and conjured up a magic ball of ice at its tip.


The boy yelled the name of his spell as he shot the blue ball of ice toward Vanta, who was amazed by this spectacle as it was his first time seeing real magic spells. The ball landed on his shoulder and slowly began freezing his black trench coat, turning it stiff and white.

'So this is magic... The old Vanta might have been a slow horse in the race of magic but he sure knew a great deal about magic.' He realized that he had extensive knowledge about magic because of this body's memories.

"Thanks for cooling me off... It was getting a little hot in here." Vanta taunted the two bullies as he wiped off the white frost from his coat. "But really, is that the best you can do? An F-Class spell?"

The bullies were confused as to how on earth is it possible that the nameless brat who always got beat up by the weakest of spells was mocking them. "How could this be? It's the same spell that had him down to his knees and begging for mercy... Why does he seem so different now?" They tried to make sense of the situation but failed as they could not fathom that the tables had turned.

A small crowd of less-privileged people gathered around to see the spectacle, even they despised Vanta because of his weakness and no noble background.

Julian became angry at his mockery and felt his pride hurt. "A nameless lowlife taunting the likes of nobles like us is unacceptable!! We'll make you pay for your transgression till you beg for mercy at my feet!" He began shooting a number of spells at Vanta, waving his wand in a blind rage.

"Infernal Spark!"

"Fireball Blitz!"

"Scorching Heatwave!"

Several F, E, and C-class spells landed on the black-haired badass whose figure got lost in the raging infernal. Being presumptuous as they were foolish, the witless pair began laughing hysterically and showed off their real faces, wrinkled and twisted with ego, veins popping with pride, and a shadow of foolishness delaminated their faces.

"Hahahah! I told you! Noname brats like you have no place in this world... You're weak and will always be crushed by strong and powerful people like us!" Julian let out his steam while panting from exhaustion.

"Good work, Julian... You showed him." Timothy tapped him on the back to show his appreciation.

It was then that a surprise hit the two... one which they couldn't believe at all. A black figure emerged from the flames with his coat waving behind like an ember of darkness. The flames were falling into that figure who was none other than Vanta himself, treading like an emperor of flames.

Confusion, dread, fear, sorrow, and anger... All those emotions were mixed up inside the minds of the two bullies. Their legs became jelly. They wanted to speak but words wouldn't form. It was the effect of fear caused by the hatred from Vanta's unholy smile and glowing eyes as he walked like a shadow, tearing through the burning fire with his arms wide open.

Timothy screamed out in fear and attempted to flee the situation while Julian was too afraid to move a muscle. "HOW CAN THIS BE?! WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS NOBODY!??" he yelled in confusion.

With a flick of his arm, Vanta controlled the flames surrounding him and sent them toward the two bullies, trapping them with their own spell.

'So this is the power of Thornash...' he wondered about his new ability as he walked forward, adding more fear to his targets' hearts with each step he took.

"You said I've lost it. You couldn't be more wrong you know... I've just woken up." He formed a bright yellow inferno in his right hand that almost spun like a tornado.

When Julian noticed that the flames in Vanta's hand were the of same kind he shot at him earlier, his jaw dropped in disbelief, "IMPOSSIBLE!" he screamed out loud.

"How can this be?! This infernal is exclusive to the members of the noble Infernia lineage... How is a nobody like you wielding them like nothing?!" Julian's mind was crushed and he began drooling like a rabid dog.

Vanta was enjoying their fear to his heart's content, "You think that's interesting eh? Well how about this?" He extended his left hand and in it appeared a mini-blizzard and distinct blade-like icicles. "Recognize this?" Vanta smirked crookedly and raised an eyebrow towards Timothy.

"NO WAY!!! HE'S A MONSTER... HE'S NOT HUMAN!!! He's using not one, but two attributes of Magic?!?"

Vanta had successfully grounded the arrogance of the two bullies into dust... Now it was time to throw it into the wind. "The Inferno of Infernia clan, and the Freezing Blizzard of the Frost Clan... The exclusive attributes of the two noble clans at the disposal of a nobody like me... Doesn't that make you want to just kill me?... eh? Julian? Timothy?"

Both remained silent and Vanta continued ragefully, "Well it's the same kind of feeling I had every time I saw stuck-up losers like you... You're not worthy of this power... NOW BOW AT MY FEET."

All nobility, arrogance, pride, and might crumbled in the two as they beheld the epitome of hatred standing in front of them with his each hand holding a spell strong enough to be their execution. Quivering and shivering like a wet sparrow, both crawled on their knees and approached Vanta at his feet.

"Now beg forgiveness, you scum!" Vanta demanded powerfully.

Swallowing bitterly, both hoped that nobody was watching as they apologized. "We're sorry... Please forgive us -"

"Vanta... My name... is Vanta Black." Vanta smirked and proudly told them his name.

"Please forgive us, Vanta Black." Both said in unison, their tones embarrassed and empty.

Vanta had successfully demolished their pride and shredded every bit of self-respect in the two. After all they were responsible for the death of his only friend whom he shared his name with. With the hatred in his eyes, the smirk on his face, and the terrorizing memories of their laughter echoing in his mind as they tortured the old Vanta, he was in no mood for amnesty.

"You both seem more embarrassed than sorry... Maybe I should just kill you off instead and end your misery here and now." He raised his hands carrying the borrowed spells in each hand to give them a taste of their own medicine but only a fatal dose of it.